Mini Reviews #2 – Pandora Jones Reckoning, The Potion Diaries & Afterlight

Mini Reviews #2 – Pandora Jones Reckoning, The Potion Diaries & Afterlight

This Aussie YA read is a mix between psychological thriller and dystopian, and I’m glad I ended up sticking through the series with Reckoning. Pan has learnt to harness her abilities for the greater good, convincing the student body that they need to escape. She really grows in her confidence and her ability to convince people, and I liked […]

Paperweight by Meg Haston Review: All the Sad Things

Paperweight by Meg Haston Review: All the Sad Things

Deep, heavy and depressing, Paperweight certainly packed a punch when it came to the feels. I picked this up, knowing it was about a girl suffering from an eating disorder, but little did I know, the multiple triggers the book would cover. Grief, physical and emotional abuse, suicide, depression, toxic friendships, negative body image, drinking and family […]

August 3, 2015 | 50 Comments
Indulgence Insider #36 – Paula Weston Signing & Book Haul VLOG

Indulgence Insider #36 – Paula Weston Signing & Book Haul VLOG

Indulgence Insider is our version of Stacking the Shelves, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged and the Sunday Post, bringing you this week’s haul, bookish news and discussion posts from around the blogosphere! This is going to be a quick update this week. It’s been a hard time for my family, my grandpa passed away a couple of days ago. […]