Indulgence Insider #59 – Cultural Diversity Recs, Book Haul & EOS Poster

September 25, 2016 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Features, Indulgence Insider


Indulgence Insider is our version of Stacking the Shelves, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged and the Sunday Post, bringing you this week’s haul, bookish news and discussion posts from around the blogosphere!

Hello clouds and cloudettes, so many exciting things to share with you! I’m starting a new job at the start of October, and I have a bit of a break before then. I’ve been binge reading, relaxing and finally working on my blog. I’ve also started wedding planning (seriously considering eloping from all the drama lol) and ordering some furniture for the house, yay! I ordered a new steam mop for the house and some brand name frying pans. Hey that might be boring to some but it’s life changing lol.

It’s been a rollercoaster of the year that’s been emotionally draining, hopefully this will be the fresh start I need to get myself into a better place.

I’ve been binge watching How to Get Away with Murder and I’m onto Season 2, what a crazy ass series. It’s like a better, adult version of Pretty Little Liars? Anyway, I’m totally loving it.

Current giveaways: 

Book Haul

The delight of being home is that I get my book mail as soon as the postie drops it off (usually I have to wait until the weekends to pick it up at the post office). I was lucky enough to get a visit from the postman everyday this week!

Review Copies


Here I Stand by Amnesty International UKCell 7  by Kerry Drewery
The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGeeThe Assassins Creed: Last Descendants
The Bad Decisions Playlist by Michael RubensSilver in the Blood by Jessica Day George
Skyfire by Michael Adams Artie and the Grime Wave by Richard Roxburgh
Something in Between by Melissa De La Cruz Swarm by Scott Westerfield, Margo Lanagan and Deborah Biancotti
Assassin’s Heart by Sarah AhiersGoldenhand by Garth Nix
The Call by Peadar O’Guilin The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid

Thanks Harlequin Teen Australia, Allen & Unwin, Scholastic, HarperCollins, Penguin Random House Walker Books, Bloomsbury and Hot Key Books for the review copies! 



So I read Miss Peregrine’s and got hooked and have been binge reading the series, I also preordered Tales of the Peculiar which is SO gorgeous.

Jenna sent me Bone Gap which I’ve been wanting to read for ages and the YA Fan Fest extract preview from Allen & Unwin.


I also ordered the limited edition Empire of Storms from Target, the cover is this beautiful Rowaelin poster on the back! It also has an exclusive short story with Rowan & Aelin.


I also ordered some gorgeous watercolour bookmarks and book boyfriend lipbalms from Behind the Pages! Sooo beautiful.

Culturally Diverse Book Recs

Diversity is everywhere at the moment, and instead of criticising books that aren’t diverse, why not support diverse books and authors who are out there already?

I put together this video with heaps of culturally diverse book recommendations, check it out!

Discussion Posts

Some great discussion posts I’ve enjoyed recently:

OZYAY on Air – 2 October


Our next #LoveOzYA reads are Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley and Special by Georgia Blain! Tune in on 7 Aug 7-8pm AEST on your local ABC radio station, the ABC radio app or at!

Bookish News


How was your bookish week?

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.


50 responses to “Indulgence Insider #59 – Cultural Diversity Recs, Book Haul & EOS Poster

  1. OMG I feel like I haven't been on your blog for aaaaaages so look forward to the comment spam 🙂 🙂 First of all, congrats again on your new job!! I hope it's a lot less stressful. And new frypans, fuck yeah. You go.

    I also really want Tales of the Peculiar just because of the cover, let's be real. And I've heard soooo much hype about the movie. The company I'm interning with is kind of a competitor, because their client is Universal Sony, so it's very interesting to see how they compete lol.
    My recent post The Shield Book Tree is Complete and I Am Not Okay

    • YAY! Thank you for visiting Em, I've missed your comments hehe. Yes, I hope so too, I have a good feeling about this one! I used my new frying pan this week and it was the best thing ever. It helped that they were easy to clean too. YES I saw the Tales of Peculiar paperback and yeah no. Go the hardback, so gorgeous! It sounds like your interning is going really well!

  2. I'm so excited for your new job, Jeann! I really hope that it is incredible and amazing, and that it makes you happy <3 I also totally feel you on the domestic things, haha. We got the stairs recarpeted in July and it was the best thing ever XD

    SO many books, as always! I wonder how you get around to them all, I really do :O But they all look awesome, so i hope you love them all!

    I think it's so weird how many different editions of books are released (especially Maas books). I think it would be almost impossible to own them all O.o

    Good luck on your radio show on Sunday <3

    • Thank you so much Chiara! Ohhhh new carpet is actually the best feeling, so luxurious hehe. Yeah….I probably won't get through all of them tbh. I get so many every month! Yeah it makes it hard when I want to collect THEM ALL but then they just keep on getting released. Xx

  3. Puput

    Ohhh good luck with the new job and wedding planning! I heard that planning a wedding is the best and worst time a girl could experience 😛 but I hope everything goes well, Jeann! <3 anyway, that Rowaelin poster is SO GORGEOUS!! I don't even have the physical copy because it's not available yet in my country 🙁 ebook would have to do haha I was just gonna start reading To All the Boys I've Loved Before and the third book is coming out? Well then I could binge read all of them 😛

    Thank you for featuring one my post Jeann that's so sweet of you! <3
    My recent post Halloween Read-A-Thon TBR

    • No problems Puput, I loved your post it was so thought provoking and important! Yeah, wedding planning hasn't been fun so far and I've only just started lol. I hope you'll be able to get a copy when it comes out soonish! You probably could binge read that series, it's a quick light and fluffy contemporary.

