BLOG PARTY & GIVEAWAY: 4 Years of Happy Indulgence!

July 12, 2016 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Features, Giveaways


4 years ago, when I started a little WordPress blog to rant about 50 shades of gray, who knew that it would still be going strong today?

It’s been another amazing year guys, and I’m honestly so thankful that I have this blog to call my own. At the end of the day, when I open up Happy Indulgence and see all your comments with the little smiling cloud staring back at me, it fills me with peace and happiness.

Through blogging, I’ve gotten to know so much about the book and publishing industry and the love, hard work and dedication that authors, publishers and the whole industry undergo to bring these books to us.

Through blogging, I’ve discovered (and spent money on) so many amazing books and recommendations that I wouldn’t have found anywhere else.

Through blogging, I’ve met so many amazing people. A support network of bloggers, readers, publishers, and general book lovers where our friendship extends beyond our love of books. Over the years, there’s been many who’ve been and gone, but I’m grateful for the time they’ve shared with us.

I wouldn’t have it any other way. I want to blog forever and ever, because of the amazing support and passion that you continue to give us.

Blogging highlights this year:


Photo 16-05-2016, 7 23 59 AM

  • New site design, thanks to Steph!! Remember when Happy Indulgence looked like this?

HI screenshot 1

ABC radio debut 7 feb 2016


Amazing logo design by Kelly @ Diva Booknerd

  • Met lots of Aussie YA authors, bloggers & readers and went to lots of bookish events!
Teencon 2016 at Sydney Writer’s Festival
YAsquad event 2016


We’ve reached 10k followers across all platforms:

2139 blog subscribers, 2800 Twitter followers, 2600 Instagram followers, 1943 Goodreads friends & 712 Facebook likes.

To celebrate our blogoversary, I’ve decided to share the Aussie YA love with our international and Aussie followers! There’s also a whole week of fun and blogoversary posts planned from Aila and Jenna, so make sure you check back.

International Giveaway

Win an Aussie YA book worth up to $20 from The Book Depository!


Entry conditions:

  • Book depository must ship to your country. Happy Indulgence is not liable for any lost mail.
  • No fake entries (subscriptions must be confirmed by email) – we can tell!
  • Giveaway is open internationally, ends 31 July 2016.
  • Winner will be contacted by email and must respond within 48 hours, otherwise a new winner will be drawn.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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100 responses to “BLOG PARTY & GIVEAWAY: 4 Years of Happy Indulgence!

  1. Congratulations, ladies!! HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!

    As for the book… I'd pick "The book thief", by Markus Zusak, or "Zac & Mia", by A. J. Betts.

    A huge hug from Argentina!!!!!!! ALL THE BEST!

  2. jaimelester

    Happy Fourth Birthday! And many more! THank you so much for the giveaway. I am not sure which book I would choose. I am going to have to do some research!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I had no idea that your blog was born out of 50 Shades hate too! That is so fun! It's no wonder we get along so well 😀 You have done such amazing things over the past four years, and I am so, so glad that I got to know you- and Aila and Jenna too! ♥

    OH and which book? Well, I was going to say My Sister Rosa because I really want to read it, BUT it is coming out in the US soon so. So probably Summer Skin, so I would like, know what all this fuss is about 😉 Or maybe The Sky So Heavy? I don't know, I feel like half my wishlist is Aussie YA because of you all 😉
    My recent post Turning Blogging Lemons Into Lemonade

    • Thank you Shannon, I think I linked it in a blogoversary gone past lol. I'm so glad that the blogging journey has been amazing and has lead me to amazing people such as yourself! YESSS I'm excited about all those books you've chosen, AMAZING all of them.

  4. Suz Reads

    Congrats on your milestone!!! Thanks for sharing this great giveaway with us! I would love to win and get Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff!

  5. Debbie

    Congrats on making it 4 years at Happy Indulgence Books!! I'd probably pick Graffiti Moon by cath Crowley or her new book that's coming out!

  6. Nick

    I'm so grateful to 50 Shades for getting you to blog and introducing me to you, Jeann. And then of course the universe for having Jenna and Aila as your co-bloggers. You ladies are amazing and totally are one of my favorite co-blogging teams.
    Happy Blogoversary and I hope we get to see you blog forever and ever and ever!!
    Lots of love to you ladies! <3
    My recent post Waiting on Wednesday (170): Bookstores & Beasts

  7. Alecia K

    A huge congrats on making it to 4 whole years of blogging – WOW!! Thanks so much for the giveaway and if I won I'd maybe get On The Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta because I've read the book a few times and re-read my favourite parts a dozen more but I don't own the book 🙁 and I'd really love to.

  8. Congrats on the four year blogoversary! Sounds like you had an amazing year. That's great you got to meet some so many aussie bloggers, became a monthly guest on radio and met some of your favorite authors. Sure sounds like an eventful year. And here's to many more years of blogging!
    My recent post Review: July by Audrey Carlan

  9. Lor

    I would probably order These Broken Stars! Thank you for the giveaway and congratulations on your 4th anniversary!

  10. Congratulations on 4 years!! That's super impressive – I had no idea Happy Indulgence had been going for so long, and it's such a special milestone too. You're so lucky to have met Sarah J Maas. She seems like such a lovely person! She's coming to the UK this fall but sadly she's not visiting my city 🙁 All your meetups look super fun too! ♥

    Denise | The Bibliolater
    My recent post Series I Haven't Finished

    • Thank you so much Denise! I can hardly believe it myself. She is definitely lovely and genuine and I was totally fangirling while meeting her lol.

