Asian Literature Challenge – My #AsianLitBingo TBR

May 10, 2017 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books

One thing that is important to me in reading are books that I can relate to, especially those that feature Asian main characters. Created by Shenwei @ Reading Asiam and hosted by many Asian bloggers, #AsianLitBingo is a reading challenge where the blogosphere will be reading books featuring Asian main characters during May.

I’m excited for this challenge because I’ll get to finally pick up some of my TBR that I’ve put off (you know how it is), and also find out what everyone else is reading and add to my TBR.

It looks like there’ll be a Twitter chat and prizes as well, check out the original post for more details and to join the challenge! The beautiful graphics in this post are by Aentee @ Read at Midnight!


I’m aiming to get a Bingo on the middle line horizontally, just so I can fit some of my TBR on it. Who knows how I’ll go through, I’m pretty lofty like that ๐Ÿ˜›

SFF with Asian MC

Empress of a Thousand Skies by Rhoda Belleza

This has been on my TBR since the start of the year, and I can’t wait to finally pick it up. I love sci-fi and POC characters so naturally, this is a must read for me!

Historical fiction with Asian MC

Outrun the Moon by Stacey Lee

I’ve heard so many recommendations about this beautiful historical fiction and I can’t wait to pick it up!

Free Space

Flame in the Mist by Renee Abdieh

YES this is one of my highly anticipated books on my TBR and I can’t resist a good Japanese/Samurai read.

Retelling with Asian MC

Of Metal and Wishes by Sarah Fine

A phantom of opera retelling set in a Chinese factory, how amazing does that sound?

Note: This book doesn’t qualify for the challenge as it isn’t written by an Asian author.

Contemporary with Asian MC

Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han

I ordered this from The Book Depository and can’t wait for the conclusion to Lara Jean’s series! If you haven’t heard of it, this series is a cute, adorable contemporary featuring a Korean-American main character.

Other picks:

Depending on how I go, I might mix and match some of the books below. If I meet the above though I’ll be beyond stoked.

Are you joining the #AsianLitBingo challenge?

What books are on your TBR? Link me below!

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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32 responses to “Asian Literature Challenge – My #AsianLitBingo TBR

  1. This is such a fantastic TBR list, Jeann! I really wanted to join this challenge but I was in the middle of my final exams when this started (and I'm too slow of a reader to start now). I'm hoping that you'll get around to writing reviews for most of these titles because I'm super interested to see what you thought of Outrun the Moon (I've only heard good things about this one), Flame in the Mist (since you found TWatD problematic if I remember correctly), and Of Metal and Wishes (I've noticed this one got some negative reviews but I own a copy).

    Anyway, only 10 days left now so good luck!


  2. If I wasn't so swamped with books at the moment (and feeling kind of anxious about how I'm going to review them in time) I would have loved to join in on this challenge! Maybe I'll just do it by myself when I have the time, anyway. I would love to read more books with Asian MCs written by Asian authors! I hope you love all the books you've chosen to read, Jeann ๐Ÿ™‚ I highly recommend you end up picking Not Your Sidekick because it's really cute!

    • Yeah, I'm feeling you with the stress and the anxiety of everything, hun! *hugs* I have only just started the challenge myself and already the month is over. I can't wait to read not Your Sidekick, it's on my shelf ready to go!

    • bethwade1

      (and I really want to suggest Book of a Thousand Days, which I loved, but I see this is an Own Voices thing, and the author is white. Just FYI, though, the book is kind of a fairytale retelling, set in Mongolia).

      • Ohhh such fantastic recommendations! Thanks for the graphic novel one, I probably will read Monstress because it's on my shelf!

  3. Julianna @ Blots of Ink and Words

    YAYY I'm excited to see that you'll be doing this challenge along with others! I'm not doing it because I probably won't be able to complete it tbh.. but I do love diversity! I recently finished Always and Forever and just saying but it's SO CUTE I CAN'T EVEN you need to read it soon so I can see your review! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I've been so slow with the challenge because I was trying to finish my current read. I just started Lara Jean and I'm so glad you loved it! It's so cute so far.

