Indulgence Insider is our version of Stacking the Shelves, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged and the Sunday Post, bringing you this week’s haul, bookish news and discussion posts from around the blogosphere!
November flew by super quickly! I had such an awesome month, with two bookish events as well as meeting Sarah J Maas at Supanova! Yesterday I donated quite a few books to the library and also some cans of food to free up my library fines lol. It’s always freeing to do so, I just had to be honest with myself that some books I’m never going to read!
We’re still having no luck with the house hunting, we’ve seen about 30 houses over the past 2 months and it’s just a really competitive market at the moment. Hopefully we’ll find something soon in the new year. Just under 1.5 weeks until I go on Christmas break, we’ll be visiting Whitsundays for a few nights for some beach relaxation!
Meeting Sarah J Maas
I managed to get all 6 of my books signed after waiting in line for an hour each time, it was so exciting to see so many people lining up for her.
She remembered me from Twitter that morning and said we had chatted a few times before too! She’s so completely gorgeous and talented, I’m so lucky to have met one of my favourite authors ever! I was so starstruck I had to be slowly pushed away lol.
Also attended this panel with some fantasy authors and got some fascinating insight into Sarah’s writing process. She says sometimes she has to let the guys shine once in a while because Celaena is so kickass. Her strong heroine inspiration is Willow from Buffy, because she didn’t immediately start out strong. She got the idea for Throne of Glass when she was 16 and gets her best friend who is a martial artist to go through her fight scenes – which is why they’re so realistic! She also says “Never piss off a writer because we’ll kill you off in our novel,” because she names throwaway characters after them hahaha!
I also met Isobelle Carmody and got my Red Queen signed, which is the 7th book that took her over 20 years to conclude! It’s part of the Obernewtyn Chornicles which is a post-apocalyptic Australian YA series, the first book which was published in 1987!
Had an amazing time at PTALive held by Penguin Random House, finding out about new books to add to the TBR, meeting new readers and book lovers and catching up with Bec and Sarah. Unfortunately there wasn’t a goodie bag this year, there were signed copies of Magnus Chase and ARCs of Yellow and Frankie for giveaways, but I wasn’t lucky enough to get any of them lol. Check out my PTALive Event Recap and 2016 books you should add to your TBR here!
Here’s some photos below:
With tumblr bloggers Elizabeth, Arna and Sarah
The most hilarious moment of the whole night was when Felicity (from Penguin Teen) described the Lunar Chronicles as “four girls dragging their whipped boyfriends across the universe to overthrow the government”. LOL I’ve never heard it described in that way before, so accurate!
Book Haul
Some of my signed books with my book haul in the past 2 weeks.
Review Copies
Cam Girl by Leah Reader – After reading and loving Black Iris, I requested this one. I’ve heard great things!
Eleanor by Jason Gurley – The ARC cover for this title is gorgeous, it sounds like one of those lovely time travel magical realism books.
Clancy of the Undertow by Christopher Currie
Trust Me, I’m Trouble by Mary Elizabeth Summer – I haven’t read the first book yet, but was sent this one. I will probably track down the first book at the library.
The Red Queen by Isobelle Carmody – Haven’t read the rest of the series yet, so when I got the 7th book I was like…what am I going to do? Luckily I do own Obernewtyn (the first book in the series), so I’ll have to read it at some point.
Chimera by Mira Grant – My current read at the moment, the conclusion to the awesome tapeworm zombie series 😀
Thanks to Hachette, Penguin Random House, Text Publishing, HarperCollins and Simon and Schuster for sending me these review copies.
Batman Arkham Universe: The Ultimate Visual Guide – You guys know how much I love Batman, so when I saw this game guide at Supanova, I just had to pick it up. It profiles the characters, weapons, villains and location so it’s pretty cool!
Stolen Songbird and Hidden Huntress by Danielle L. Jensen – I’ve wanted to read this series forever since Bec recommended it to me, and I haven’t read a series with trolls in it. I picked this up at QBD’s Christmas sale, I just can’t resist!
