Indulgence Insider brings you up to date with all the happenings of Happy Indulgence, this week’s haul and bookish news from around the blogosphere!
Can you believe the last time I did one of these was way back in May? It’s the weekend and I feel like doing a bit of a chattier post today, so here we go!
Current giveaway: Win a copy of Restoration by Angela Slatter – Australians only! Enter here.
My life is going to change
First of all, I’ve got some super exciting big news to share with you, if you haven’t seen on my Instagram or Twitter – I’m having a baby in January! Here’s how I shared it on my channels:
Also shared it in my latest July Wrap Up video on Youtube:
I’m about 18 weeks along at the moment and finally feeling like I have more energy to move around and do things! It was a rough couple of months with morning sickness (they don’t tell you this, but it actually lasts all day) and exhaustion. We’ve already started looking at baby things to buy (so many things to consider and prep for!) and we couldn’t be more excited. We’re finding out the gender next week and couldn’t be more excited! I don’t have a preference either way, as long as they are healthy.
It also boggles my mind that these are the last few months where it will just be me, my husband and Toby with a new family member on the horizon! So far we’ve just been taking him out for lots of walks and doggy dates while we still can.
As for blogging, I’m not sure how I’ll go once the baby is out in January, will just have to play it by ear. I’ll be taking leave from work for a year to look after the baby, so hopefully I’ll have a bit of time? Who knows! But for now, that’s what’s happening at the moment, exciting news!
We’re going on an adventure
So in a few weeks time, we’ll be heading to a 3 week trip to Europe on a babymoon before the baby arrives! This is my first time there and I’m excited, although a little bit nervous about how I’ll go during the trip. I’m going to London, Paris, Italy (Venice, Florence and Rome) over that time and I’m super excited. I have at least 3-5 days in each place, so hopefully I can take it a bit easier when I get tired and just enjoy the travel. I’ve already prebooked all my accommodation and transit so all that’s left to do is pack and head on to our flight!
I’ll be on hiatus during this time with a few prescheduled reviews to go up, but otherwise will be taking a break on my social media to enjoy the trip. I might just take my Kindle over because I’m so busy sightseeing normally that I barely have much time to read.
I’m also going to Harry Potter Studios when I’m over in London, so I’ve been trying to prepare for that by watching all the movies in advance! I’ve already watched the first movie so we’ll see how I go hehe. I might vlog the trip, who knows!
I was interviewed on ABC Radio National
Last week, I was contacted by ABC Radio National to be interviewed about Australian booktubers with my friend Piera! We got to talk for about 10 minutes about why we started our booktube, our relationship with publishers and what it’s like to be a booktuber. It’s super exciting that the booktube community is being noticed by the wider media, and that I get to do these sorts of things! Catch up on our interview here.
Hosting a Brisbane Writer’s Festival panel
Right before I head to Europe (the day before infact), I’m hosting #LoveOzYA author Sarah Epstein’s panel about writing psychological thrillers, in particular her thrilling debut Small Spaces (Review here).
Here’s all the details about the free event here. I’ll also be heading in a bit earlier to catch Veronica Roth who is in town, along with Alison Goodman who I also adore! Let me know if I’ll be seeing you at the Love YA day on 8 September, 2018!
Asian representation in TV/movies
Have you watched To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before on Netflix yet? The whole blogosphere is talking about it at the moment and I’m so happy that it’s finally out! I watched it yesterday and it stayed really true to the book along with Lara Jean’s character, which I adored. I loved how Lana Condor went as Lara Jean, she really encapsulated her innocence but also defiance when it came to some things. I know the casting wasn’t perfect because none of the characters were actually Korean, and it didn’t really mention her Korean heritage. I was also really confused because it mentioned her baking ONE time, and that was a huge part of the novel for me! For now, I think we have to embrace what we’re given because it’s still a long way to go when it comes to Asian representation in movies and series and just support them to show that there IS a demand for it.
I’m also super excited about Crazy Rich Asians which I’ve been waiting for a long time after reading and loving the series! It just makes me so happy to see so many Asian characters on the big screen in an American movie, that aren’t relegated to the background in favour of white saviours. More on that when I actually watch it! It doesn’t come out until 30 August here, but I’m going to see if I can catch an advance screening beforehand.
