Indulgence Insider #49 – YASquad 2016 Video Recap & Movie Trailers

March 20, 2016 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Features, Indulgence Insider


Indulgence Insider is our version of Stacking the Shelves, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged and the Sunday Post, bringing you this week’s haul, bookish news and discussion posts from around the blogosphere!

So on Friday night I went to Penguin Teen Australia’s YASquad event and it was so much fun! We had four Aussie authors, Will Kostakis, Shivaun Plozza, Kylie Fornasier and Megan Jacobson there who talked about their newly released books. It was also Felicity’s last event who has run Penguin Teen Australia for as long as I’ve known, so it was really fun and sad to see her go! The best part was also catching up with fellow bloggers and book people, these events just leave you with a happy feeling.

Here’s a quick recap of the event:


Felicity from PTA, Megan Jacobsen, Will Kostakis, Shivaun Plozza and Kylie Fornasier




With fellow bloggers Maddie, Brett and my fellow radio presenter Rhianna from ABC Radio


I started playing a farming game called Stardew Valley, which is the 2nd biggest seller on Steam at the moment. It’s a Harvest Moon clone but new and improved, and I’m just so impressed that 1 guy made this game over 3 years! I just love how you can go at your own pace and do whatever you want, it’s just so relaxing and therapeutic.

Book Haul


So I bought lots of books for the YA Squad event but also picked up a few $5 bargains at a book clearance store! What a score!

The Sidekicks by Will Kostakis
The Things I Didn’t Say by Kylie Fornasier
Frankie by Shivaun Plozza
Seveneves by Neal Stephenson
Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White

Review Copies

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare – SQUEEING
Whisper to Me by Nick Lake
Dreaming the Enemy by David Metzenthen


The First Third by Will Kostakis – Will was lovely enough to gift a signed yiayia copy due to getting my name wrong lol!
A Corner of White, The Cracks in the Kingdom and Tangle of Gold by Jaclyn Moriarty – Jenna got these signed copies for me at her recent Jaclyn Moriarty signing, which was an unexpected surprise! I know she loved these books, so I’m excited to read it. Read her reviews here.

Reading Update

tknonlg askandanswer rebelofthesands vengeanceroad

  • I feel like I’m going through some rite of passage reading The Knife of Never Letting Go, and of course after that major cliffhanger I’m reading The Ask and the Answer. This dystopian seriously is like nothing else I’ve ever read, it’s dark and gritty and I’m loving it (despite all the pain).
  • Really enjoyed both Rebel of the Sands and Vengeance Road, which are both Westerns, although Rebel has a Middle Eastern twist to it. My reviews will be coming soon, I rated Rebel of the Sands 4 stars, and Vengeance Road 5 stars!


Here’s some of my favourite shots on bookstagram! Follow @happyindulgence for more photos.

I feel like I’m finally learning how to use my DSLR correctly which I’m really excited about! I’m hosting #AusYAChallenge this month and it’s been awesome sharing the love for Aussie Ya authors.

zac&mia julietmarillier_danielherborn masquerade_2

Bookish News

  • Sarah J Maas revealed her the 5th Throne of Glass Title – Empire of Storms! IT SOUNDS EPIC AND I NEED IT NOW.
  • This week, we’re saying goodbye for now to Felicity at Penguin Teen Australia! She’s been such an amazing force in the Aussie YA community.
  • Rights for a new YA movie adaptation has been sold for Love That Split the World by Emily Henry!
  • Inside a Dog are looking for Teen YA readers between 12-20 years of age to become an Inky Awards judge this year! Applications close 28 March, apply here.
  • The movie poster for Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children is out, and the Aussie release date has been announced: 29 September!


Movie Trailers

I’m so hyped about these movies that I just have to include them here!

Xmen Apocalypse 2nd Trailer

Xmen is one of my favourite franchises ever, so I’m super excited to see this one to be full of action and along the same lines as Days of Future Past (which was my movie of the year in 2014!). I pretty much need to watch this now.

Batman vs Superman Final Trailer

Love how this one emphasises more on the battle between Batman and Superman. And I’m totally sold on Ben Affleck now because I’m a Batman loyalist.

Captain America Civil War Trailer 2

Like my babies Captain America and Ironman are fighting like what is this?! Noooooo.

Discussion Posts

Some of my favourite discussions in the past few weeks:

You May Have Missed…

How was your bookish week?

