Indulgence Insider is our version of Stacking the Shelves, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged and the Sunday Post, bringing you this week’s haul, bookish news and discussion posts from around the blogosphere!
It’s been another pretty busy week at work where I’ve been working late most nights and getting home around 7pm. It’s so tiring and I hope it eases up soon! We started house hunting today which was pretty exciting, it’d be good to finally own our own place.
Oh yes, Oz Comic Con was a massive tiring day! What can I say, Mark Shepphard and Jim Beaver were absolutely hilarious. The photo with them was super quick, but at least I have evidence! They had a really great bromance and were really sharp and hilarious (especially Mark). They kept on jibing each other too.
For the rest of Oz Comic Con we just walked around shopping and taking photos with cosplay people. I picked up more pops as well! I took some photos here on tumblr. Here’s what I picked up:
For my latest booktube video, I dance and lipsync my way through songs that I match with 10 books. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN, the embarrassment was totally worth it!
Book Haul
Review copies
Everybody Rise by Stephanie Clifford
Sunkissed by Jenny McLachlan – Not sure about this one because I haven’t read the 2nd book yet, and the first book felt too young for me.
The Sun In Her Eyes by Paige Toon
Thank you Pan Macmillan Australia, Hachette, Bloomsbury and Simon and Schuster for these review copies!
Pines by Blake Crouch – Everyone is raving about Pines and it was only $2 on Kindle on Amazon! You can buy it here.
Reading Update
- Ink and Bone IS SO FREAKING EPICALLY FANTASTIC. It’s like a high fantasy The Book Thief! This stuff is GOLD. And I would expect nothing less from my favourite author of all time.
- Armada was disappointing, especially considering how Ready Player One is one of my favourite books of all time. My first video review will be going up soon!
Book Photography
Some of my #bookstagram shots from the past week:
Geek & Gamer News
- The Fallout 4 Merchandise Bundle (which is also the Lootcrate I’m guessing) is on sale at Eb Games for Aussies! Featuring the vault 111 hoodie that you’ve always wanted.
Discussion Posts
Some of my favourite discussion posts:
- Cait @ Paper Fury reviews a recipe like a book! AND ITS AMAZING.
You May Have Missed…
- I loved recounting Alexander the Great’s teen years in the Legacy of Kings
- I reviewed UPROOTED, an epic fairytale fantasy featuring Dragon (aka. another Mr Darcy)
How was your bookish week?
Latest posts by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence (see all)
- The Great Library of Tomorrow Review: A Highly Imaginative Book Set in a Library - January 26, 2025
- The Spellshop Review: Cozy Fantasy About Good Deeds - October 13, 2024
- 5 Things I Liked About The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - June 20, 2024
Crowley & Bobby! I'm so jealous! I'm on season 6 of my first time watching Supernatural. Love this show.
Love your Funkos too!
My recent post The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman | Review
Oh my goodness this playlist tag is SO. CUTE. I seriously want to do it after seeing yours and Faye's, but I don't know if I have the guts 😉
I LOVE the Oz Comic Con pictures- your dress is so fun! Glad you had the opportunity to go, it sounds so fun. And I am so glad you loved Ink & Bone! I am excited for that one. Sorry about Armada though 🙁
My recent post October 2015 New Release Giveaway Hop Sign Ups!
Hehhe oh man, it was so much fun you wouldn't even be worrying about the embarrassment XD Thank you so much Shannon! It was definitely lots of fun!
You are the cutest thing ever! That video is fantastic. End of Days and Halo? Perfect haha.
Ink and Bone was so so good, right?! I feel like it's way underrated at this point!
Heheh thanks so much Danielle, I'm glad you enjoyed! I LOVED INK AND BONE!
OMG!!! Went to Comic con as well!!!!
How amazing was it?! It was an AMAZING experience and everyone was so nice. I gotta say, merchandise is pricey. I was walking around so skeptical about this things I wanted to buy, telling myself to reign in the desire to just buy everything!
Ahhh YES I just loved Comic Con! It was definitely pricey, I was skeptical as well thinking if I could buy it on ebay for cheaper. But that's why I picked up the art, which was so pretty <3
Ahh Ink and Bone. I've seen nothing but praise for that book and yet I am still not drawn to it. I really don't know why!! I'd like to read Armada at some point but I haven't read Ready Player One yet. I'm picking up that one from the library though on Thursday so hopefully I can get to both fairly soon.
