Category: Double Reviews

Contemporary Reviews: Phantom Limbs & The Year We Fell Down

Contemporary Reviews: Phantom Limbs & The Year We Fell Down

I love a book that deals with grief and Phantom Limbs delivers a wonderful story about grief. What I really loved about it was that it wasn’t dark and heavy, but instead was relatively lighthearted and charming. Rather than solely focusing on grief as a theme, this book also explores friendship and first love and […]

Aussie YA Reviews: Yellow by Megan Jacobson & Frankie by Shivaun Plozza

Aussie YA Reviews: Yellow by Megan Jacobson & Frankie by Shivaun Plozza

Today Jenna and I join forces to review some Aussie YA reads! I hope you enjoy our double review feature. Books about teenagers getting bullied and having a difficult life are usually depressing, melodramatic and really bring you down. Yellow differs in showcasing the beautiful moments in life, even though you may be from a low […]