How COVID19 Has Affected My Reading

August 27, 2020 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Features, Reflections

How has your life and reading habits changed due to COVID19? Instead of doing my usual review post, I decided to visit how things have changed for me – and would like to hear from you guys for how you’re all feeling.

Here’s how COVID has affected me personally…

We’ve been lucky in my city that the COVID19 situation has been pretty contained, there are a few minor outbreaks here and there but nothing too major. I’ve been lucky enough to be working from home during this time, with limited contact between my colleagues and only heading out to a few places here and there. My parents visit to see the baby every week, Amelia goes to daycare, and I’m still working part time, but other than that…we haven’t really been doing too much else.

And how it’s affected my reading life

At the start of this year (maybe it was March), I was pretty excited to be in isolation – finally, time to read all the books on my TBR! Sadly, this hasn’t been the case. Like many others, my mental health hasn’t been that great and I haven’t been in the right head space to read as voraciously as I did in the past – sometimes all I can manage is to scroll social media!

Here’s how COVID19 has changed my reading:

  • Seeing as I’m home all the time, I don’t carry a book with me everywhere I go. Because I barely leave the house lol.
  • I listen to audiobooks on and off while I’m working – which is an awesome way to switch off and listen to a story while being productive and doing other stuff. Check out Jenna’s post about how her relationship with audiobooks has changed..
  • I definitely don’t read as much as I did anymore – I seem to get into slumps a lot easier. I’m guessing this could be because of animal crossing?
  • I really need to be in a particular mood to pick up certain reads, my brain seems to be able to handle light contemporaries and reads a lot easier than high fantasy – which is actually what I prefer!
  • I can’t read anything dystopian or to do with viruses at the moment, for obvious reasons
  • I really, really miss filming booktube videos and talking to you all, but the times I’ve tried to film, I’ve always been interrupted by the baby or I just can’t get into it.
  • I’ve been really getting into bookstagram a lot more and trying to reach 10k followers before the end of the year! I’ve started posting daily and been really interacting with the community and really loving it.
  • As always, I’m definitely focusing a lot more on own voices read, particularly ones by BIPOC authors.
  • I’ve been terrible at keeping up to date with the blog. What would I do without Jenna and Bec?
  • I’ve come to terms that I’m better at hoarding books than reading them.

If you are keen to see what I’m reading and my brief thoughts on them, I post all my thoughts on Goodreads and also my Instagram stories.

Anyway, I want to know how are you all doing? How has COVID19 affected you and your reading? Chat with me in the comments below (or on any of my socials anytime)!

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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7 responses to “How COVID19 Has Affected My Reading

  1. I was working for most of the stages, but since Melbourne went into stage 4 I’ve been at home. My reading the first couple of weeks was weak to say the least. I think it was mostly that I was catching up on sleep haha. But I’ve been reading more the past few weeks. Hopefully, I can go back to work in a couple of weeks.

    In saying that. It has helped with my buying habits. I haven’t bought a whole lot. I was buying books nearly every week because of work.
    Angel @Angel Reads recently posted…Getting Back Into Reading | August Wrap UpMy Profile

  2. The biggest chance for me that I’m not taking the train anymore to work and I always read during my commute. You would think I have more time at home to read, but it just doesn’t seem like that I do try to read longer before I go tot sleep to make up for the ‘lost’ reading time during the day.
    Annelies recently posted…The Boleyn bride by Emily PurdyMy Profile

  3. Yeah I haven’t read the million books I thought I would although honestly my life didn’t change much, apart from low mental health too? I rarely went out pre-COVID away but omg so many slumps this year!! I feel like it’s easier to scroll social media because we’re tired, but the endless negativity and suffering just keeps draining us further? It’s hard.
    CG @ Paper Fury recently posted…The Mermaid, The Witch, And The Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall [Brilliant And Brutal!]My Profile

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