Indulgence Insider is our version of Stacking the Shelves, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged and the Sunday Post, bringing you this week’s haul, bookish news and discussion posts from around the blogosphere!
I’m mentally and emotionally exhausted from the week. There was a lot of drama and backlash over my negative review of ACOMAF. That’s not the saddest thing however – I’ve lost some blogging friends over it. However, I’ve appreciated all of your support who took the time to reach out. That’s what makes this blogging community amazing – we’re all in this together and should encourage and support each other to freely share our opinion, as long as it’s not hurting others.
I had a great time at Sydney’s Writer’s Festival and you can read my recap here. Spent a full day with Aentee @ Read at Midnight (left) and my co-blogger Jenna (middle), we had a great time catching up over books, food and shopping! It was great to meet so many amazing book bloggers too. Things are really looking up at my new work. This week, I presented my strategy to the CEO and Directors and was sent a personal congratulatory message afterwards! It’s always a great feeling when hard work pays off.
Book Haul
Review Copies
- The Book of Pearl by Timothee de Fombelle – Thanks Walker Books
- The Last Good Day of the Year by Jessica Warman – Thanks Bloomsbury
- Breathing Under Water by Sophie Hardcastle – Thanks Hachette
- All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven – I’ve already read & reviewed here.
- The Yearbook Committee by Sarah Ayoub – Thanks Jenna for this and ATBP!
- Kindred Spirits by Rainbow Rowell – Aila you are the best!
- The Special Ones by Em Bailey – The only book I kept from the Teencon showbag (I gave away the rest because they were doubles)
OzYay 5 June, 7pm on ABC Radio
I’m really looking forward to next week’s segment on ABC Radio, as I absolutely loved both of these books that I read! I binged the whole Colours of Madeleine series and absolutely LOVED Summer Skin. Tune in next Sunday on your local ABC radio station at 7pm AEST! You can also tune in online or via the ABC Radio app, which is handy for internationals.
I’ve been asked a few times if you can listen to back issues – all recordings of the session are up on Soundcloud here.
That’s it from me – handing you over to Jenna!
Meeting Aila and Florida Book Haul – Jenna
Earlier this month I went to Florida for a research conference and got to meet Aila who lived about an hour away! We only had a day together but we had loads of fun. She took me to the Dali Museum and we had a really great time at the Disney x Dali exhibit. The gift shop was amazing and I ended up leaving with a book (pretty much the Disney x Dali exhibit in book form) and a mousepad. Haha random, I know. We then had a really nice lunch at a place called Red Mesa Cantina, which I highly recommend cos the food was soooo good! Of course, we went book shopping as well. Sadly, it was Sunday and the closest Barnes and Noble was closed, but we ended up going to a nice indie bookstore called Haslam’s, which had lots of used books and rare books too. Apparently it’s a world famous bookstore but neither of us had heard of it. And then me being me, requested to go food shopping at Trader Joe’s and that was an awesome experience as well 😀
Gifted (from Aila)
- Disney & Dali: Architects of the Imagination
- Spark Joy by Marie Kondo
- Bone Gap by Laura Ruby
- The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord
- Hearts, Fingers and Other Things to Cross by Katie Finn
- When We Collided by Emery Lord – I’ve reviewed this one here!
- Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone
- Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
- Highly Illogical Behavior by John Corey Whaley
I feel so lucky that I got to meet both Aila and Jeann this month. It makes me the happiest and luckiest coblogger on Earth!
Aentee (Read at Midnight), me, Jeann, and Emily (Loony Literate) at Sydney Writer’s Festival
Latest posts by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence (see all)
- The Spellshop Review: Cozy Fantasy About Good Deeds - October 13, 2024
- 5 Things I Liked About The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - June 20, 2024
- Kaldoras: The Medoran Chronicles Epilogue Review & Event - June 13, 2024
Ahhh I loved reading about your adventures Jeann and Jenna. So awesome that Aila and Jenna finally got to meet!
Lots of great books, that hardback of The Star-Touched Queen omg.
And Jeann I am sad to hear you lost blogging friends over a difference of opinions 🙁
Yippee, thanks for stopping by Jaz and all the comment love! I know, as soon as I read Aentee's review I ran out and bought it whoops. It's sad but hey, what friends were they then? XD
Awwww you guys are all so cute. That is so awesome that you got to meet both Jeann and Aila this month Jenna! I feel like you guys are the best cobloggers ever, seriously. <3
My recent post Make Me Read It Readathon
Thank you Val! I'm so jealous of Jenna's travels!