Winter by Marissa Meyer – Picked this one up when Dymocks was having a sale. I’ll be reviewing this soon, I loved the conclusion to the series!
Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes – Also picked this one up at the QBD Sale, I’ve heard it’s like Game of Thrones lite with lots of point of views.
I got the hardback of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer from Kelly in a swap and Snow Like Ashes from Joy as part of #AusYASecretSanta! I’ve been wanting to read this one for a while and was so excited when I opened up the package.
Booktube Video
In my latest booktube video, I wrap up my November book haul, raved about Winter by Marissa Meyer and give you a preview of the Harry Potter Colouring Book.
Subscribe to my Youtube channel to see more videos!
Reading Update
- Currently reading Chimera, which is the last book in the Parasitology series (about tapeworm zombies).
- All My Secrets is a thriller set on an island, and the central love triangle ruined it for me. 2 stars.
- Risk is an Aussie YA on the perils of online dating. It’s actually scarily realistic, but not much of a thriller. 3 stars.
- Last but not least, Winter was a fantastic conclusion to the Lunar Chronicles series! It was EPIC and gave me so many feels. 4.5 stars.
Reviews to come!
Here’s some of my favourite shots on Instagram. Follow me here to see more!
Bookish News
- The 2015 Goodreads Choice Awards are out! The winner of YA Fiction is All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven, and YA Fantasy is Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas! I’m completely stoked about the winners, they truly deserved it. I also voted for Golden Son in the Fantasy/Sci-Fi section and so glad to hear that it won as well!
- I watched Mockingjay Part 2 and I had mixed feelings on it. Here’s my written review on ibrary and my booktube video.
- Illuminae is getting adapted for the big screen by Brad Pitt’s studio! I knew this would be an awesome movie.
- The first 11 chapters of Glittering Court by Richelle Mead are available here.
- The cover for Stars Above, Marissa Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles short stories has been released and it is GORGEOUS! The excerpt can be read here.
You May Have Missed…
- Jenna reviewed A Corner of White which blended fantasy and contemporary perfectly.
- I talked about how I went with my blogging goals this year in the Aussie YA Secret Santa Blog Hop.
- Aila reviewed These Shallow Graves which offered a great mystery set in the 1980’s.
- I urged bloggers to Remember Why They Started and to not stress about blogging, reviews and ARCs.
How was your bookish week?
Latest posts by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence (see all)
- The Great Library of Tomorrow Review: A Highly Imaginative Book Set in a Library - January 26, 2025
- The Spellshop Review: Cozy Fantasy About Good Deeds - October 13, 2024
- 5 Things I Liked About The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - June 20, 2024
[…] met some amazing authors this year – my favourite author, Sarah J Maas who recognised me from Twitter! I also got the opportunity to interview Cassandra Clare and Holly Black one-on-one which was an […]
OMG @ Sarah's flower crown. I swear I'm not jealous.
CAM GIRL THO. I NEED. I SO NEED. I've never read anything by Leah Reader! I am seriously obsessed with the description of the Lunar Chronicles. lollll. Just another reason for it to be on my TBR asap!
Oohhh! Happy reading & good luck house-hunting!
My recent post Waiting On Wednesday: Two Summers
Hehe I know you had an amazing time at Supanova and PTALive already but I love seeing all those photos again. I'm glad you had an awesome time! I also wasn't that thrilled with Risk. I couldn't connect with the characters and Taylor's (Sarah? Taylor? Can't remember the MC's name) voice. It fell a bit flat for me. But Winter gets a glittering 5 stars from me! Those boys are pretty whipped HAHAHA.
It was definitely amazing Josie! Oh man I was fangirling I couldn't talk properly LOL!
You've met so many wonderful authors! I am so glad to know you have been having such a wonderful time in the bookish world 🙂 I also love the looks of this haul, especially as I am seeing Winter included in it as well!
My recent post G.I.Joe: The Rise of the Cobra (Movie Review)
It really was lovely Olivia, I love going to bookish events and meeting bookworms! Winter was brilliant.
