Deep Water Review: Mystery Thriller Keeps Us Guessing

March 26, 2020 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | 4 stars, Books, Reviews

Deep Water Review: Mystery Thriller Keeps Us GuessingDeep Water by Sarah Epstein
Published by Allen & Unwin on April 1, 2020
Source: Publisher
Genres: Young Adult, Thriller
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Henry Weaver is missing.Three months ago, thirteen-year-old Henry disappeared from The Shallows during a violent storm, leaving behind his muddy mountain bike at the train station.
Mason Weaver is trapped.While Mason doesn't know who he is or what he's capable of, he knows the one thing binding him to this suffocating small town is his younger brother, Henry.
Chloe Baxter wants answers.Why would Henry run away without telling her? One of Chloe's friends knows something and she's determined to find out the truth.
As Chloe wades into dangerous waters and Mason's past emerges, a chilling question ripples to the surface: how far would you go to keep a secret?

In search of a good mystery thriller, I picked up Deep Water after I received an ARC and then it happened – I couldn’t put it down! I really enjoyed Small Spaces which was Sarah’s debut thriller, so I knew I was going to enjoy this one too.

Henry Weaver is a thirteen year boy who has gone missing, an his brother Mason may be the only one who knows what happened to him. Chloe Baxter, who is Henry’s best friend, is set on finding out what happened to him as things don’t match up about his disappearance.

As the chapters alternate between Chloe, Mason and Henry, we have to deduce who knows more than they’re letting on. Is it Mason, who seems to have an anger management problem, or his mother Ivy, the alcoholic mother who barely parents? Or is Henry still alive and well, visiting his estranged father, or has something more sinister happened? 

Like all the elements of a good thriller, the drip feeding of clues happened gradually thorough-out the plot and I just couldn’t stop reading. 

While I started off suspecting Mason, I began to feel for him as the nights started unfolding with him picking up after his alcoholic mother. No child should have to do this, and we see him carry the  weight of the family on his shoulders. I went back and forth between questioning his character, to feeling sorry for him, to fearing him as he took things out on his brother, and then wondering if he was responsible for his brothers disappearance. 

Chloe’s chapters were perfect for leading the investigation, as she takes it into her own hands when the police in their small town seems to brush off evidence. Her eye for detail but also hot headedness leads to clues and interviews with key witnesses to advance the case further. 

Covering the consequences of an alcoholic parent and a missing brother, the questioning of one’s own character, sociopathy and a small town society affected by a missing person – Deep Water had me captivated from the first few chapters. Compelling, addictive and filled with tension, Deep Water is a mystery thriller that will have you at the edge of your seat.

Rating: 4 out of 5 

Thanks to Allen & Unwin Australia for sending me a review copy!

Deep Water will be available in Australian bookstores for RRP$19.99 from April 1 or from The Book Depository

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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4 responses to “Deep Water Review: Mystery Thriller Keeps Us Guessing

  1. Hi jeann 🙂 glad you’re still active on book blogging. I haven’t read too many thrillers lately, but this one seems enjoyable! Stay safe x

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