  4. AHA YAY I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU'RE PARTICIPATING! These are such great picks and I'm also going to be reading Empress Of A Thousand Skies and Flame In The Mist (which is what I'm currently reading!) AND I CANNOT WAIT TO READ OUTRUN THE MOON I'VE HEARD SUCH GREAT THINGS ABOUT IT!

  5. Ohh great TBR, Jeann, it's awesome that you can participate to this. I would have loved to, but if I have a TBR idea, I don't have the books and by the time I get them it will be the end of the month and I won't read them in the given time ahha, so I guess I'll do my own little Asian Lit Challenge when I can get these books! I'm eager to know your thoughts about all of these, especially Lara Jean and Flame in the Mist! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Yeah, I\’m looking forward to it as well, I had so much fun planning out my TBR. I\’ve put some of these books off for so long, so I\’m glad that this challenge came about to move them to the forefront! Can\’t wait to share my thoughts on them too.

    • Oh my gosh, you have done so well with the challenge! I can\’t wait to check out what you\’ve read, you\’ve done so well so far! I can\’t wait to join the Twitter chats! Hopefully they\’ll be in my timezone.

  6. thebookprophet

    This looks like so much fun! I own Outrun the Moon and have really been wanting to read it

  7. Ali (@thebandarblog)

    Some of those boxes seem like they'd be really hard books to find! I've read none of these books, but have been wanting to read Outrun the Moon! Hope you enjoy them all!

    • Yeah definitely, the team have pulled together a list of suggestions though for every topic. They are amazing! Thanks Ali!

  8. fullybookedreviews

    This is a fantastic challenge – and while I won't be taking part, I will be on the lookout for plenty of amazing, diverse recs to add to my TBR!

  9. I love your choices Jeann! Just letting you know though, Of Metal And Wishes shouldn't be counted because the author, Sarah Fine, is white (as far as I know) and #AsianLitBingo only has Asian authors! It doesn't have to be #ownvoices, but that's preferred.

    I think you're gonna love Outrun the Moon. Go into Flame in the Mist with lower expectations though, because I know you didn't like The Wrath and the Dawn that much and imo there's some parallels. I'm doing the first Lara Jean book for my contemporary!

    • Noooo thanks for letting me know Aila! I\’ll update with this note but will have to find another retelling lol. Ohhh interesting, thanks for lowering my expectations for Flame in the Mist! You know how they get sky high ๐Ÿ˜‰ Yay, I know you\’ll love the first LJ book!

  10. Such good choices!! I've so far read Little Paradise, which I loved, and am reading The Secret of a Heart Note. And omggg I can't wait to read the last Lara Jean book and When Dimple Met Rishi!


    • YESSS I\’ve heard so many raves about Laurinda, I need to pick it up from the library! I forgot about Secret of a Heart Note, Will have to add that one to the TBR too. So many great reads from this challenge, yay!

  11. cw @ readthinkponder

    YAY Jeann! Already said this on Twitter but I'll say it again, I'm really happy you're joining us for #AsianLitBingo!
    I love your choices so much – I really enjoyed Empress of a Thousand Skies, so I hope you do too!
    I've been wanting to read Outrun the Moon for a long, long time, and I definitely can't wait to read Always and Forever, Lara Jean. (Almost typed Jeann there! XD) I'm waiting for my copy to come from BD too… I hope it arrives soon, but at the same time, I don't want the series to end.

    Here's my TBR!… ๐Ÿ˜€

    I hope you have a lovely May and that you enjoy your books. <3 Happy reading!

    • I know, I\’ve heard so many things about Outrun the Moon and it sounds amazing! I\’m looking forward to reading it. Hehe I wouldn\’t have minded if you typed Lara Jeann ๐Ÿ™‚ I especially can\’t wait to read Not Your Sidekick, which arrived the other day! Yay!

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