My recent post Dismaland, my first foray into free verse & a rather large library haul| Weekly Wrap-Up
You have to be in the mood for a high fantasy I think with Ink and Bone! Ready Player One I hope you read first because it's my favourite XD
Ink and Bone looks fantastic! I guess I must have fallen out of the YA fantasy sphere for a while. I haven't heard of it. Just been reading too much nonfiction lately. Rock on!
My recent post September 2015 Update
Oooh interesting how you're picking up nonfiction, hope you've found some great reads!
My recent post BookTube Video: September Recap & October TBR
Looks like you had an amazing time and I hope you enjoy your new books 🙂
My recent post Bought, Borrowed & Bagged (78)
Thank you Lauren, so many amazing books to read!
Ah Jeann, the video was so fun! You sound as though you've been really busy, and that's a good thing, you're planning for the future, you should be so pleased! 😀 Keep up the good stuff, good luck for this next week 🙂
My recent post How I Create My Blog's Graphics | Part Two: Canva
Heheh so glad to hear you enjoyed it Amanda! I had fun making it too. Yeah, the house hunting process is exciting but can be slightly frustrating as well! Everything seems to get snapped up so quickly. Thank you!
You have no idea how glad I am to know that you loved INK AND BONE. Wasn't it just fantastic? I think I had a massive book hangover after finishing that baby. The. Best.
And I FINALLY UPLOADED MY PLAYLIST BOOK TAG, FRIEND. Thanks for tagging me, because you're right, it really was fun!!!
My recent post PLAYLIST BOOK TAG! (aka Awkwardly Dancing with Books)
It was really fantastic Faye, I just finished it today and Wow! I could imagine why you'd be in a slump afterwards. I read your review and I'm excited that it had some brandon sanderson feels about it!
Ahahah, that video is wonderful! I'd never heard of the tag before, but now I'm just like- I wish I still vlogged. I could totally be doing that right now. Aah. Days gone by!
I've seen ONLY good things about Ink and Bone, but… I'm a little sad, because I just cannot. get. into. it. My mind is either turning stale or it isn't for me. I should bring myself to giving it a better try- maybe my mark should be 100 pages and if there's still nothing then I can give up. Review books and I aren't going so well at the moment. I really need to step up my game!
Pops! Your new ones are so. cute. I only started collecting these in July and I love them so much. It's basically books and Funko Pops on my christmas wishlist. What else do you need, really? I recently got Hagrid. He's awesome. Nothing more needs to be said on that score. I love Albus, too! So neat!
My recent post Cress by Marissa Meyer.
Hehhe it was so much fun, thanks for watching Romi! Oh man, Ink and Bone was so good! I do agree you have to be in the mood for it though. Ah, it sounds like you're in a bit of a slump, maybe just read what you want for the moment. Hehe I love the Harry Potter pops and I've got a bit of a batman collection. Hagrid is a good investment, he's so big!
OMG, YOU GOT SAILOR MOON?!?!?! They're so adorable chibi sized! *squeals*
(I've got to remember to see your video later. and Faye's. It's on my daily bucket list!)
My recent post ARC Review: Becoming Darkness by Lindsay Francis Brambles (A Kill-Happy Book)
Heheh hope you enjoy the video Sophia! Yesss I love the print, I want to laminate it and hang it up 🙂
Awesome video Jeann! You matched the songs to the books perfectly.
I can't wait to read ink and bone. It sounds so good.
Happy house hunting.
My recent post Blog Tour: The Tribe Trilogy By Ambelin Kwaymullina + Giveaway! #aww2015 #LoveOzYa
Heheh thanks Rochelle, I had so much fun! Ink and Bone was really terrific.
OMG, I had no idea that Rainbow Rowell was publishing Simon & Baz story! I finished Fangirl recently (and really enjoyed it) so I am definitely adding Carry On to my TBR 🙂
Heheh yesss I loved those segments! I hope people enjoy their stories a bit more now that it isn't smack bang in the middle of another story. OMG you got married Lucia, congratulations!