  11. JEANN! <3 <3 You know you're one of my favorite people in the blogosphere and I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. Your positivity and kindness are so infectious and I know I can always count on you to brighten up my day. Thank you for being so fantastic! xx

    • You are seriously the best Zoe! I don't know what I would do without your constant support and positivity over the years as well! <3 I really appreciate it always, and you always brighten up mine too!

  12. CONGRATULATIONS!! You have definitely had an amazing 4 years and it looks like this years has been equally as amazing. Your dedication to the blogging community is an inspiration to us all. Sending you three wonderful ladies all the cake and treats I can find. 😀 😀 😀
    My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: Facts About Me

    • Thank you so much Lois! It's definitely been an amazing journey and I've really enjoyed it. *shares treats with Aila & Jenna*

  13. sumlynnnguyen

    Again, happy blogoversary, Jeann!! Though, I haven't been with you since the beginning of HI, it's amazing to see the growth of your blog from the time I met you in the blogosphere. As you said, blogging is really awesome and rewarding, and I can't imagine stopping anytime soon as well. To many more years of happy reading and blogging! <3

    Also, I love that you're still promoting Aussie reads with the giveaway. Thank you for generously hosting one! If I were to choose a title it'd be Summer Skin! 😀
    My recent post Book Haul: June 2016

    • Thank you so much Summer! I've really enjoyed getting to know you and your posts over the course of the year! I am so glad you're enjoying blogging yourself, it definitely pays off and it's rewarding. Hehe yesss of course! I know lots of people would love the chance to win Aussie reads. GREAT PICK!

    • Thanks Lekeisha, definitely a fantastic pick for sure! I read it when I was in high school when it first came out! Good luck with the giveaway.

    • Thank you so much Heather, it's definitely been an amazing journey! Yup you're totally right, it starts off with the Every Move series!

    • Thank you so much Rachel! I'm so glad to see you grow and blossom over the past few years as well! I'm so happy that we're friends and it's been amazing so far! <3

  14. booksbonesbuffy

    Congrats, Jeann! My five year blogoversary was yesterday, weird right? Looks like you've had an amazing year. Here's to many more:-)

    • Omg 5 years is such an amazing achievement, I'm super proud of you Tammy! I'm so glad we met through blogging and I love discovering new books from your blog! Thank you so much.

  15. OMG I entered in the giveaway on accident I think?? Anyways it was only the first mandatory entry LOL -I don't think it would be fair to enter. sorry sorry!!

    ANYWAYS I can't wait to stay onto this glorious smiley cloud ride for the upcoming years! *parties*

    *goes to draft my blog post*

    • YAYYY AILA! HAhaha I'll keep an eye out for that 😉 Thank you Aila, i'm so glad to have you and Jenna on this awesome cloud journey!

    • Thank you Joy, it's definitely been an amazing journey! You are too lovely, and the same can be said for you Joy! With work, kids and hubby I'm so proud that you can still blog solo and do it well <3

  16. There are so many Aussie titles that I'd love to read, and many that I really should have read already, considering I'm also an Aussie. I'd really like to read something by Claire Zorn or Ellie Marney 🙂
    Congrats on the blog's 4th anniversary!

  17. Elspeth

    Hmm… Can I request a different bookstore rather than a book? E.g. Booktopia which is Australian owned and will have the full range of OzYA. Book Depository is both limited and kind of damaging to the industry. :/ This is a struggle for intl readers I know but if the winner is from Aus or NZ it would be easy enough to buy from Booktopia instead.

  18. aentee @ read at midnight

    You've had such an amazing four years and accomplished so much, you'll always be goals, Jeann! I am so happy to have gotten to know you over the past year, you're at once an inspiration and one of my best blogging buddies <3 It was so fun meeting you twice in the past year, and I hope we'll get to see each other at least once a year from now on. All your milestones make me all teary! You deserve all the successes and more – and I love love love Aila and Jenna as well. They have added so much more vibrance and fun to the blog. Can't imagine Happy Indulgence without them now. Happy blog birthday, my lovely ladies <33

    • Thank you so much An, I'm so glad to have met you and happy to call you one of my closest blogging friends! It's been such a fun experience, I hope we'll definitely get to catch up frequently – I have a feeling we will! Awww, it has definitely been a wonderful year and I've loved sharing the excitement with you every setp of the way. I love the girls too, they really are amazing co-bloggers!

    • Thank you so much Jesse! It's been an amazing journey so far and I'm so glad that we can continue to blog! I really appreciate all the support you give us!

  19. Thank you so much Cait! There have been amazing things that have happened because of blogging! I'm so glad to have met you and seeing your blog grow and go from strength to strength too! Aussie YA bloggers unite forever! <3

  20. Tiffany D.

    Happy Blogoversary! Four years is amazing, that takes some serious dedication. Thank you so much for the giveaway to celebrate. If I won, I might choose Shift by Em Bailey, but that may change because there are so many good looking reads to choose from 🙂

  21. theworldofabookwormblog

    Congrats on your 4th anniversary!!! Seems like you have accomplished great things this year.. 🙂 And what a great giveaway 😉

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