Series: This Mortal Coil

This Cruel Design Review: Smart Sci-Fi Sequel with Gene Manipulation

This Cruel Design Review: Smart Sci-Fi Sequel with Gene Manipulation

This review contains spoilers for This Mortal Coil, the first book in the series. Check out my review here if you haven’t read it yet (which you should)! When it comes to action-packed, science fiction about gene manipulation, you can’t get any better than this series. I absolutely love how this series covers DNA manipulation, […]

December 1, 2018 | 4 Comments
This Mortal Coil Review: A thrill-ride of science, hacking & zombies

This Mortal Coil Review: A thrill-ride of science, hacking & zombies

When a deadly virus takes over the world, what do humans do to combat it? With the help of gene therapy, biotechnology and DNA manipulation, Catarina’s dad has created a cure to save the world from being infected. It takes a lot to surprise a zombie aficionado such as myself, but This Mortal Coil definitely surprised me, […]

December 2, 2017 | 8 Comments