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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40 responses to “Indulgence Insider #49 – YASquad 2016 Video Recap & Movie Trailers

  1. Great recap, Jeann! This way I can be there vicariously. I plan to read Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White The Cracks in the Kingdom and Tangle of Gold by Jaclyn Moriarty, looking forward to your thoughts about these books. I have no idea about the movie, based on Love That Split the World by Emily Henry, now I need to read it.
    My recent post Review: The Score (Off-Campus #3) by Elle Kennedy

    • Thanks Ksenia, I know Jenna absolutely loved the Jaclyn Moriarty series so I\’m excited to pick it up! I\’ve heard good things about Love that Split the World.

  2. Asdfghjkl I'll never stop telling you how jealous I am of all your Aussie events! <3 (My dad went to Melbourne a few weeks ago and wasn't able to take me because I had exams–*cries*)

    And yes, reading The Knife of Never Letting Go does seem like some sort of reader rite, but I actually DNFed it around… 5% in? 🙁 I got Rebel of the Sands last week though, and I'm excited to dive into it! 🙂
    My recent post F/F Romances, Unicorns and #ownvoices

    • Ahhhh Aimee I\’m so glad you\’re back for now! It would\’ve been wonderful to meet you, hopefully we can someday. It was amazing Aimee! Such a shame it wasn\’t for you. I think you\’ll enjoy RotS!

  3. Bieke (Nelly B.)

    That even tlooks like so much fun! I wish we had those here. 🙁 OH but I can't wait to read Rebel of the Sands and I also can't wait to see X-men! It's gonna be epic, for sure.

    • It was so much fun Bieke! We\’re definitely lucky to have bookish events here. So many amazing movies omg I need to watch them now

  4. Friday night's event looks great Jeann – so much fun. I hope to get to a book / reading / blogging event or two this year. I miss my 'tribe' if that makes sense.

    I haven't read Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children but saw the preview online last week and it looks amazing!
    My recent post Weekly check-in

    • Thanks Debbish, I totally know what you mean! Bookish people are the best and they understand lol. I can't wait to read the book, I haven't watched the trailer yet!

  5. OMG I saw it just after I posted this recap! I haven't read the book, so I didn't want to watch the trailer yet. But such a shame they changed it again! It was such a fun event Cait! I know, I saw it at the bookstore and was about to buy it!

  6. The YASquad event sounds like it was a fun one, Jeann! I wish I had the chance to attend fun book events like that. Maybe one day!
    And you got some awesome looking books! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of Lady Midnight!
    And yay for enjoying Vengeance Road! I loved that book too.
    Have a lovely week ahead, Jeann and happy reading! 🙂
    My recent post The Weekly Recap (183)

    • It was so much fun Nick! Maybe one day we will attend BEA together <3 Looking forward to picking up Lady Midnight! Thanks Nick, have a great one too!

  7. All the trailers for amazing movies are coming out this week and I just can't!!! The nearest one is BvS and I kind of doubt the movie but that final trailer is epic. As for Civil War trailer… NOPE. That movie will be the death of me. And of course we couldn't forget X-Men! I'm excited to see more superpower display!
    My recent post Book Review: The Wrath and The Dawn by Renee Adieh

  8. Bec

    YA Squad looks like it was so much fun! I'm still sad I couldn't attend T_T

    I'm so glad to hear you loved Vengeance Road! That book is awesome.

    And your haul is so beautiful! There are so many books I'm aching to get my hands on there. I hope you enjoy them all 😀
    My recent post How do you listen to audiobooks?

    • It was so much fun Bec! There's always more bookish events in the future. Man how good was VR! I absolutely LOVED it, so glad I read it even though it was overdue lol. Thanks lovely, and good luck with the exams!

  9. Tash

    Eeep Lady Midnight. I got a copy as well and I'm super scared to read it. So much expectations. I loved your photos of PTL. I can't wait for Melbourne's one later this arvo!

  10. Rachel Lightwood

    *flails* CAPTAIN AMERICA AND X-MEN! I love these two franchises so very, very much… but I'm one of those people that cannot watch trailers before seeing the movie. They're almost always too spoilery and I'd rather be surprised. Cannot wait for May for these two!

    And I wish the YASquad could have come to Adelaide. Felicity talked about it at #PTALive last year so I had hopes, but I get to meet Will Kostakis next month so that eases the pain a little bit. Great haul too. I love Keirsten White but I haven't read Illusions of Fate yet but I have it to read too!

    • So do I Rachel! The trailers definitely share a lot, especially across the different ones that they've released. Ohhh, that's exciting that you'll be meeting him, he's so funny and an all round awesome guy! You'll have the best time.

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