  4. I know, I'm always excited everyday to see what's going to arrive hehe. I didn't get anything today other than my exciting new frying pan set 😛 Thank you lovely, I hope so too!

  5. I didn't like book 2 as much as book 1, although it was good to see that Lara Jean had matured slightly. Thank you Cait, it's always been so hectic for me so I'm really glad about it! Thank you, yeah there's always drama unfortunately lol everyone wants to have their say. How exciting for your sister though!

  6. Grace @ RebelMommyBB

    Oh I loved and hated wedding planning. SO much drama. Cograts on the new job. So glad you are loving HTGAWM. Season 2 gets a bit off the rails but still good. I am hoping season 3 is great. So many great books!! Enjoy them all and have a great week!!
    My recent post Weekly Rewind ~ 9.25.16

    • HAhaha man I am totally feeling the same right now Grace! Thank you, I'm watching S2 as we speak and it's like way too scandalous for dramatic effect? So much sex and unnecessary drama lol. Have a lovely week yourself!

    • I KNOW! I loved Miss Peregrine's so much, I binged the next book! But I'm reading Library of Souls atm and it's sooo slow. I don't have patience for it atm lol. Lara Jean is amazing and I can't wait to read the next one.

    • I know, I've heard so much about it and I can't wait to read it for the amazing concept alone! If only the cover was as pretty as the US version lol. Gorgeous bookmarks are my life, but they're too pretty to use lol!

  7. vendija723

    Wow, what a great post! I loved the video and added each new-to-me book on Goodreads as you were talking. I also enjoyed the links you shared regarding diversity in books.

    And I would LOVE new frying pans. Enjoy!

    • That is awesome, I'm so glad that you enjoyed the diversity recommendations! I hope you can find some new favourites 🙂 YES my new frying pan set arrived and I can't wait to use them!

  8. BooksatDawn

    Oh! I love the bookmarks you got for ToG. I might have to check out that site too.
    You also got a nice haul of review copies! I hope you enjoy them Jeann 😀

    • Yesss the bookmarks are definitely gorgeous especially with the other series! The shop is down at the moment but I'm sure she'll be back soon. Thanks so much Jesse <3

  9. Greg

    Yay for book mail! And every day? I'm jealous, I need more bookish mail. 🙂 Congrats on the new job! Sound like a lot of good stuff going on. And I've never seen How To Get Away With Murder, but it sounds great and now I'll have to check it out.

    Have a great week!
    My recent post Sunday Post #161

    • Yeah, it's always busy on this side of town lol. Oh man, that's what I've learnt as well, everyone wants to send us off and see us happy, I'm sure we'll enjoy it on the day but so much hassle to plan and organise in the meantime.

  10. Read Diverse Books

    Oh my goodness, how did I not visit your blog before! It's absolutely gorgeous. You three are amazing.
    And what an incredibly informative post!
    Thank you so much for your recommendations on cultural diversity, Jeann. This video is perfect for me! A lot of books are new to me, which I always appreciate.
    I will be sure to visit more frequently. <3 And I have now subscribed to your Booktube channel!
    My recent post The Alien Consciousness of “Latin@ Rising”

    • I know right, I can't believe I hadn't visited yours either. Thank you so much for watching, sharing my video, it's so important to spread the word on these awesome reads. And for subscribing! YAY

  11. fullybookedreviews

    Lol never feel bad about buying house appliances. They are indeed life-changing!

    Such beautiful bookish swag! *makes grabby hands*

    And I'll definitely be checking out some of the recs you've mentioned. Happy reading!

    • YES my new frying pan set arrived so I'm excited to use it hahah! Definitely life-changing! Bookish swag is my second favourite thing next to books. Thank you!

  12. booksbonesbuffy

    I'm so curious about The Thousandth Floor! Just hearing you mention your wedding plans is exciting, although I know it's very stressful. Just make sure it's the wedding you and your fiance want, not the one everyone else wants. Good luck with you're new job!

    • I know, Jenna loved A Thousandth floor so I requested it lol. That's good advice, everyone wants to be involved lol. I'm looking forward to it all!

  13. What a wonderful book haul, I'm eager to know your thoughts about all of these books, especially The Thousandth Floor and Bone Gap! 🙂 I am SO excited for the next book about Lara Jean, that cover looks absolutely GORGEOUS, I love it so much <3
    Congratulations on the new job, I hope you'll enjoy it, A LOT, and before it starts, enjoy the little break you have! And good luck for all of the wedding planning, it must be quite stressful, but you can do this, and it will be WONDERFUL <3
    Thank you so much for featuring one of my blog posts, I feel honoured <3

    My recent post Review: Me Before You, Jojo Moyes

    • Thank you Marie! There are so many wonderful books to read, I'm looking forward to reading the next Lara Jean book. Thank you, I'm having a great break but I'm eager to get back into work lol. I'm looking forward to getting the wedding stuff over and done with! You're welcome, it was such a great post Marie!

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