Indulgence Insider is our version of Stacking the Shelves, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged and the Sunday Post, bringing you this week’s haul, bookish news and discussion posts from around the blogosphere!
Hey guys! I’ve been quite exhausted after work lately, so I haven’t had the chance to blog much. I’ve mainly been eating lots of delicious food, catching up with friends and playing board games as usual. Here’s a sample of the delicious food I’ve been eating:
In case you’re wondering, I have to do personal training on top of all this food.
Other than that, the most interesting thing last week is that we bought a Dyson handheld vacuum cleaner last weekend, which really makes vacuuming so much easier! It’s so light and easy to carry around.
It’s the leap year day tomorrow which should be interesting!
OZYAY on Air – Sunday 6 March
My next radio segment is on next Sunday 6 March, where we’ll review The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr, a steampunk Jekyll/Hyde gender swap and The Stars at Oktober Bend by Glenda Millard, a beautifully written novel about two disabled kids.
Tune in between 7-8pm NSW time! If you’ve read any of the books, feel free to join in the conversation on Twitter #ABCRhi.
Chat with Glenda Millard after the show on Facebook!
Book Haul
For Review
Summer Skin by Kirsty Eagar – Kelly absolutely loved this Aussie YA title and I can’t wait for the feminist power!
The Stars at Oktober Bend by Glenda Millard – I’ll be reading this one for the radio segment and I know Jenna loved it as well!
Raelia by Lynette Noni – After reading and enjoying Akarnae, I was pleased to get a review copy of this book!
Maresi by Maria Turtschaninoff
Thanks for the Trouble by Tommy Wallach
Thanks Allen & Unwin, Simon and Schuster, Pantera Press and
I won a copy of Rebel Spring thanks to YA Romantics, ! Can’t wait to continue this story.
Reading Update
- I finally picked up Passenger this week! I liked the time travel and the places in time which they went, however the pacing made it tedious and I didn’t ship the characters. My review is coming up, but I gave it 3 stars.
- My Sister Rosa is an Aussie YA title that is about the guy’s sister who is a 10 year old psychopath. It’s pretty creepy so far and I like the diversity.
Here’s my favourite photos I’ve posted in the past few weeks:
Follow @happyindulgence, @ailareads & @readingwithjenna to check out our book photos!
From 1 March, the Aussie YA Bloggers & Readers group will be kicking off the #LoveOzYA challenge on Instagram! Will you be joining in? All you have to do is post a picture of Australian YA books matching the descriptions below, and hashtag #AusYAChallenge!
Bookish News
- Exciting movie news – Tye Sheridan has been cast as the lead actor for the Ready Player One movie! He’s definitely a fitting Wade Watts, don’t you think?
- Tickets are available for Penguin Teen Australia’s YA Squad tour! Aussie YA authors Will Kostakis, Megan Jacobson, Shivaun Plozza and Kylie Fornasier will be visiting Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne in March! Book your tickets here.
- Aentee designed these beautiful phone wallpapers for Morning Star by Pierce Brown!
- The March Aussie YA Bloggers & Readers newsletter will be out shortly. Have you subscribed to our newsletter? Join our Goodreads & Facebook group!
- The cover has been released for A Million Worlds With You by Claudia Gray in the Firebird series! HOW GORGEOUS IS IT.
Discussion Posts
Posts from the blogosphere I’ve enjoyed in the past few weeks:
- Alyssa @ Devil Orders Takeout on having a trademark as a book blogger
- Aila @ One Way Or An Author’s absolutely hilarious typical character descriptions.
- Mel @ The Daily Prophecy talks about the emphasis she used to place on labels and other’s opinions
- Rashika @ Xpresso Reads says religion in books makes her uncomfortable
- Chiara @ Delicate Eternity asks do you prioritise your reading?
- Bec @ Readers in Wonderland talks about two types of reading guilt
- Josie @ Josie the Bookworm talks about why we need unpopular opinions
- Cait @ Paper Fury on why we love painful books
- Josephine @ Word Revel continues her bookstagram feature with scheduling and statistics apps
You May Have Missed…
- I reviewed Saint Anything and why it left a lasting impact.