Oh Sarah is just the best! I can't believe you had to wait an hour for each book to be signed though! (did I read that right?) That's dedication! 😀
I'm barely reading Fairest right now, but so happy to know that Winter was a great read – it's always scary to see how the series will end. And I didn't know that there is a collection of short stories coming out! That's awesome, and the cover is absolutely gorgeous!
My recent post Review: Without a Summer
She was really amazing to meet Charlene! It was dedication but it was totally worth it hehe. Series enders are defintiely scary and bittersweet, but you don't need to worry about this one! Thanks for visiting!
Ohhh, you MUST grab a copy of Trust Me, I'm trouble at once Jeann! It's awesome and really lovely in a sinister kind of way. I've read both now and loving the series! Sarah J Maas, how gorgeous is she! it's probably a good thing I couldn't attend, or I probably would have grabbed her and shamelessly started sniffing her hair and possibly kissing her hands. that's the kind of presence she has. I was so lucky that she actually found me on Twitter and signed a book for me at Dymocks, I was so overwhelmed by how even being so busy with her events, that she still makes time for fans. An epic author that really IS THE author of the YA generation isn't she. You look positively starstruck. You wanted to sniff her hair too didn't you 😀
My recent post Fire Falling by Elise Kova
Glad to hear you enjoyed it Kelly! I haven't heard much about it and heist stories aren't my favourite so we'll see. It's so lovely that you got a signed book from Dymocks, you deserve it Kelly! She was definitely lovely and took the time to talk to us. Haha shhh
None of the books I voted for in the Goodreads Choice Awards won. I am HEARTBROKEN. *curls up in a ball and cries*
Also I am SO SORRY that you've been searching for so long and still haven't found the house. I hope the holiday season will make the market a tad less competitive.
Also this description “four girls dragging their whipped boyfriends across the universe to overthrow the government”.of TLC is super accurate. It works perfectly!
I am glad you had such a great month, hon <3
Oh man, that is definitely heart breaking! Ugggh I'm thinking so too, just looking forward to taking a break now. Need to learn not to rush into these things, it's about quality not quantity I guess. Thank you lovely <3
Wowowow Jeann, seemed like you had LOADS of fun!! And YAAS TO GETTING ALL SIX BOOKS SIGNED – even if you had to go through the line twice haha.
I really hope you enjoy Stolen Songbird and Hidden Huntress! I really liked that series too and the last book comes out soon. Sooo you have convinced me to add the Parasitology series to my TBR. It sounds too interesting!
Heheh yeah it was worth it for me because what else am I going to be doing 😛 I'm looking forward to that series, I know I'll enjoy it Aila! Yesss I'm so excited that you're adding it to your TBR! I don't think it's Jenna's style because of the horror aspects to it lol'!
SARAAAAAHHH!!! I think meeting her and getting a hug has been the highlight of November for me. *flails*
Damnit, I can't believe the package told you it was from me *grumble grumble* Takes the fun out of it haha 😛
So many wonderful books and events this month, so glad to hear that you had a great time Jeann! Looking forward to reading your reviews 😀
I completely agree too Joy! She was so lovely wasn't she? Hahaha I know what you mean Joy but let's face it I already knew it was you from your awesome clues 😀
Wow, Jeann, talk about an epic week! I mean, to meet SJM (which incidentally are my initials and so it creeps me out a little to refer to her as such, but I will) is fabulous enough, but that she knew you!?!? That is SO exciting! I really want to read the Obernewtyn Chronicles, I had no idea that she's been writing them for almost 30 years! I also really want to read like, ALL of the Mira Grant series.
I am so glad you enjoyed Winter too, it makes me even more excited to read it! And I LOVE the bit about the girls dragging their whipped boyfriends! Too funny (AND too true bwhahah).
Sorry that the house hunt has been so hard- but the right one will happen for sure! Better to be choosy anyway 😀 And I am glad that you'll be having a break soon, enjoy it!!
