March Wrap Up Video: Ranting & Raving

April 9, 2017 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Features, Videos

Seeing as I made a lot of progress in my wedding planning in February (I advise everyone to not try and do everything in a single month), I got my reading groove back during March and read 11 books! I’m glad I found some books that I loved, but there were also a few books that I did not enjoy. At all.

March Wrap Up Video

My March wrap up is a long one, but it’s filled with raves, rants, and as usual, lots of rambling.

Books I read:

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas – 5 stars
The Song Rising by Samantha Shannon – 5 stars
Remind Me How This Ends by Gabrielle Tozer – 4.5 stars
Fight Like a Girl by Clementine Ford – 4 stars
Waking Gods by Sylvain Neuvel – 3.5 stars
We Are Okay by Nina LaCour – 3 stars
History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera – 3 stars
Fear the Drowning Deep by Sarah Glenn Marsh – 3 stars
Who’s Afraid Too by Maria Lewis – 2 stars
In Real Life by Cory Doctorow & Jen Wang – 2 stars
The Things We Promise by J.C. Burke – DNF

Full reviews to come!

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March Highlights

  • I was interviewed by Books & Publishing, an Australian book industry publication to kick off their Book Blogger Spotlight!
  • I found my wedding dress!
  • Went to the flower markets
  • Lots of brunches and catch ups with friends
  • Watched Logan, where I became an emotional mess
  • Toby is now 24 weeks and he’s all legs. He’s helping me unbox my book mail btw, make sure you check out my Instagram stories! Also for more cute pics, follow him on Instagram.
  • Went to the Planner Markets to fuel my new sticker/planning addiction

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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18 responses to “March Wrap Up Video: Ranting & Raving

  1. Congratulations with finding your wedding dress! And it looks like Toby had a great time with your mail box, I hope non books were damaged.

  2. fullybookedreviews

    YOUR DOGGO HAS AN INSTAGRAM??! (Rushes off to follow) <3

    And yay for getting your reading groove back. I was in a reading slump for most of last year and it's so good to be on a roll again!

    Congrats on finding the dress! That's a huge thing to cross off the to-do list.

    Have a wonderful month ahead <3

  3. Bec

    Yay for getting your reading mood back! The only way it could have been better was if you had more 3+ star books on your list.

    I can't believe how much Toby has grown lately! He's really entered that awkward gangly adolescent phase hahaha

    • I knowww, I wish there were more awesome books but I guess you can't wint hem all. HAHA that's so true, he's just all legs hahaha

  4. YAY for wedding dress! I am so happy for youuuu! And what is Toby doing!? He looks like he is up to no good 😉 I agree about how amazing The Hate U Give was too. I am sorry you didn't like We Are Okay and History is All You Left Me more, because I was looking forward to those. Also sorry about Fear the Drowning Deep, I quite enjoyed that one, I am sorry you didn't! The Things We Promise sounds AWFUL, I am so sorry! And ew, why would she go through her mom's underwear!? And why the hate on ALL the things? Wow. Definitely skipping that one! Hope you have a wonderful April, my dear!!

    • LOL he had a great old time ripping up all the boxes I got from my book mail. I don't mind as long as he leaves my books alone (still working on that). Yeah, lots of 2nd books that I was disappointed with this month, they were just okay. I know, it was a terrible book that I was surprised was published. Thank you lovely! <3

  5. Lauryn April

    I don't know how you did all that while planning your wedding! I had to take a break from blogging when I was planning mine. Congrats on finding your dress!

  6. theliteraryhuntress

    Congrats for finding your wedding dress! I don't know if it's the same, but from all the chickflicks, say yes to the dress and amsale girls I'm watching, it seems like such a stressful process! Have an amazing April!

  7. susandyer1962

    Wow, you are one busy woman Jeann!! Toby is getting so big!

    So happy you found your wedding dress!

    You had an awesome month of reading and I'm sure it will continue in April!

    Have a great week!!

  8. Angel @Angel Reads

    You had a pretty good reading month! Yay for finding your Wedding Dress! Hope April is good to you.

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