4 Steampunk Reads that Deserve Your Attention

July 20, 2020 by Bec | Book Recommendations, Books

Steampunk is one of those genres that you don’t really get to see much of. Which sucks because I love it. The technology featured in these stories always sound quirky and fun, and they tend to be set in interesting historical eras. Though you do get the odd fantasy that has steampunk technology elements.

In an effort to make steampunk a bit more popular, here are some of my recommendations. I usually recommend these to people who enjoy fantasy and/or historical fiction.

The Lotus War by Jay Kristoff

This series is one of those fantasy series with steampunk elements (Chainsaw katanas are one of the highlights). It’s also incredibly underrated, which is surprising considering how popular Jay Kristoff’s new books are. If you like epic fantasy novels that will break your heart, please consider giving these a go (if the steampunk doesn’t convince you, the talking griffin, Buruu, might).

Buy StormdancerBook Depository | Booktopia | Angus & Robertson | Amazon | Barnes & Noble


Something Strange and Deadly trilogy by Susan Dennard

This is a trilogy I wanted to read for ages, but didn’t actually get around to trying until after I fell in love with Susan Dennard’s fantasy series, Witchlands. It features zombies and a paranormal investigation gang with some really cool gadgets. Not to mention a healthy dose of international settings, mysterious powers, emotional trauma, and plot twists.

Buy Something Strange and Deadly: Book Depository | Booktopia | Angus & Robertson | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress

This is a book I’m overdue for a reread. I read it back in either late high school or early uni and LOVED IT. Seriously, it’s a fantastic YA standalone with a fantastic cast of diverse female characters. The steampunk elements were really just a bonus on top of great characters and a good plot.

Buy The Friday Society: Book Depository | Amazon


The Steampunk Chronicles by Kady Cross

This was a series I remember loving back in high school. It’s has a great cast of characters, lots of emotions, and some interesting fantasy elements. I’m planning to reread it soon (when I eventually manage to buy the final book. I’ve been looking for it for YEARS) and I hope it holds up with time.

Buy The Girl in the Steel CorsetBook Depository | Amazon

Do you have any steampunk recommendations for me?

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Bec is an Aussie blogger and reader who loves all types of novels. Fantasy, sci fi, and historical are my usual go-to genres. If I’m not binge reading, I’m usually gaming, trying to take decent photos for bookstagram, or freaking out about silly things.

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8 responses to “4 Steampunk Reads that Deserve Your Attention

    • Bec

      You do!! You’ve recommended me Timekeeper so many times! My library has an ebook copy so I’m going to reserve that right now!

  1. Theresa

    I love steampunk!!! (I just don’t seem to read much of it, need to fix that)
    Some books that I like: The Boneshaker series by Cherie Priest, Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, most everything by Gail Carriger, The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman, Loom Saga series by Elise Kova…..

    • Bec

      I’ve only read one book by Gail Carriger but it was SO MUCH FUN! I have Leviathon somewhere and need to finish that series, same with the Loom saga

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