A Look Back at 2019: My First Year of Motherhood

January 3, 2020 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books

Happy new year everyone! I love the promise of a new year with the fresh start that it brings, as we look back at everything that happened the year before, and everything that we want to achieve for the year ahead.

Without a doubt, 2019 was an incredibly memorable year, as I became a mother to my beautiful baby girl Amelia. It’s totally surreal that this time last year, I was about to give birth to my new baby. I was feeling excited, uncertain and also jittery about what my new role in life may bring.

Motherhood is the most important role that I’ve had in my life, and it hasn’t always come easy. The newborn days were probably the toughest, when you realise parenting doesn’t come with a manual and you just have to figure it out. There were days that we barely survived, days where I wondered when I would feel like my own again, days where I felt like I was just a milk cow and a nappy changer.

But slowly but surely, those hard days passed, and I was rewarded by smiles, her little voice calling “mum”, hugs and a little hand pulling me towards her, and a happy little personality as she explored new things on her own. She loved to show her own independence, as long as I was there watching from the wings. Before long, Amelia became her own person and I feel truly blessed to have been able to experience it with her.

Now Amelia is almost 1, and I feel like I’m well and truly versed in being a mother. Every day is filled with surprises, for the new things that she might learn, for the new experiences that she might undergo for the first time in her life. I was told that the days are long, but the years are short, so I’ve treasured all the time that I’ve spent with her. Amelia has a really wonderful personality, and she’s the best of both parts of me and my husband – she’s curious, observant, social, smart and very sassy.

They say you never really know what having a child would like, until you have one yourself. The love that you feel is something completely indescribable – a part of your soul that you’ve given. The sleepless nights, the soothing of tantrums, the incredible exhaustion and the constant attachment that you have while being away – all of this is worth every moment. It has been a very exhausting year, but it’s also been the best year of my life. And no doubt, there will be many more ahead.

A note about our blog

You may have noticed we haven’t been posting as often. Don’t worry, we’re not going anywhere – we’ve been taking a well earned break over the holiday period. Now that it’s the start of a new year, we’re looking at making a few changes to what we post. We won’t be posting as often as before, but you’ll see some new blog content pop up. I hope you’ll enjoy the new changes and thanks for supporting us throughout this journey!

Wishing you all a wonderful 2020! I hope this year is filled with good health, good reads and most of all, good memories.

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.


11 responses to “A Look Back at 2019: My First Year of Motherhood

  1. Jas

    Amelia is such a cutie! I really loved the first two years with my niece. It’s such a fun age where they learn and explore. I can’t wait to read more 🙂

    • Aila

      Sigh, reading about Amelia brings tears to my eyes. I love seeing her updates on social as well – she’s such a photogenic baby! You’re such a wonderful mother Jeann, and I’m so happy reading this post for you and the fam!! Wishing you and Jenna a wonderful 2020 <3

  2. I really appreciate this post 🙂 This was my first full year as a new mother, too (my kiddo was born back in October 2018, so I have a few months on you). There is a part of me that acknowledges that my son is new to this world, but there is also this part of me that feels like he’s been with me forever, and it’s really hard for me to remember what life was like before he existed. Suuuuper cheesy, I know. But, I guess it goes along with what you said about how it feels like we gave part of our soul away.
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