My recent post Summer Skin Review: A Feminist Love Story for Today’s Woman
Thanks Pili, it was kind of lame but I guess this stuff has to happen every now and then to facilitate some important discussions.
My recent post The Square Root of Summer Review: I Fell into a Wormhole of Confusion
Oh gosh, I'm so so sorry Jeann. I've never read anything by Sarah J. Maas, but seriously. Why do people get so INTENSE? It's JUST a book. Freedom of speech. You certainly shouldn't have to apologize for what you said. Always here for you & your reviews! However fiery they may be. 😉
I recently read Tonight The Streets Are Ours, so I'm looking forward to seeing your review! Also been DYIIIING for Summer Skin still. It's so expensive in the US for some reason. I'm going to check Book Depository in a few. ha. Oooh yay, so glad you met Aila & Jenna together! #squadgoals haha (jkjk) I loooove Trader Joes. I've never been, actually, but my mom & sis brought me a haul of food like peanut butter yogurt and cookies. Shame, B&Ns was closed, but still yaaaay over Trader Joes & blogger meets! <3
My recent post Review: Wanderlost
Yeah, it's absolutely crazy because I myself rate Throne of Glass as my favourite series of all time, so for someone to react in that manner over a book that I read seems absolutely ridiculous. Because I see negative reviews for ToG all the time and I don't feel the need to lash out at people? Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts though. I hope you do get to read Summer Skin, it's so good! Haha I didn't meet Aila but I did get to meet Jenna who was lovely.
1. I hope you both enjoy your new books, and I'm glad to hear you had a great time on your travels.
and 2. Genuinely WTF over people stopping being your friend because you didnt like a book. lmao how childish 😮
My recent post To Plunder: Our Song by Ashley Bodette
Thank you Lauren, lots of new books to read and appreciate! LOL
How cool! I was in FL last week too and met a fellow blogger as well. I was nercous at first, but when we finally met, it was so aweomse!
My recent post Loved It: I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh
Ahhh I'm so glad you finally met another blogger and had loads of fun!
IT WAS SOOO FUNNN MEETING JENNA. The Dali museum was stunning! Also those pictures are just stunningggg, especially with the sea in the background.
I wonder what people must be thinking when they see you guys pointing at the blurred camera screen LOL 😛
LOL man it was a good idea at the time Aila! That looked so gorgeous with your trip and that delicious food omg! Yesss it was such a beautiful part of Sydney and the weather was perfect.
One of the best things about books is that they touch people in different ways and inspire different feelings and reactions in different people. And we're all different, which means we'll interpret what we read in different ways. I'm sorry to hear that some people still haven't come to terms with the fact that different people have different opinions, which is what makes the world such an interesting place! 🙁 Keep your head up, you can't please them all!
My recent post #IMWAYR – May 31, 2016
Thanks Jane, that's what I enjoy about book blogging – hearing everyone's opinion on things because we're all so widely different. I guess some people put so much of what they read into themselves that it's hard to read someone else's opinion on it. I appreciate your comment!
AWWW this is so sweet! I love that you guys got to meet! Jenna, it sounds like your trip to Florida was great! And Jeann, I am SO glad that things at work are getting better, that makes me very happy for you 😀 And I really want to listen to your radio thingy about Summer Skin, because I will probably need to buy it even though it's pricey. I am also trying desperately to find The Yearbook Committee, but alas, neither the US OR the UK has it. Sadness. Meh, when Australia comes out with a new Hunger Games edition that I *must* have, I'll add it to my cart 😉
Also, you know this already, Jeann, but I love you, and think you are fabulous, and frankly disagree with anyone who says differently. And also… there was nothing even almost wrong with your review, so even more than before, I don't understand people. I am just glad that this is behind you now! I think you are even MORE amazing for being classy throughout the whole thing all while still standing by what you believe. ♥♥♥
My recent post BEA 2016 Was a Thing: The Other Stuff (+Giveaway!)
Thank you so much Shannon! I had a really rough start but that's what makes the current pace very rewarding! Sometimes it just means I need to stick it out and get stronger. I can't wait for you to read Summer Skin because I k now you will love it Shannon! I hope you'll be able to pick up those books sometime, I love that you support Aussie YA from overseas! It was a traumatising experience in social media but alas, these things happen sometimes. I hope I stayed classy, even though I lost followers? Oh well.
