Co-Blogger Announcement: Introducing Aila & Jenna!

October 24, 2015 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Features

Coblogger announcement2

I received so many fantastic applicants throughout the co-blogger search, and was totally honoured by so many wonderful people who applied to join Happy Indulgence.

It was a really tough decision, and I drove people crazy deliberating for days! But ultimately, I had to go with bloggers who best fit with Happy Indulgence.

It’s with happiness and excitement that I’d like to welcome my new co-bloggers, Aila and Jenna to Happy Indulgence!


*bursts into room throwing glitter, cupcakes, and puppies*

Just kidding, I wouldn’t throw puppies. I’d probably pick them out of the box and gently hand them to each person reading this. My name is Aila, and it sounds like “Isla” like in the book Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins. (I’ve never read it, but I’ve always been jealous on how her name is spelt.) I’m a high school junior right now in Florida, USA and escape the mundane and stressful scenarios of life through reading and blogging.

I’m so happy to be a part of the crew at Happy Indulgence! I can already tell that we’ll have a blast creating new material. You can probably gather more information about me yourself from the awkwardly awkward introduction video I made. I will now conclude with my social media presence, which you should totally find me on. 😉 Really, I don’t bite! (I virtually hand out puppies).

One Way Or An Author | GoodreadsTwitter | Instagram | Youtube | Tumblr



I’m a little shy so there’s no bursting into the room for me 😀 *presents everyone with profiteroles from my croquembouche tower instead*

I’m Jenna and I’m an Aussie blogger, based in Sydney. I spend my days conducting ‘super important, life-changing, ground-breaking, universe-saving’ psychology research as a PhD student. The picture above was taken just before I handed in my 100 page thesis from my Honours year (yes, I pretty much wrote a book!). I spend my nights reading, blogging and fangirling with other readers.

I’m so incredibly excited and blessed to be able to do something that I love, with two other amazing people who love to do the same thing. I hope you enjoy Aila and my posts on Happy Indulgence! I’m a total night owl, and can be found on social media at all random hours of the day. Feel free to hit me up for a chat! I don’t bite either! (Unless you’re a piece of cake, in which case, you’d already be devoured.)

Reading with Jenna | Goodreads | Twitter | Instagram

I’m so excited to have you guys! Please welcome Aila and Jenna below! 

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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114 responses to “Co-Blogger Announcement: Introducing Aila & Jenna!

  1. eep I hope you guys have been having a great time as co-bloggers so far! Jeann, I'm so happy for you and I hope everything works out!! Nice to meet you, Aila and Jenna, and welcome to Happy Indulgence! (I'm a little late on this, I know). 😀
    My recent post The NaNoWriMo Tag

  2. HOORAY!! Welcome Jenna and Aila!! *launches cupcakes cannon*

    I'm a bit late on my comment but I have sucked at commenting as of late, life has a tendency of getting in the way of blogging and reading dammit!

    Aila, you're so absolutely adorable and all the books you showcased in your video I've read and loved except for the retellings, but those are in my TBR pile! Also, I'm totally jealous of all your Fangirl editions!!

    Jenna! Profiteroles?? You've just won my heart!! And a fellow night owl!
    My recent post Release Day Review: Gabriel by Nikki Kelly!!

    • Jenna

      Aila has endless puppies to give away! I'm not sure about my cake though… I'm a glutton 😀 Thank you so much for your support!!

  3. Kara Terzis

    I can't BELIEVE I missed this most! Ahhh. Hello Aila (by the way–I actually prefer the way your name is spelled) and Jenna! Looking forward to your epic posts 🙂

    • Jenna

      It's been so awesome having Jeann and Aila to discuss books and life with! We just had an intense fangirling session over Illuminae! I'm so happy to be part of the Happy Indulgence team and I can't wait to bring some awesome content! <3

  4. I am a piece of cake so I will have to stay away from Jenna *slowly backs away*

    ANYWAY, HI GUYS. WE WELCOME YOU TO THE HAPPY INDULGENCE FAMILY (wait, am I being presumption in assuming we are a family, Jeann? Are you going to kick me out now? DARN IT.)

