Tag: blogging

I’m Terrible at Writing Negative Reviews

I’m Terrible at Writing Negative Reviews

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that not every book you pick up is going to be a good book. It’s impossible for a single book to click with every single person who picks it up. The vast majority of people probably just put a book they don’t enjoy aside when they finish and forget about […]

December 1, 2020 | 8 Comments
By Bec
Posted in Books, Chatterbox
Why I Stopped Requesting ARCs

Why I Stopped Requesting ARCs

If you’ve been part of the online book community for any amount of time, you’ve no doubt heard about ARCs. These early review copies, provided by publishers for free, can be highly coveted and are pretty vital for getting reviews out and building buzz for a book around its release date (unless you’re already a […]

August 17, 2020 | 27 Comments
2018 Blogging & Reading Stats

2018 Blogging & Reading Stats

I can’t believe there’s only a few more days left until 2018! It’s always interesting to look back at what has been achieved over the past year (especially when comparing it to the next year). I don’t often look at my blogging stats, so I got a bit carried away compiling these statistics for the […]

December 30, 2018 | 20 Comments
Chatterbox: Remember Why You Started

Chatterbox: Remember Why You Started

I just attended my third PTALive event, a book event held for YA bloggers and readers by Penguin Random House. I’ll be doing an event recap on ibrary shortly. Unlike previous years, PTALive this year was focused on the reader (instead of bloggers and booktubers). PTA said as publishers, they have noticed a lot of bloggers feeling the pressure […]

November 29, 2015 | 84 Comments
Happy Blogging #3 – Getting More Followers on Social Media…for Free

Happy Blogging #3 – Getting More Followers on Social Media…for Free

Happy Blogging is where I offer my blogging knowledge and tutorials. Throughout the years, I’ve managed to build a steady following throughout different social media channels. While I like to think that’s because I’m awesome, I’m a social media marketing expert by trade, so it’s probably second nature to me. I want to share with you […]