BookTube Video: September Recap & October TBR

October 5, 2015 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Features, Monthly Recap, Videos

I can’t believe another month has gone by and we’re just around the corner from Christmas! Turns out I was a bit ambitious during September, as I only read 4 books last month. My fantasy binge did keep up though and I read some fantastic new favourites! The only disappointing read was Armada, and even that I did enjoy to some degree, despite the disappointment.

Here’s the video with mini reviews on the books I read, plus my October TBR. I forgot to include Carry On in that TBR list, d’oh!

Books I read this month

Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine – 4.5 stars (Review)
The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon – 4 stars (Review)
Legacy of Kings by Eleanor Herman – 4 stars (Review)
Armada by Ernest Cline – 3 stars (Review)

Random Update

We had a long weekend here and I just spent it at the Gold Coast (I swam, went on a water slide and even stood up on a paddle board!) hence the tan. Knowing me it won’t last long though! Oh yes, I also took some book photography at the beach, which I’ll be putting up on Instagram in due course. Hopefully it was worth all the teasing and strange looks. I believe they were telling the book to “Smile” 😛

paddle boarding



September Book Haul

september recap web

Books I read are at the bottom and my book haul consisting of review copies and trades are at the top.

How was your September? Tell me in the comments below!

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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35 responses to “BookTube Video: September Recap & October TBR

  1. Liza @ Reading with ABC

    Your long weekend mini-vacation looks amazing, it looks like you had a lot of fun 🙂

    Your book haul is huge and it seems like you have a lot of great books. I loved Ink and Bone!

  2. I'll have to come back and watch your clip later Jeann, it doesn't seem to want to play on my Kindle.

    Holy crap, that's a massive haul! I can't wait to see what you think of The Walled City especially, I loved that one even though it was far beyond what I would normally pick up. You two look like a Jetstar ad 😀 I love the Gold Coast. The shopping, the weather. I haven't been up there in a while now but we used to go up every year for a few weeks. It's just too much cuteness looking at these! I need to win lotto, or you do and you can buy me a love shack up there 😀
    My recent post Greetings! It is I

  3. thebigfatf

    Nice book haul you got there 😉
    And it looks like you had SOOO MUCH FUN during that long weekend.
    It was scalding hot, man!!! i wish I could've gone to the beach. I was waitressing, instead. OOooooo, Ink and Bone looks REALLY interesting. Plus, the title itself sounds intriguing. I mean, INK and BONE, I'm already interested.
    Can't believe September has already ended, huh?

    • I did Faith, I am so glad I made the most of it! I hope you get the chance to get to the beach soon, loving this hotter weather here. I loved Ink and Bone! I can't believe it's gone!

  4. Jenna @ Reading with Jenna

    I'm so excited about the books you hauled! They all look fantastic! I read eARCs of One and Sunkissed and I enjoyed them both. I hope you like them both too 😀

    And I am so jealous of your little break at the Gold Coast. I haven't been there for years now so I should definitely schedule a little getaway to Queensland! Especially now that summer is almost here ;D

    • I know, there are so many great books that I haven't gotten to read next! Glad to hear you liked them both Jenna. It was so much fun at the GC, I'm lucky to live a short while away! Yes yes come to QLD 😀

  5. THAT JUMPSHOT IS SO PRO. HOW!? xD Lovely photos, Jeann! And I'm sure the actual trip as even lovelier. <3 Why didn't you take me with you?! I kid, I kid. 😉

    So stoked that you gave Ink and Bone a high rating because I've been thinking of getting it soon!
    My recent post Deadly Darlings Message Board

    • Hehehe just have to jump and let go lol! It was so much fun, even though it was like 2 days or so! I l hope you love Ink and Bone too Aimee!

  6. Romi

    Aaw, love your beach photos! It looks like you had an awesome time, and the standing up on the paddle board seems like so much fun! But a small boo to people making fun of you taking bookish photography. That kind of thing annoys me, but ah well. I'm sure your phorography is gorgeous! I'll look out for it.

    I seem to be one in a very small amount of people who haven't enjoyed Ink and Bone, by which I mean… no one else seems to have disliked it, that I know. And I DNFed! Aah! Though I suppose we can't all expect to love the same things.
    My recent post Mini reviews (15)

    • Thanks Romi, it was so much fun and scary at the start, but I got used to it! Yeah, I know what you mean, but I guess I just take it in jest lol. Such a shame you didn\’t enjoy it! I think Kelly @ Diva Book Nerd wasn\’t a fan either.

    • Heheh it was so much fun Faye, I appreciate your moral support as always! It was so much fun, I\’m glad I got away to enjoy the beach! Hope you get your chance soon too.

  7. keionda

    Okay, so I have a random question, isnt the Gold Coast in Africa? It's quite possible there's another place named that but I was just curious. 😉 it looks like you had a blast! I would love to be able to do an awesome jumping shot like thst but would probably look a hot mess. (You guys look awesome though!) 😉

  8. You had a fantastic month, regardless. I read 23 books but most of them were indulgent reads. Still sad you didn't quite like Armada. Sigh.

    Have a fantastic October, Jeann! Also, love the pictures. 😀

  9. aentee @ read at midnight

    I am so envious of your GC escape, I miss the sun and the beach so much, I need to escape from my clinic room and all these random kids XD! SOON!!

    I still eyetwitch a bit when I see Legacy of Kings, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. I rec Alexander the Great by Robin Lane Fox which is a non-fiction written in an accessible way.

    Also you look SO PRETTY in this video, it must be said 😀

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