Published by Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) on October 4th 2016
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Sloane isn't expecting to fall in with a group of friends when she moves from New York to Florida—especially not a group of friends so intense, so in love, so all-consuming. Yet that's exactly what happens.
Sloane becomes closest to Vera, a social-media star who lights up any room, and Gabe, Vera's twin brother and the most serious person Sloane's ever met. When a beloved painting by the twins' late mother goes missing, Sloane takes on the responsibility of tracking it down, a journey that takes her across state lines—and ever deeper into the twins' lives.
Filled with intense and important friendships, a wonderful warts-and-all family, shiveringly good romantic developments, and sharp, witty dialogue, this story is about finding the people you never knew you needed.
I enjoyed the author’s previous book First and Then so much that I couldn’t not pick this one up! This Adventure Ends is wholly original and definitely went straight to my heart. I think the blurb really discredits the book – it’s a bit boring in my opinion and certainly doesn’t attract attention. In fact, throughout the book I felt like not much was really happening, but once I looked back I realized how much character growth we got to see within Sloane and her friend group. Normally I’m critical with contemporary, but this author’s books haven’t failed me yet.
We start from the very beginning at a party. Sloane is a HI~LA~RI~OUS character. All of the dialogue in this story is pure gold, but part of that is because it’s from Sloane’s POV and her part of the dialogue is always clever and ridiculously funny. So, using that hilarity, she defends a boy named Gabe at the party, which is when she starts to get pulled into Gabe’s friend group. He has a twin sister name Vera who’s super popular in the internet, as well as friends named Aubrey and Remy that we get to know a little better throughout the book. And of course, the effervescent Frank, who hosts only the grandest parties. (I liken him to Gatbsy for some reason because of his skills as a party host and charisma.) But all of this is super new to Sloane, who recently moved from New York to Florida. She’s inundated by all these new friends (?) when before, she was always comfortable with being lonely.
Loneliness was a kind of wanting, but it was also this incredible freedom. Not having to depend on anyone or have anyone depend on her. No one to disappoint or be disappointed by. Alone was good and comforting and dependable.
Wow, the character introspection in here was hardcore. Sloane’s thoughts and revelations really resonated within me, especially because I could see myself thinking those same thoughts. There are thoughts about relationships and how fleeting they can be, as well as how you really know you like or love someone or something, or the way you mask that kind of love with an aura of cynicism and laughter (which is what Sloane does). She’s great at singing, but plays it off as no big deal. She starts becoming close with a boy, but doesn’t really act much on their chemistry. She knows about the hardships her dad is dealing with, but treats his new work with fandoms as a joke.
‘But come on,’ I shake my head. ‘I mean, no one loves anyone that much. Right? No one… feels it like that.’
And that’s the kind of behavior that isn’t uncommon in adolescents, you know? In This Adventure Ends, Sloane goes more of a mental adventure, if anything. She discovers how she really feels about people and interests, and gets a sense of self-discovery that’ll carry her and her friends forward for the future. There are very cute and unique moments along this adventure that help shape her discovery. One is the fact that her prolific author-dad, who is in a writing slump, gets his groove back by reading fanfiction of a Were TV Show (having to do with Werewolves). This was another hilarious aspect of the book that was portrayed so achingly accurate – even teaching Sloane terms like ship and canon and AU. I mean, that fangirl life can get pretty complicated sometimes, right? And while she plays the fanfic her dad writes as a bit of a joke, Sloane is actually pretty invested in his writing and books.
‘We should all find something to be weirdly passionate about, don’t you think?’
There’s a light romance in this novel that kind of acts like the frosting on the cake. If you’ve read First and Then, then it’s really similar. Gabe and Sloane have great chemistry, but they really don’t act on it much throughout the book. Sloane veils the attraction with her quick wit and jocular attitude, while Gabe’s reticence makes it a bit hard for her to gauge his feelings. However, their progression near the end is definitely satisfying, especially as Sloane starts to discover what it’s like to really have a friend group.
This Adventure Ends really promises the start of an adventure, in terms of friendships and relationships. We see a myriad of realistic relationships develop and end (romantic, platonic, or otherwise), all the while through the eyes of a loner who finally finds the people that she belongs with. Fans of contemporary are sure to enjoy this one, and anyone else who’s looking for a light read that makes you quite thoughtful, all within the bounds of magnetic dialogue and characters that just breathe life.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Thank you Macmillan for the review copy!
Aila J.