Happy house hunting!! Such an exciting thing. Carry On!!!! Can't wait to hear your thoughts! So disappointing about Armada. I just finished Ready Player One and LOVED it. Have a great week!
My recent post Weekly Rewind ~ 9.27.15
Thanks Grace, I know, I just put my review for Armada up and it made me sad. So glad you enjoyed RPO though! one of my favourites for sure.
I like the variety you have this week. The bit about Uprooted and Mr Darcy caught my attention. Must read it 😉
Thank you, please read Uprooted! It was so good!
The video is gold! Haha! Love it! And omgggg, all those nerdy merch! *graby hands* I want those Funko Pop thingies! 😀
My recent post Purple Is The New Black + Giveaway!
Heheh thanks for watching Blessie I'm glad you enjoyed it! Merch is the funnest thing to buy at cons.
I can't even begin to express my jealously of meeting Crowley and Bobby!! (I know that's not their names… But come on, it's Supernatural) Funny enough Cait from Paper Fury and her numerous Supernatural gifs was the reason I started watching it in the first place. I'M HOOKED! Video was great! I haven't acquired the nerve to vlog yet, still new to regular blogging lol.
My boyfriend is DYING for Fallout 4, he is trying to convince me that I would like it too.. We shall see. What other games do you like? Have you played Battlefield at all?
My recent post Waiting on Wednesday (2): Six of Crows
I know right, I wish I could say more about it but it just went by so fast! I'm so glad you love Supernatural, Season 1-5 is my favourite of all time. Glad you enjoyed the video, I think the confidence grows the more vlogs I do heheh. YESSS you will love Fallout 4! I have played Battlefield, I never got into BF4 though. I'm a big Left 4 Dead and Starcraft player as well.
I'm. I'm hyperventillating. OMG. You have Carry On. YOU. HAVE. CARRY. ON. *rocks back and forth*
My recent post Photo Vomit [24]: Skittles
Proof of how big of a Loser I am:
For several years, Supernatural Con was held in my hometown of Nashville and I NEVER WENT!
Sigh! Lucky girl! I miss Bobby!
My recent post #Steampunk Sundays: Shadows of Asphodel by @KarenKincy @CuriosityQuills #dieselpunk
WHAT YOU NEVER WENT?! The supernatural con does come here but it's super expensive and exclusive, and it's in another city. Me too Braine!
I'm so jealous you got Carry On! :O And I giggled a bit with that video, ahah. 😛
My recent post {Mirror Mirror} Get Ready for Halloween-Month!
Heheh glad you enjoyed it Bieke! ^_^
awww, Thank you for sharing my post. *flails around like a pineapple* I HAd SO MUCH FUN WRITING IT. And omg! Omg! CROWLEY AND BOBBY!!! *flails for 9 million years* THAT IS SO AWESOME THAT YOU MET THEM AND WOW. JUST. WOW. XD
Ahhh, Simon and Baz. Squee!!
And Ink and Bone was just INCREDIBLE. I was a teeny bit confused, but, bah, my brain is a melon, I just mostly enjoyed how fantastical and unique it was. More books like that! Yes please and thankyou.
Heheh no problems Cait, food is my life! It was really awesome Cait! Oh man, Ink and Bone was SO GREAT! I can't believe how good it was
AHAHAA OH MY GOSH that playlist tag is fabulous <3 Fancy was, of course, my favourite. And your choices are just spot on.
I'm really enjoying Ink and Bone, too! Can't wait to see your review 😉
My recent post YA Books about the Senior Year of High School
Heheh thanks for watching Emily! I had lots of fun doing it. Just typed up my review for Ink and Bone 😀 LOVED IT!
That video was so much fun Jeann! You had me dancing with some of the songs too!! I cannot wait to see Faye do this!!
YAY for Oz Comic Con! I've never done a con and I so hope I can do one at some point! At least I'm doing the SW Celebration in London next year! =D
And best of luck on the house hunt! Having a place of your own is the best feeling! Make sure you get a place with a lot of space for bookshelves! 😉
My recent post Saturday Songs & Pages: #TLCReadAlong: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer!!
Hehe thanks Pili, Faye's video was hilarious as well! Oz comic con was lots of fun, but I reckon going to every one of them gets samey after a while. Thank you, I definitely need to keep the epic bookshelf library in mind!