November Wrap Up Video: SO MANY GOOD BOOKS

December 11, 2016 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Features, Monthly Recap, Videos

During November, I read 12 books during the month, and most of them were library reads. I was glad to pick up books that I have been meaning to read for ages. As much as I love my review copies, it was nice to indulge in books that I chose for myself which lead to a successful reading month for me.

Check out my November Wrap Up video below:

Here’s the 12 books I read this month:

Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel 
When the Moon Was Ours by Marie McLemore
Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (re-read)
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury
Girl Against The Universe by Paula Stokes
I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios
My Best Friend is a Goddess by Tara Eglington
Paper and Fire by Rachel Caine
Swarm by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan and Deborah Biancotti
Forgetting Foster by Diane Touchell
Replica by Lauren Oliver

What about Aila and Jenna?

Jenna read 13 books during her supposed reading slump. Aila continues to love the Aussie YA we send her way, reviewing Words in Deep Blue.

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How was your reading month?

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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18 responses to “November Wrap Up Video: SO MANY GOOD BOOKS

  1. Val Live-Commenting:

    I loved Sleeping Giants too! Though I felt that there were a couple of things I didn't like, but still I am looking forward to the sequel! Also the cover for your edition looks pretty cool! I haven't seen it til now!

    I bought When The Moon Was Ours, but I haven't started it yet!

    I'm holding off on Gemina because I DON'T KNOW I AM SCARED? I brought it with me to my parents house so I will get to it? Is it a quick read like Illuminae?

    I WANT TO READ EVERY HEART A DOORWAY. IT SOUNDS SO COOL. Also the message is A++++ (Love how short the book is as well)

    I'm also hesitant about The Forbidden Wish, but for a different reason. Books with djinns/genies haven't really met my expectations, and I always end up being let down. Except for The Golem and the Jinni which was amazing. But I don't know. Maybe I will try this later.

    Girl Against The Universe was really cute 😀 (I didn't like the tennis section either LOL)

    I'll Meet You There surprised me SO MUCH. I didn't think I would like it AT ALL but I ended up loving it as well!

    With Replica, I ended up flipping every two chapters or so because I was so lazy and didn't feel like flipping it every other hahah. And yeah, to me this book was blander than I expected.


    • I had so much fun with your live comment Val! Yessss I loved Sleeping Giants, it is such a beautiful cover hehe. I'm excited to hear your thoughts on Gemina and When the Moon was ours, as well as Every Heart a Doorway! There are so many great reads there I think you will love. Ooohh I have Golem and the Jinni on my shelf, should pick it up some time. Yeah, a shame about Replica. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING LOVE. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  2. Cyn @ Bookmunchies

    Looks like a great list of books! Glad you read Girl Against the Universe! I need to check out Rachel Caine. Haha Jenna, 13 in a reading slump :p
    I got Words in Deep Blue from EW because of Aila's review. Excited to start it. Have a great December guys!

    • Thanks Cyn, I love Rachel Caine! Yesss I'm so glad you picked up Words in Deep Blue! It's such a lovely read omg. Have a great Christmas Cyn!

  3. Read Diverse Books

    I am done with review copies for a few months! I do not like the pressure they bring, haha. But will definitely resume doing that once I clear out some of my own TBR.
    It looks like you had a great reading month indeed, Jeann. I can't read 12 books in a month, so that's definitely something to be proud of.
    Jenna read 13 books during a reading slump?? I wonder how many she reads when she's in a reading streak!!
    My recent post My Lit Box – December Unboxing

    • Yeah, neither do I tbh! I always feel obligated and get a lot of unsolicited ARCs. That's a good idea, I have many books that have been on my shelves for years that I haven't gotten to. I know, she's a super fast reader!

    • Yesss I can’t wait for you to read both of them, I really enjoyed them! Think I’m getting reading fatigue I’ve only read 1 book so far lol.

  4. JEAN YOU ARE SO SO CUTE <3 Loved your video and your enthusiasm! You are so lucky to have read 12 books because I actually did not read anything last month due to school, haha. But that's okay, I hope to catch up on all the good books this month 🙂 I've always wanted to read Gemina! I saw the book in the store the other day and it was massive! Haha. Great post and I love watching your videos 😀
    My recent post Difficult Roads and Beautiful Destinations

    • Awwww THANK YOU so much Jillian! Yeah, once it gets busy its hard to keep up with the reading. I’m not making much progress in December tbh. I hope you pick up Gemina, it is so so good! Thanks so much for watching to <3

  5. Bec

    THIRTEEN BOOKS IN A READING SLUMP??!?!!! What is read on a normal month then?? haha I'm lucky to read 2 books a month :'(

    I'm glad you found time to indulge yourself and read some long awaited books! I really need to find time for that soon.

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