Author: Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

Star Daughter Review: An Own Voices YA Hindu Story with Stars as Characters

Star Daughter Review: An Own Voices YA Hindu Story with Stars as Characters

What an absolutely stunning cover! That’s what initially drew me in to Star Daughter, but when I heard it featured actual star beings based off Hindu mythology, I had to pick it up. Things I Liked About Star Daughter The concept is so unique, unlike anything I’ve read before. Sheetal is half-star, half-human, with the power to […]

September 16, 2021 | 2 Comments
Ace of Spades Review: Privilege & Power in a Private School Setting

Ace of Spades Review: Privilege & Power in a Private School Setting

What a brilliant and compelling book! Ace of Spades certainly delivers on the Get Out and Gossip Girl comparisons, while delivering shocking twists at the end. This is one of those books that I couldn’t put down, wanting to know what the solution to the mystery was, and when all the answers were shown, I was just left there in […]

September 9, 2021 | 3 Comments
Anything But Fine Review: Rebuilding Your Life After Injury

Anything But Fine Review: Rebuilding Your Life After Injury

How would you feel if everything that you knew about your life changes in an instant? Anything But Fine, of course! In this #LoveOzYA contemporary book, that’s exactly what happens to Luca, when he trips over the stairs of the ballet school and shatters his ankle. Everything he knows disappears in an instant – his promising ballet […]

September 6, 2021 | 0 Comments