BLOG PARTY: 9 Comfort Reads!

July 15, 2021 by Bec | Books, Co-Blogging, Giveaways

Is there a particular book or series you always turn you when you just need a pick me up? That, my friend, is a comfort book. The books we go back to reread (or at least, reread parts of) time and time again. They’re different for everyone. Here are some of our comfort reads!

Heart’s Blood by Juliet Marillier

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve reread this book. It’s a historical fantasy standalone and my all time favourite Beauty and the Beast retelling. Wonderful characters who go through some fantastic growth, a sweet slow burn romance, and gorgeous writing.

Poison Study by Maria V Snyder

This one is a bit of a more surprising comfort read, because it’s the first book in a fantasy series and contains some pretty dark topics. But it holds so much nostalgia for me. It was one of the first books I stayed up until the early hours of the morning binge reading. Interestingly, I’ve reread this book at least five or six times, but only read the rest of the series once or twice.

Until It Fades by K.A. Tucker

This is one of my most recent comfort reads. I only read it for the first time in 2019, but I’ve already reread it two or three times! It’s shorter than my other comfort reads and a light(er) sports/ celebrity romance and super sweet with fantastic characters. It leaves you smiling.


Six of Crows & Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

I always turn to my favourite series when I need to re-read something with a world and characters that I’m familiar with, and that’s the Six of Crows series! I’ve read the first book about 4 times now and Crooked Kingdom twice, and I just adore the characters, the banter and the fun heist story.

The Illuminae Files by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman

I’m pretty sure this surprises no one, and it’s quite surprising as a comfort read, but I really love the unique format of this series on both physical and audiobook. I’ve probably read Illuminae and Gemina about four times, but Obsidio only once because it traumatised me so much. But it’s just such a fun series with wicked banter and I love it so much.

The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang

Okay so my comfort reads aren’t really “comforting” per se, but that’s because I like my heart ripped into shreds apparently =) The Poppy War is one of my favourite series of all time (heck, all of these in my list are) and you’ll often hear me shouting about it from the rooftops of my IG account. I even got to interview the author here for the launch of The Burning God, which is the final book in the series. I am incredibly aware that I still have to review it, but it’s been about a year and I’m still not ready to confront my feelings about it.


The Weight of Feathers by Anna-Marie McLemore

I’ve read all of Anna-Marie McLemore’s books but The Weight of Feathers is still by far my favourite. I love the Romeo and Juliet/feuding families story and all of the magical realism aspects. And of course, the writing is absolutely breathtaking!

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

There are no words for how much I love this book and the characters in it. I love, love, love Baz and of course I’m totally on board the SnowBaz ship. I haven’t reread the whole book for a while but I do find myself rereading sections of it. We did a discussion review on Carry On a few years back.

Soppy by Philippa Rice

This is a bit of a weird one… but I’m not that big of a rereader so I find my most often reread books to be graphic novels. I absolutely love Philippa Rice’s books and have reread Soppy at least 5 times.


International Giveaway!

We’re giving away one of the books in this post to celebrate our 9th blogoversary! Open internationally.

  • No fake entries – we check! Verified entries only. Giveaway ends 30 July 2021 and winner will be chosen randomly and emailed directly.
  • Book depository must ship to your country and winner must be over 18 (or have parental permission to enter). We don’t take responsibility for lost or stolen parcels. Please also keep in mind that shipping delays may impact on how soon you receive your prize. If you are concerned about the status of your parcel, please check Book Depository’s shipping estimates before getting in touch with us.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Make sure to check out the other blogoversary posts for more giveaways!

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Bec is an Aussie blogger and reader who loves all types of novels. Fantasy, sci fi, and historical are my usual go-to genres. If I’m not binge reading, I’m usually gaming, trying to take decent photos for bookstagram, or freaking out about silly things.

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20 responses to “BLOG PARTY: 9 Comfort Reads!

  1. John Smith

    “Tell us some of the comfort reads you always go back to!” I haven’t re-read it for some time, but I will always love “Brave New World”! And “Alice In Wonderland”!

  2. Kirstie Ellen

    Congrats on 9 years! So exciting! I’m not a huge re-reader but I find historical fiction is a comfort read, no matter the book, for me!

  3. Until It Fades is one of the Tucker books I still haven’t read. It’s nice to see it on this list. Makes me want to pick it up sooner than later. If I had to pick a comfort book that I keep going back to, it would probably have to be the FCH series by Tijan. It’s really the only series I reread. But I’m more of a comfort genre type of girl. I like to read romantic comedies for comfort.

    • Bec

      Yessss pick it up! It’s so good! I haven’t read the FCH books, but I did try one is this world and couldn’t get into it at the time. Which was a shame because there have been a couple of Tijan books I LOVED

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