My recent post This Week At Midnight (90)
Lol this was over the past 2 weeks! I was totally starstruck I was standing there pretty dumbfounded lol! I know, it's awesome to see an Aussie author be successful for such a long running series. I LOVE MIRA GRANT but you knew that already. Hahaha yesss Winter was pretty much like that! Oh man, we nearly put an offer into a house that wasn't right for us simply because we're pretty over it. But my gut feel won out in the end. Thanks Shannon!
Isobelle Carmody! Lucky duck!
My recent post [595]: Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick
Thanks Joy! now I just need to read her books!
Aw, that's awesome that you got to meet Sarah! She seems SO cool, and she's one of the authors I hope I get to meet someday (and as soon as I finish her books. :p). And yay for bookish events, they are always so much FUN. I'm hoping to read Winter sometime soon, but I also think I wanna reread the series first, so idk what I'm actually gonna do there. Haha. I'm glad to see so many people have loved it. And oh, I can't wait to hear what you think of Cam Girl! I loved Black Iris and have been wanting to read Leah's newest.
She is so cool and definitely treats her fans really well! I hope you do get to meet her too, she's a real darling! I love bookish events and all the fellow booknerds you meet at these events. Oh I think Winter is pretty easy to get into because it's such a long book, it recaps a few things I think.
Looks l like you had a lot of fun! Got some great books as well! Happy Reading!
It was definitely lots of fun Stormi!
Looks like such a fun event! Glad you got all your books signed, that's so awesome!
Also "the Lunar Chronicles as “four girls dragging their whipped boyfriends across the universe to overthrow the government” this is the best thing I've heard in ages! It totally describes the book beautifully. hahah! Love it.
Great haul, Jeann. Hope you enjoy all your books!
My recent post Sunday Post (144) / Stacking the Shelves (124)
It was so much fun Cyn! I am still on a high! Hahah how hilarious was it, I just had to share lol! Thank you Cyn!
I wish I could have Stars Above in my hands right now. I need that epilogue!
Yay for meeting one of your favorite authors. That's always so exciting.. and I usually make a foot of myself haha.
I'm really enjoying Danielle Jensen's series… excited to see what you think!
Me too, I'm expecting a certain wedding to occur 😀 It was the most exciting time ever! Haha yeah I needed to be pushed away lol. Looking forward to reading Stolen Songbird!
I am so jealous that you met Sarah J. Maas! I have not read Throne of Glass (yet), but I loved The Court of Thorn and Roses. I hope you love Cam Girl. Black Iris was so incredibly good. Cam Girl didn't quite live up to it, but I mean, it loses by just a couple of points. I still loved Cam Girl.
Yess I'm glad you loved ACOTAR Cynthia! I loved Black Iris, which why I requested Cam Girl.
Haha! That description for The Lunar Chronicles is the absolute best! I'm gonna use that every time someone asks me the description for it now. 😀
You've got some really exciting reads! I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Snow Like Ashes!
So cool that you got to meet SJM! I know how much you adore her so I bet that was an exciting moment for you.
Happy reading, Jeann!
My recent post The Weekly Recap (170)
Hahah it's hilarious right? It's like yes please lol. I'm keen to read Snow Like Ashes after all of the raves! Thank you Nick, I couldn't quite believe it when I was meeting her lol! Awkward. You too!
The cover for Stars Above is spectacular. And you have Winter! Love that series and can't wait to read it. Looks like a great time for you at the convention and so many lovely new books!
My recent post What’s New On My Bookshelf #138 and The Sunday Post
It's sooo pretty isn't it Laura? Winter was so good. The convention was fun too!
WOW!!!! Looks like you had an amazing week. So many awesome books I know I have on my TBR list. I hope you enjoy your new books. It's awesome you got to meet Sarah J Maas so lucky! I hope you have a great week.
I definitely did, thank you! I'm so lucky to have met her!
Oh wow! How fun to meet Sarah J. Maas and she sounds really nice. I love that description of the Lunar Chronicles and I'm excited to see that they have all the short stories in one book. I'll definitely have to get that one. Have a great week!