- Jenna kicked off A Tangle of Gold blog tour and interviewed Jaclyn Moriarty!
- Aila talked about why she loved the desert setting and the romance in Forbidden.
- I ranted about Firstlife and how I DNFd it.
How was your bookish week?
Latest posts by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence (see all)
- The Great Library of Tomorrow Review: A Highly Imaginative Book Set in a Library - January 26, 2025
- The Spellshop Review: Cozy Fantasy About Good Deeds - October 13, 2024
- 5 Things I Liked About The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - June 20, 2024
I'm so jealous you guys get to read Summer Skin, I want it! Ugh, I see your food pictures and I get some serious food envy 🙂
Good luck with your next segment and have a great week!
My recent post Monthly Recap: February 2016
But all the PT with the food makes me want to cry haha. :'DD Always gotta create that balance.
In any case, I can't wait for this week's radio segment! I WILL BE THERE AGAIN. AT 3 AM. 😉
Ooh! That food looks so yummy! I'll have to try them out someday!
My recent post The Sunday Post Meme (40)
It was definitely delicious Ronyell!
You're making Australia look so GOOD in those pictures! I really loved Summer Skin, it was my first Aussie read for a while. I love the idea of The Aussie Challenge, but I'm concentrating on reading my way through my TBR pile this year. Akarnae sounds intriguing and I never would have found out about it with you posting about the sequel in this post – so cheers!
Thank you, you'll just have to visit to find out hehe! So glad to hear you enjoyed Summer Skin! I can't wait to read it. That's a good idea to clear the decks – the Aussie challenge is just taking photos of it for instagram though! No problems, I liked Akarnae, it was so much fun!
It looks like you've had a delicious month (in food and books!)
I'm totally taking part in the Instagram challenge, it should be good fun (even if I haven't read all the books that have made it onto my post list!)
The Diabolical Miss Hyde looks pretty interesting, guess I'll have to tune in to find out if it was or not 😉
My recent post It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? #3
Definitely Wattle, so many good things hehe! I'm so excited that you're taking part in the challenge, it's fun seeing what people come up with everyday. It was such a fun book, I really enjoyed that one! Oooh thanks so much <3
I have seen a lot of reviewers having a problem with Firstlife. Yay to getting Passenger. I hope I will have some free reading time to read it before the year is over. Ha ha. I like that you play boardgames. My family and friends are big boardgame players, too! Have a wonderful week. 🙂
My recent post THE SUNDAY POST #48
Yeah, I just wasn't a fan of Firstlife at all unfortunately. Haha I know what you mean, it kind of feels that way with the amazing books out at the moment! Thanks, I love playing board games, it's fun with friends!
I so want one of those Dyson handheld vacuums. I've got stairs. Stairs. It will make my life so much easier. 🙂
Have a great week, Jeann.
My recent post [615]: Dear Emma by Katie Heaney
It's made so much of a difference, and our floor stays clean for longer which is majestic!
those fries tho <3
omg I've been dying for summer skin, so I'll be looking forward to your review! I'm also obsessed with the cover of yellow. (the title reminds me of the coldplay song for some reason, haha.) omg I'm so glad you didn't like Passenger either. it was a nightmare. well, maybe not, but I'd been excited for it and was let down. Nicholas is cute, though. your bookstagram is so pretty! i'm steadily working at mine, but I seriously love the photo of saint anything!
My recent post Review: Passenger
Lol actually revisiting this post is making me hungry myself. I can't wait to read Summer Skin, I've heard great thigns about Jess! Hahah I always think of that song too. I know, everyone was raving about Passenger and I kind of felt let down from that, even though I kind of enjoyed it. Thanks Peach!
FOOD. <3
I have about a million words for the cover of A Million Worlds With You-it is GLORIOUS. I enjoyed Passenger a little more but I had a lot of patience with that one for some reason. Now that I've read three(!) other time travel books my patience with them is so thin so that definitely affected me.
My recent post February 2016 Wrap Up
Lol that's definitely fitting Alise! I kind of stuck through it but a lot of people had complaints about it. I found the pacing completely off for it though – the start was super exciting, then it slowed way down. I still like the fast paced time travel stories I think.
Quickly, what did you think of Viola Carr's book?