    I am so excited to see what you guys will bring to this already amazing blog and I hope that the three of you will have many great times together! 🙂
    My recent post ARC Review: What We Left Behind by Robin Talley

    • Ahaha, I'm so happy to be apart of the family! We've already had so many fun times together, it's so easy to work with these lovely ladies!

    • Jenna

      *chases after you*

      Hey Rashika! I love everybody from the Social Potato team. Hopefully our Happy Indulgence team will be just as awesome! I'm so happy to be a part of the family! Thanks for the warm welcome!

  5. YEAH! Congratulations on choosing your cobloggers Jeann! And welcome to the site Aila & Jenna! Looking forward to seeing what you three have up your sleeves for us now! <3

  6. booksbonesbuffy

    I'm so happy for you Jeann! I know you've been looking for a while. Big welcome to Aila and Jenna! It sounds like you'll all make an awesome team:-)

  7. amanda_gray

    Welcome girls! You'll bring something fabulous to H.I for sure, so I can't wait to see what! Good luck and have fun 🙂

    • Jenna

      YAY! Congrats on finding your own co-blogger. Let the co-blogging madness begin! It's honestly been so much fun getting to know Aila and Jeann a little bit better, and really exciting to be doing something a little bit different to what I normally do 🙂

  8. Jenna

    Hi Vane! Thanks for visiting and for your super kind words! It's so weird to be replying to a comment on somewhere other than Reading with Jenna but I better get used to it soon! <3

  9. Hang on a second — Jenna knows how to do a croquembouche tower? Because that takes serious SKILL.

    Anyway, hello, you two! 😀 Happy Indulgence is one of my favourite blogs, and I have no doubt that Jeann picked two great people. I look forward to getting to know you better!
    My recent post 10 Books For A Rainy Day

    • Jenna

      Sadly, I usually just buy my croquembouche. There's a really great place near where I work! I have actually assembled one before (it stayed together for about 2 minutes), but I'm terrible at baking and I can't make the profiteroles T_T

    • I look forward to getting to know you better too, Inges! Hope we can make Happy Indulgence from one of your favourite blogs to one of the most EPIC blogs you'll ever see. 😉

    • Jenna

      *dances through all the confetti and glitter you and Aila have been throwing*
      Thank you! I can't wait for you to read my first post!

    • *opens mouth to catch confetti* there's so much going around in this post!
      Thanks so much Lexxie, I look forward for you reading them. 😀

  10. AWW yay!! Congratulations to all three of you!! I think this is so, so fabulous- great choices, Jeann! 😀 So excited to get to know Aila and Jenna too! Aila, your video was so fun, and Jenna, my goodness, girl, you have a LOT going on, that is so fabulous! So happy for you all!
    My recent post This Week At Midnight (84)

    • Jenna

      Haha, it sounds like a lot but the PhD research life is actually super chill (until I have to write my 100,000 word thesis). There's actually not much universe-saving going on 😀

    • Jenna

      I'm SUPER excited to be on board! We've been having so much fun getting to know each other better. I can't wait to get to know the Happy Indulgence readers too!

    • Jenna

      Thanks Cait! I'm just honoured that Jeann chose me to be a part of something that's so dear to her. I'm loving working with her and Aila already!

    • So fabulous to meet you too, Cait! 🙂 It's an absolute honor that we got picked as co-bloggers, and we're planning to rock this blog out. B)

  11. Welcome Aila and Jenna! I hope Jeann is nice to you both (lel just kidding, she's wonderful!), and that you have a blast blogging here on Happy Indulgence! Congratulations, I can't wait to read your upcoming posts 🙂 🙂

    • Jenna

      She's already working us like slaves – JUST KIDDING! Jeann is absolutely wonderful. She's an awesome person to be working with! <3

    • Thanks for the welcome Joy! I'll have to agree on the fact that she's wonderful. Too late – I'm already having a blast being a part of the crew at Happy Indulgence. 🙂

  12. Josephine

    WOOHOO! Aila and Jenna are two of my favourite bloggers! I'm so excited! Congratulations to you both and congratulations Jeann for your two new fabulous!

  13. aentee @ read at midnight

    I totally capslocked at Jeann to PICK YOU BOTH!! I am so excited for you girls, I know you'll have so much fun together! Here's to many happy years at Happy Indulgence! *snuggles puppies and devours cakes*

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