Thanks Katherine, she was absolutely lovely! Lol how hilarious was the description.
YAAAAAY for meeting Sarah J Maas!! I sure hope I'll get the chance to do so one day myself! I've heard she's amazing to readers at events!
So happy to hear you loved WInter, I did toooo! What a fantastic conclusion!
And I cannot wait to hear what you think of Chimera!! I still haven't got it (book buying ban till Jan) but I'm so excited for it and the conclusion to the series! Cannot wait to hear what you think!
My recent post Cover Reveal for Warrior Witch by Danielle L Jensen!!!
She is absolutely wonderful, so lovely and appreciative and friendly! Winter was fantastic. I'm about halfway through and it's pretty slow at the moment, but I'm hoping it gets more epic.
House hunting is the worst! Hope you find something soon. I finally read ToG and get what all the hype is about so very cool to meet Sarah J Maas. Love that description of the Lunar Chronicles!!! So true!! Hope you enjoy Cam Girl – I really liked it. Enjoy the rest and have a great week!!
My recent post Weekly Rewind ~ 12.6.15
I know, I was excited at the start but not anymore lol. Fingers crossed! Yesss I'm so glad you enjoyed that book Grace! She's definitely one of my favourites. Have a great week ahead too, Grace!
That description of the Lunar Chronicles is pretty great, haha. And the cover of Stars Above is so great.
Looks like you had a lot of fun this week.
Happy reading!
My recent post Sunday Post #22
Hahah it was genius right? I love the Stars Above cover so much! Thank you!
OMG Sarah!! You are so lucky! Such great events you attended and I'm glad you had fun! And that is a perfect way to describe the Lunar Chronicles series hahaha CAM GIRL is great! I hope you enjoy all of your books!
My recent post Weekly Latte Rewind ~ 12.5.15
Hahah I know right, it nailed it on the head! It was definitely a great bookish month of events and books!
I haven't heard of Sarah Maas so am impressed she has so many people at her signings!!! I've only ever been to one or two with super-long queues.
Even though I don't read YA I've been enviously watching everyone attend recent events via Twitter!
She's a massive YA fantasy writer from the US, so it was great to see so much support for her here! There are heaps of events lately aren't there?
I DO so love the cover for Stars Above! And I just started Winter today! ERMAGERD AFJDSKALD IT'S GOING TO BE SO EXCITING. XDD Yay you got to read Sarah J Maas! Although I'm dying here because you were writing about SJM's fight scenes and then you say " She also says “Never… NEVER WHAT, JEANN?!?!?! DON'T LEAVE US HANGING HERE.
It is so gorgeous right! Yesss I can't wait for you to love Winter, everything ended so beautifully for everyone. She was amazing!! HAHA whoops my thought trail totally disappeared there, just fixed it up for you 😉
AHH THANK YOU. XD hehee, and that was really funny so I'm glad you put it in. 😛 Ah the life of a writer. XDXD
Whipped boyfriends… hahaha!
Lucky you, you get to meet all those amazing writers and bloggers! Thanks for sharing!
My recent post Into the Badlands, A Must-Watch TV Series
Hahaha I know it was hilarious! No problems Braine, had such a great time!
It sounds like Sarah J Maas is absolutely lovely – my sister met her and had a great time (and got my books signed which is a bonus!). Good luck with the house-hunting. 30 in two months, yikes O_O
My recent post My Week At the Beach // Finishing NaNoWriMo // Learning French
She was really lovely Emily! That's awesome that you got your book signs anyway. HAHAH yes we've been smashing the housing market but unfortunately no bites so far!
Eeek!!! So amazing that you met SJM. I would have been completely star struck too!!! <3 Cam Girl was sooooo good! Hope you enjoy all of your new goodies!!
My recent post Clean Slate Read-A-Thon Sign-Ups!
I know, she was seriously the loveliest! Your Cam Girl review inspired me to pick it up Lisa! Thank you!