I LOVED IT BRAINE! It was such a great feminist representation of Jekyll/Hyde and the romance was hot.
All the food is making me hungry LOL great book haul. Passenger is one I really need to pick up!
My recent post Sunday Post #31- I brought all the books!
Lol thanks Megan, I hope you enjoy it! I gave it about 3 stars.
WOW, you sound very busy these days, Jeann! I'm glad you've found the time to enjoy some yummy food! I love food 🙂
I hope your next radio show goes as well or even better than the first one! It's exciting that you get to review books on air 🙂 And I still haven't had a chance to read The Diabolical Ms. Hyde…
Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.
My recent post The Sunday Post #72 – All the Things
I know, I'm pretty much staying a float with the food lol! Thank you so much Lexxie, it's pretty exciting. I quite enjoyed Ms Hyde, I think you'll like it too!
All that food sounds so good! I hope you enjoyed it! Have a great week and happy reading!
Heheh thank you, it was absolutely delicious! You too Corralie!
Best of luck with the radio show again Jeann, and I'm loving that you've created a challenge on Instagram, and if I were Aussie, I would so be taking part, but I'm not *cries* ..still, it's going to be awesome and I can't wait. Also, THAT FOOD LOOKS AMAZING. So jealous. Best of luck for the week girls, enjoy! 🙂
My recent post 10 Colour Palettes Inspired By Young Adult Book Covers (+ How To Create One in Picmonkey!)
Thank you so much Amanda! If only you had enough Aussie books to participate! Thanks for the constant support lovely <3
Oh my all that food looks so good and now I'm hungry 🙂 Dyson's are the best vacuums. I would love to have the handheld one – mine is large and clunky. Yay for new books. I am super interested in Thanks For the Trouble. Enjoy them all and have a great week!
My recent post Weekly Rewind ~ 2.28.16
Lol sounds like it's made everyone hungry! We knew we wanted the handheld one because we don't have that much space. It's so good – no regrets! Thank you Grace, you too.
That is a beautiful haul! 😀 I've seen Stars at October Blend around a lot lately. I'll check it out because I have no idea what it's about.
I think it's a wonderful verse Aussie YA read – I'll be covering it next week on radio and will be reading it as well!
I LOVE that there's an Aussie YA Instagram challenge! Instagram is my current obsession so I'll definitely have to have a go.
AND OMG so jealous of the delicious food you've been eating. Looks amazing.
I hope you love My Sister Rosa 🙂 🙂
My recent post Milkshakes and Canberra and starting my Bullet Journal // It’s a Loony Life
Yippee, I can't wait to see what you post Emily! I just planned out my challenge books today and I had enough to fill up the whole month which I was really proud of 🙂 I'm really enjoying My Sister Rosa, it's so good! and creepy.
My gosh, that food has made me so hungry now. Time to put the laptop down and make dinner I think. Hahaha
Whoops, looks like I've made everyone hungry lol! Hope you enjoyed it XD
I saw the AUSYAChallenge on Instagram and sadly don't read enough YA books to really participate! Love the idea though.
I've been hearing a lot about Summer Skin so much check that one out.
My recent post Weekly check-in
Thanks Debbish, appreciate the comment regardless! I've heard great things about Summer Skin so I'm looking forward to reading it.
Yay for your radio show! It must be so cool to be on air discussing books 😀 😀 And the #LoveOzYA chain sounds so cool, I'll try to see if I can make a couple of days!! Plus A Million Worlds With You = best. title. ever. Thank you so much for the shout out!
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Thanks Alyssa, I hope I'm a bit less nervous this time haha! I just planned out the challenge and was surprised I had so many Aus YA books for everyday which is great. I know, I just can't wait to read the rest of that series!
Love the food pics, that steak looks delish. Hungry now. 🙂 And the AUSYAchallenge looks fun!
My recent post Sunday Post #131
Lol I'm making everyone hungry! I'm looking forward to the challenge, just did some planning on it today.
Mmmm all that food looks delicious. Especially since I'm hungry right now. Hope you enjoy you're books. I'll try to listen to your show.
My recent post Sunday Post #164 (2/28/16) – Adiós February!
Heheh thank you so much Christy! <3