How to be "friends" and actively hark on someone's opinion such that the spirit of friendship is gone. Whaaaaat?
My recent post [Review] Tell Me Three Things — Julie Buxbaum
Yeah, it was a pretty bleurgh experience lol! Thanks for helping us create a new hashtag haha
I am really disappointed in people, you are entitled to your own opinion on ACOMAF and people need to suck it up. I mean if we all liked the same things and all!
Disney x Dali sounds amazing and is make me long for my Orlando holiday in September!!
Have a great week ladies!
My recent post The Sunday Post #50 – 29th May 2016
Thank you Heather, I'm lucky it was only a handful of them and everyone else has been super supportive. Jenna and Aila's trip looked so much fun!
Well, if your "friends" found it easy to leave you over a disagreement on views, you're better off, Jeann. I read some disturbing reviews about it. Needless to say, it's near the bottom of the pile. >.< Anyway, you've a lot more friends behind you, Jeann. 🙂
Happy reading!
My recent post [637]: Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
Thank you Joy, I've been telling myself that. It was actually quite a disturbing book sadly 🙁 for me anyway. Thank you so much for the neverending support Joy!
Sorry you lost some blogger friends over your opinion. That really makes me sad, when others get upset over an opinion. And you gave it 3 stars? That's not even bad. Amazing haul here. I hope you love them all!
My recent post Stacking the Shelves #80
Thank you Lekeisha! Imagine if I gave it 1 or 2 stars, oh the horrors!
I hate that people were mean with your review of ACOMAF. I haven't read the book yet so I have no opinions of my own to share but I did just read your review. I thought it was very well written and you didn't bash anything. I've read some negative reviews of other books and people can be downright mean. I thought you conveyed your opinion perfectly and professionally 😀
I did not know there was a new Rainbow Rowell book…adding to my TBR now! Hope you have a wonderful week!
My Sunday Post
Yeah, it was only a handful of them, and I got some overwhelming support from everyone else which is great. Thank you for reading my review and your words of support, I really appreciate it! Have a lovely week ahead, too.
If you lost friends over a review, I don't think they were really your friends in the first place 🙁 I'm sorry for all the negativity you had thrown your way Jeann, the community can truly be petty sometimes.
Aside from that, it looks like you ladies had a good week/month of adventures! 🙂
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday #23
Thanks for the support Wattle. I definitely didn't expect that sort of backlash but alas, if it was going to happen over something like that, then so be it. There was plenty of other great things to counteract it definitely!
You got soooo many amazing books! I hope you enjoy them all 🙂
My recent post STACKING THE SHELVES #81
Thanks Sofia! No doubt I will!
So many adventures! haha.
I cannot believe you have lost people over that review, it wasn't even that bad haha. Sometimes people need to sort out how they think. Not everyone is going to lose what you do.
Plus guys so mnay books! haha
Thanks for the post.
My recent post #LoveOZYA Interview: A.J. Betts
It was so much fun Angel! Thank you for all your support over the review, I really appreciate it.
That is sad that you had backlash from a negative review. Everyone should be able to have an independent opinion (as long as not personally attacking an author or other bloggers) – why this anger about those who differ from you?
But it's great you got to meet up with other bloggers. I did the same last week here in New England, and it was so much fun! 🙂
My recent post Month in Review: May 2016
Yeah, it was definitely something surprising given I've always been completely honest with my thoughts on a book – and that wasn't even a book that I completely flamed either. Glad to hear you had a great time meeting other bloggers!
Jeann, I'm so sorry you actually lost some blogging friends due to a review! I don't even understand how that is possible 🙁 I can disagree with my friends about many things, but that doesn't mean our friendship is void. *hugs*
I'm glad you've had a lot of fun things going on as well, though, to counterbalance the crap stuff!
Meeting fellow bloggers is the best ever! I wish I lived closer to my blogger friends, or that I knew how to teleport 😀 I'd come have a meal with Jenna, for sure 🙂 I love food, too!
Have a wonderful week ahead, ladies 🙂
My recent post Sunday Post Weekly Wrap-up #85 – Four Seasons in One Day
Yeah, there was a bit more than just the review thing but I guess this stuff happens sometimes. I've been keeping my head up though! *hugs* thank you Lexxie, it was a great time meeting other bloggers!