Well folks, that’s about it that has been happening in my world at the moment! Hope you enjoyed this post. If you would like to catch up regularly, make sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.
What do you think of all the news here? Did you love To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before? Chat to me below!
Latest posts by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence (see all)
- The Great Library of Tomorrow Review: A Highly Imaginative Book Set in a Library - January 26, 2025
- The Spellshop Review: Cozy Fantasy About Good Deeds - October 13, 2024
- 5 Things I Liked About The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - June 20, 2024
[…] the rest of you guys, I do have a life outside of book blogging including working full time (and becoming a soon to be mum!). I’m lucky enough to be afforded these opportunities, to have such amazing followers, and […]
i cant wait to watch crazy rich asians but its not outfor ages!! at least the date was brought forward a lil bit for me.
GL w the bun in the oven
Lauren recently posted…Steam Wishlist Clean Up (10)
Congratulations again Jeann. <3 Have fun on your babymoon.
Annemieke recently posted…Why Monthly TBR’s Work For Me and How I Choose Mine
Awww congratulations Jeann! That is so exciting! I remember seeing on Twitter that you had an exciting announcement coming up but then never saw the announcement so either a) I just wasn’t on when it happened or b) I saw it but it didn’t completely register in my mind what it meant lol. But yay, I definitely hope you have one happy healthy baby. And I think it’s so good that you’re setting some time aside to enjoy with your little family unit as it is now before the baby arrives.
Have any other exciting plans when in London? I’m always curious as to what people find worth visiting when they come here. The Harry Potter Studio Tour is of course a great choice. I’m actually going there mid September. I visited when I first moved over here for my MA degree but that was like five years ago and they’ve added a lot since then (like the Hogwarts Express!) so I’m excited to check it all out.
And yes to the asian representation in TV! I actually haven’t watched To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, but only because I haven’t read the book. Would you recommend I still watch it? I mean I want to because EVERYONE is talking about it, but I don’t know. Sometimes that feels like such a dirty sin lol.
Anyways, congrats once again. <3
Aww congratulations!!!!!
Also 3 cheers to all the amazing asian representations!!!
AHHHH CONGRATULATIONS!!! It seems like only yesterday I got super excited for your wedding planning update, and here you are now with more amazing news <33 Have fun during your Europe trip, and yes, I am sooo happy with To All the Boys and Crazy Rich Asians! Take care, Jeann! <333
Tasya @ The Literary Huntress recently posted…Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories by Stephanie Perkins
Congratulations again, Jeann, I’m so happy for you and this new addition to your family, that’s so exciting! <3 And yay for your upcoming trip, I hope you'll love Europe and will have a fantastic time there – I also hope to hear about all your adventures once you are back, because I am curious haha and I hope you'll enjoy my continent and country when you are in Paris! 🙂
I saw To All The Boys yesterday and I really loved it – it was a great adaptation even if it's true, there wasn't enough baking for my taste either. I can't wait to see Crazy Rich Asians as well 😀
I hope you'll have a wonderful week and end of August, Jeann, take care of yourself! <3
Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books recently posted…Mini Reviews: Spinning Silver, We Regret To Inform You
Congrats again! So exciting! Your trip sounds like it will be amazing. Enjoy! I loved To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. I want to read Crazy Rich Asains before I see the movie. Hope you have a great week!
Thank you, I’m so excited to be going on the trip! I hope you get to read the book, it’s amazing!
Once again, Congratulations on your pregancy! That is so exciting and I have no doubt that you’ll be a fabulous mother. Your trip to Europe sounds fantastic and just what you need pre-Baby. I hope you have a great time!
Yes!! How good is To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before? Such a faithful and wholesome book adaptation. I loved every minute of it and hope everyone continues to give it the hype it deserves. However, it is definitely dissapointing that none of the actors were Korean nor was it discussed or celeberated in the same way that it is in the book. Can’t wait for Crazy Rich Asians!
Happy travelling!
Sunny @ A Sunny Spot recently posted…Why “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before” Will Rock Your World
Thank you so much Sunny, I’m excited about all the upcoming things happening! I loved To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and I’m so glad to see it being hyped up because it thoroughly deserves it! It’s definitely not perfect, but I’m glad we actually have the chance to see it.