Indulgence Insider #72 – Booktubeathon Wrap Up

August 6, 2017 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Features, Indulgence Insider


Indulgence Insider is our version of Stacking the Shelves, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged and the Sunday Post, bringing you this week’s haul, bookish news and discussion posts from around the blogosphere!

Hi guys, I broke my phone on the weekend, so I’ve been offline for most of the week which has honestly been a great detox. It’s actually amazing how good it feels but I’m happy to be back too! Jenna’s still on hiatus and Aila’s travelling through China and then getting ready for college, so I’m not sure how available we’ll be for the next few months.

Anyway yes, I’ve gotten a new phone now (Galaxy S8 which is AMAZING) but I still need to wait for my phone number to be ported over. Can you believe it takes a few days?!

So for my mandatory wedding update, it’s all happening and I can’t believe we’re getting married next month! Now we’re down to the fun stuff, like writing our vows and putting together our guest seating plan *chokes*

Current Giveaways: Win a copy of The Build-Up Season by Megan Jacobson!  Australians only, ends 13 August.


I ended up reading 5 books last week for the Booktubeathon, which I was pretty happy with.

I fully intended to add my July wrap up here too, but that’s just going to have to come another time. Watch my booktubeathon wrap up below or on my Youtube channel!


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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.


34 responses to “Indulgence Insider #72 – Booktubeathon Wrap Up

  1. Oh man. You must be all nerves! I can’t wait to see some pics of your wedding! You did so well with your Booktubeathon. 5 books! Still suffering from a debilitating slump, unfortunately. Sigh.

    Well done, you!

  2. YESSS! I totally agree about the casting for The Hate U Give! It just keeps getting better and better. I’m still interested in seeing To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, but my sister never wants to see YA-turned-Movies with me. lolol. Yay for your new phone!! AND OMG??? Next month?? I’m so excited for you, Jeann!!
    Peach @ Rebelle Reads recently posted…Blog Tour Review: Emerald CoastMy Profile

  3. Too bad you broke your phone, but it does seem to have worked out for you 🙂 yay for the marriage excitement! I was just in my friend’s wedding two days ago. And yes! The Obsidio cover is beautiful! I can’t wait for it to actually come out. Oh the jealousy to those who will get early copies! Lol
    Evelina recently posted…Sunday post #18My Profile

  4. EEeep, for all those stressful wedding feels! I hope it goes well. And GLAD YOU GOT YOUR PHONE BACK. Honestly it’s stressful when things break. Also afjsafsjdkl loving the Hate U Give movie updates (that cast tho ❤️) and I don’t even usually care about adaptions, but like that and To All The Boys = I am so excited.
    Cait @ Paper Fury recently posted…Beautiful People #27 ~ August EditionMy Profile

    • Thank you Cait, you must be having the same with your sister’s upcoming wedding too! I’m so glad I finally got a new phone and my number transferred, I was going crazy esp waiting for all the calls from wedding ppls!

  5. Yay for the new phone! I love new gadgets that have all the new options and updates. Haha hope you get a number soon!

    You’re so good at making youtube vids! I ought to try that…

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