Jeann, I'm so sorry to hear about the backlash over your review! I completely missed that and I'm even sorrier to hear that you've lost bloggy friends over it!! I didn't read your review because I still haven't read the book so I've been avoiding as much info about it as possible to not influence my own opinion once I start reading it… *hugs*
Jenna! So cool that you got to go on a trip and meet Aila and then also met Jeann! Co-bloggers for the win!
My recent post Illumicrate May Box is HERE!!
Sorry to hear you got flak over a reviews, but good for you for sticking to your view. I don't get why people have to do that sigh. Anyway nice pics- looks like a great Florida trip ! Hope you all have a great week!
My recent post Sunday Post #144
Thanks Greg, it's pretty lame but I'm glad it brought those issues to light you know? I hope you had a great one too!
I’m sorry that you experienced backlash for your negative review, Jeann, and even more that you’ve lost some friends over it. That really, really sucks, and I really hope it doesn’t deter you from being honest with your reviews and opinions — I’ve always loved reading them, and I’m sure a large part of the community does as well.
I just finished The Yearbook Committee myself and am a bit undecided about what to think! Looking forward to your review for that one. 🙂
Thanks Regina, I stand by my honest opinion because I believe that's what makes my reviews 🙂 I really appreciate your kind and positive words.
Ahh, sounds like so many wonderful adventures! Great book hauls for the both of you too!
Also, Jeann – I can't believe you actually lost some blogger friends over the ACOMAF review :/ You absolutely did nothing wrong with that review. You were fair and honest and in no way put anyone down who loved the book.
Ever since I started blogging a few months ago, this blog has been one of my favourites and one of my biggest sources of inspiration. You guys are all fabulous ♥
Hope all of you have a wonderful week!
I know, it's pretty lame Lauren but if that's what's going to happen then so be it I guess. Thank you so much for sticking up for me and all of your support throughout that. I'm so happy that we've been inspiring you to blog!
My recent post Indulgence Insider #54 – Happy Indulgence Meet & Jenna’s Exciting Trip!
I'm not really active on other social platform (other than blogger) so I didn't know that you receive backlash and drama from your review! I'm so sorry to hear that! That was really unexpected, I mean I'm sure you don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings or anything, just want to state your opinion. Cheer up Jenna! 😀
I think everyone is travelling to bookish convention this month, and they seem to have the time of their life (including you!). I really want to go to those conventions but I live halfway across the world *sobs* It's gotta be really amazing meeting with other book bloggers! 😀
My recent post Book Review: The Rose and The Dagger by Renee Ahdieh
Thanks Tasya, I didn't expect it either and it was a bit disheartening. But all the bloggers stuck up for me and they were amazing. (It's Jeann for that portion of the recap lol). I know what you mean about bookish conventions. I hope you get to go sometime!
Whoa, what? I heard on another blog there was drama over a review – it was yours? What crazypants! Eh, who needs them. Glad you had a great time at the event, though.
Aw, that's cool you ladies got to hang out for the day, Jenna & Aila.
And you all got some great books!
My recent post Sunday Post #177 (5/29/16) – Just Call Me Wednesday
Yeah, it was a pretty crazy week for me, just trying to keep my head up about it. There's definitely a lot to be excited for! Thank you Christy!
It seems like you all had a ton of bookish fun!!!
I was at SWF as well!!! I didn't go to the morning session of Teencon or the fantasy talk, though. I went to all the others and, it was such a great day! Too bad, most of your books were double, Jeann. Some of mine were as well so I swapped with my friends.
I still haven't read Summer Skin- urghhhh, I'm missing out on the hype but I'll make sure to listen in on your podcast anyway!
Great week, you guys!!
Ohhh Faith I hope you had a great time at SWF! Yeah, it's actually okay because I didn't have much room in the suitcase lol. Thank you so much for making the time to listen in!
My recent post Indulgence Insider #54 – Happy Indulgence Meet & Jenna’s Exciting Trip!
You must make travel plans to Toronto (Canada) sometime! It would be pretty awesome to unite some Aussie bloggers with us Canadian bloggers! How cool would that be? 😀
It's great that you all have finally been able to meet each other! It's such a fun feeling to meet fellow bloggers!!
Oh don't you worry. I have big plans for Toronto at the end of this year!