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[…] was this review here by Aila from Happy indulgence that got me interested in this book. This book sounds like a contemporary that doesn’t […]
Interesting! The cover drew my eye but yeah, that blurb bored me so I didn't bother looking into it further. Glad I caught your review.
This sounds like a really cute contemporary, I love it when romance isn't really the focus it needs to happen more I think. I am going straight to add this to my TBR so when I am actually in a contemporary mood I can pick this one up, Great review 🙂
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I also adore it when the romance is more subtle in books Michelle. 🙂 There's less drama and more focus on self introspection and discovery. I hope you enjoy it when you get the chance to pick it up!
This one is high on my list to-read. I really enjoyed her debut last year, so I'm hoping this one will be great as well. Awesome review!
My recent post Blog Tour: The Tokyo Cover Girls by Jackie Amsden
Her debut was amazing Lekeisha, and I can't wait for you to pick this one up! Thanks so much 🙂
This one sounds quite interesting. It's added to my TBR list. I swear since I started blogging and looking at others blogs this year the list has grown enormously. Oh well, can't help the life of a bookworm. Anyway, I do like like the sound of this book.
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Haha very true girl! I always feel like I'm drowning in my TBR honestly, and it's the best feeling sometimes. 🙂 I'm glad you liked the sound of it! I hope you pick it up soon
Wonderful review! I haven't read First and Then yet, but I have a copy of it on my shelf, and will definitely be picking this one up, too! The cover for this is simple and yet amazing (and I'll admit, reminds me of cake frosting).
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Thank you! Oh my goodness Kelly – you definitely need to pick up First and Then when you get the chance. 🙂 Cake frosting is definitely what I think of too. The best part is that the cover has something to do with an aspect in the book. 🙂
I like light romance sometimes, give the book time and space to focus more on other moving parts. Love the book shot too!
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Yup, exactly Braine! My fave part of the cover is the fact that it's related to something that happens in the book. 😛 I think it's perfect!
This looks really good! I love the cover so much.
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Isn't it gorgeous? It also matches an aspect in the book which readers will definitely appreciate. I highly recommend it! 😀
Every time I see that cover, I think of cupcakes and (more appropriately) small town art fairs where I grew up. I don't read a great deal of contemporary fiction, but I really like the promotion of the "weirdly passionate." <3
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Yes! The cover actually has something to do with an aspect of the book, which readers will really appreciate once they pick it up. It's full of fun and wild things that mark a great YA contemporary!
oh I would love Sloane , this sounds like such a promising read >.< ugh okay its coming out sooon. I think I need to buy this.
Yes, thank goodness it's coming out soon! It's soooo good and satisfying. Definitely has promise and more. 😉
This sounds SO CUTE! I am really excited for it! I am on the blog tour for it this week, though somehow I never got a copy of the book, which is sad. I will have to order it! I love that the characters seem to realistic, and that the relationships are so strong! And the dad reading fanfic sounds SO fun- I like that he is involved, too, that makes it sound even better! Fabulous review!
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Nooooo omg Shannon! I hope you got the copy and really like it 😀 Honestly the dad is one of the funniest characters, although they're all superb. 😛 I highly recommend this book! Emma Mills is fast becoming a go-to author for contemporaries.
Whoa, it feels like it was just yesterday that First and Then was released! Glad you enjoyed it as much as First and Then ^_^
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YES, if you liked First and Then, then you'll probably adore this one as well. 😀
I loved the author's first book last year so I was very excited to get a copy of this. I have it on my TBR for next month!
Nereyda│ Nick & Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist
That's so awesome to hear Nereyda! Ahhh I hope you enjoy when you get to it! 😀
I am really excited for this one!! Glad to see you enjoyed it. I still need to pick up First & Then!! Great review!!
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I really hope you pick up First & Then soon Grace!! They're both great YA contemporary reads, and this author is fast becoming one of my go-to's for contemps.
Yes! I adored this one too, Aila. All the friendships were so fab. And even though the romance was very subtle, it was reall y well-written. I think she's a star at YA and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!
Lovely review! 🙂
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YAS NICK! I sincerely agree with you – Mills is absolute fantastic at writing YA contemporaries and I'm pretty sure she'll be one of the rare auto-buys for me soon in that genre.
I think I might have to pick this one up – it sounds like something that I would really enjoy. Thanks for the review.
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I really hope you pick it up Angel! It's not a long book and just gives the best feelings once you finish the last page. 🙂