NOVEMBER WRAP UP: Unearthed Launch, Booktube Video & Book Haul

December 9, 2017 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Monthly Wrap Up, Videos

I can hardly believe that I’m writing this on the last month of the year! How did it get to December so fast? Since I’ve gotten back from my honeymoon, I’m well and truly back into my reading and blogging groove. You may have noticed that Aila and Jenna are back too, hurrah!

I’ve had some pretty stressful weeks this month, being on a massive project at work and not having any downtime. Thankfully, this week I got to relax a bit with lots of Christmas parties on. I’m looking forward to the Christmas break, even though I only get 1 week off it should be quiet easing into the new year.

What did I get up to this November?

  • I watched Justice League which I hated, and Thor: Ragnarok which I loved
  • I became a Spearcraft book box rep! Use the code HAPPY10 for 10% off your subscription.
  • Had hip bursitis which made it painful to walk or stand. It’s getting better now.
  • Started the #LoveOzYA Buy/Swap/Sell group on Facebook, which you can join here.
  • Went in for the last OZYAY of the year, where we talked our favourite reads from Singing My Sister Down and Begin End Begin: A LoveOzYA Anthology and our favourite reads of the year. Listen to the podcast here. 
  • Got my wedding video and photos! I’ve been too scared to share them haha. If anyone is keen on seeing the video, let me know!

Unearthed Launch

I also attended the Unearthed launch with Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner and had a fabulous time! It was released in November for us and I’m so glad we got the chance to finally meet Meagan Spooner. I’ve loved the Starbound series since it first came out (4 YEARS AGO!!) and it was amazing witnessing the banter between both Amie and Meagan in person. It was hosted by Rhianna Patrick from ABC Radio and she did a fabulous job.

Also had the chance to catch up with my fellow Dark Days Book Club members at the launch, and we ended the night with dumplings! Now that the wedding is over, I’m looking forward to ramping up my bookish activity next year.


November Wrap Up Video

During November, I read 10 books! There were a few favourites, but I found most of them disappointing sadly.

Check out my video below or on my Youtube channel for my thoughts:

Books I read:

Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff (re-read) – 5 stars
Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff – 5 stars
This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada – 4.5 stars
The Color Project by Sierra Abrams – 4.5 stars
Little Monsters by Kara Thomas – 3.5 stars
5 to 1 by Holly Bodger – 3 stars
Because You Love to Hate Me edited by Ameriie – 3 stars
Renegades by Marissa Meyer – 2.5 stars
The Reader by Traci Chee – 2 stars
Wild Beauty by Anna McLemore – 2 stars

I’ve been posting 1-2 times a week lately on my channel which I’m super proud of.

Subscribe to my Youtube channel to see more videos!


November Book Haul

I adore my book haul from this month, so many gorgeous reads and some ARCs that I’ve been looking forward to reading too.

What did you get up to this November? 

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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13 responses to “NOVEMBER WRAP UP: Unearthed Launch, Booktube Video & Book Haul

  1. Amy

    Congrats on your wedding!!! That’s awesome. XD I saw the two superhero movies as well…. JL was just kind of boring and obvious, but Thor was ABSOLUTELY hilarious and amazing. The only thing I watch DC for is Wonder Woman. I LOVE her.
    What’s Unearthed about? Is it a continuation in the old series/in the same world? I haven’t heard about it before.
    Amy recently posted…So many old ARCs… Oops?| Mini Reviews!My Profile

  2. I’m tired just reading about it. It’s been a massive month Jeann, I don’t know how you’re able to juggle it all with work as well. Are you guys doing much for Christmas this year? Hopefully work starts to calm down soon as you guys wrap up for the year. Really enjoyed this month’s OzYAY, are you guys returning in January? I hate that I’m up so early and in bed usually while the show is on air. Probably a good thing though because I’d be trying to call in all the time to have someone to talk to about books.
    Kelly recently posted…In The Dark SpacesMy Profile

    • It has definitely been a huge month! My last day is next Friday and I only get a week off. Oh well, at least it will be quiet after the new year. We’ll be back next February, thanks for sticking out and listening to us all this time. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Kelly!

  3. Grace Osas @ Somewhat Reserved

    It sucks that you didn’t have such a lovely reading month. I barely read anything last month. Mainly because I’ve been writing along people who did NaNoWriMo.

  4. I hope work gets less stressful for you and enjoy your break 😀 Ahh your November book haul looks so good! I finished off my exams in November so I’ve been catching up on my reading on my break. The end of the year is so close and my reading goal is kind of stressing me out. I hope you have a good December Jeann!!
    Emily @ theBookishLounge recently posted…#ReadersCrossing // Reading ChallengeMy Profile

  5. I’m sorry to hear it’s been a bit stressful for you lately, Jeann! I hope you’ll have a great Christmas break soon and you’ll be able to rest, read and enjoy some down time <3
    I can't wait to hear your thoughts on both FOTL and Girls Made of Snow and Glass. I have read Forest and really enjoyed it, I have yet to read the other book, but I can't wait 🙂
    Have a great december, and happy reading! xx
    Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books recently posted…Bullet Point-Review: Romancing the throne, Nadine Jolie CourtneyMy Profile

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