I’m Hosting a Panel, August TBR Video & Other #LoveOZYA News

August 13, 2016 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Features, Indulgence Insider

There’s so many exciting events and activities coming up in #LoveOzYA land, so I thought I’ll share some of them with you!

August TBR Video

To prepare for all of these upcoming events, I’ve been reading like a madwoman! Check out my TBR for August:

Subscribe to my Youtube channel!

Sydney Aussie #LoveOZYA Panel

writing herstory

Sydney, I’m flying down on August 20 to host this panel of 5 wonderful #LoveOzYA authors, talking about contemporary YA experiences for females in Aussie YA fiction. I’ve been reading all of their books which has lots of fun (but also lots of reading)! The authors are:

  • Sarah Ayoub (Hate is Such a Strong Word, The Yearbook Committee)
  • Kirsty Eagar (Summer Skin)
  • Gabrielle Tozer (The Intern, Faking It)
  • Erin Gough (The Flywheel)
  • Tamar Chnorhokian (The Diet Starts on Monday)

RSVP here! I hope to see you there!


#AusYABloggers Blog Hop & Twitter Chat


It’s been an amazing week of Aussie YA recommendations across the blogosphere! I’ve added so many books to my TBR and it’s been awesome seeing everyone’s favourites. Check out the link to the posts here!

Our Twitter chat will be held tomorrow on Sunday August 14th at 6pm! Follow us on @AusYABloggers or the hashtag #AusYABlogChat to join in the fun!


OzYAY on Air – August Podcast

We talked about two books that had a common theme – racism and discrimination: When Michael Met Mina by Randa Abdel-Fattah and Beauty is in the Walking by James Moloney.

Next month we’re covering Black by Fleur Ferris & The Road to Winter by Mark Smith. Tune in on September 4 at 7-8pm on ABC Radio!


Brisbane Writer’s Festival -10-11 Sep

We have an amazing line-up of authors heading to our shores next month, and I’ve been madly reading so I can be prepared when I see the authors! Here’s some of the events I’m heading to:

Melbourne Writer’s Festival – 27-28 Aug

Rainbow Rowell and David Levithan are heading to Melbourne Writer’s Festival and I’m so jealous! I wish I could fly down and be there.

Are you heading to any of these events?

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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18 responses to “I’m Hosting a Panel, August TBR Video & Other #LoveOZYA News

  1. Wow Jeann it looks like you're going to be SUPER busy this month. And didn't you just move? I think you just posted on that topic, which I will still check out even though I am practically all settled in hahah.

    Good luck on the panel!
    My recent post Top Ten Tuesday #88

    • Yeah, this month and next are going to be insane! Yup, we moved about 3-4 weeks ago and have been busy unpacking and furnishing the house. Let's say it's an ongoing process. Thanks Val!

  2. Grace @ RebelMommyBB

    Oh wow that is a lot going on!!! So cool you get to moderate a panel! Plus all the other cool bookish events! Have a great time and happy reading!

  3. Ahh, you have so many awesome bookish events coming up, Jeann! I'm a little jealous, haha. I hope you have an amazing time at all of them! It's so cool that you're hosting a panel too. You'll be brilliant!!

    I'm really looking forward to the Twitter chat tonight.

  4. thebigfatf

    The universe is trying to tell my something – now just NEED to go to this panel! So proud you're moderating, Jeann and if I end up going, I'll say hi! Brisbane Writer's festival sounds fantastic!! I have to say I'm jealous that Sydney didn't have the same line-up but c'est la vie!

    My recent post The Last Photograph || Emma Chapman

  5. Rachel Lightwood

    *Cries* Why do all the Aussie events happen in Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne? I'm so, so happy that Australia is getting on the map and that you all get such incredible opportunities to meet some really fabulous authors but I'll have to admit that I'm a teensy bit jealous. Look forward to hearing your wrap-ups and seeing some pics! Have a fabulous time.
    My recent post {Favorite Fairytale Retelling} Beauty and the Beast

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