Indulgence Insider #45 – Welcome to 2016!

January 10, 2016 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Features, Indulgence Insider


Indulgence Insider is our version of Stacking the Shelves, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged and the Sunday Post, bringing you this week’s haul, bookish news and discussion posts from around the blogosphere!

Welcome to the first Indulgence Insider of 2016! I’ve made it through the first week back at work, it was tough getting back into the routine of things and trying to kickstart my brain again! I’ve been feeling a little anxious and behind, but as long as I stick to my new year’s resolution of looking after myself (like making sure I have enough down time, not overcommitting and exercising) I should be fine.

For the first weekend of the year, we started our house hunt again! Found a few decent looking houses on the market and we put in our first offer and wasn’t successful. Hopefully the market picking up now is a good sign for the year to come.

I broke my beloved camera at the beach the other day, so I’m feeling pretty lost without it! I’ve been researching DSLRs to buy, pretty settled on the Nikon D3300. Until then, my phone photos will have to do.

Giveaway – INT 

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Giveaway Alert: I’m giving away another copy of This Raging Light on Twitter! INT, Ends 31/1. Enter hereCongratulations to Karen Richards who won our Christmas giveaway! 

Book Haul 

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Our local Angus & Robertson had a 50% off everything closing down sale, so I picked up a few titles that have been on my wishlist for a while! I also picked up a new planner from Kikki K which I am in love with.

Review copies

burningmidnight kingdomofashes thissavagesong ruinedqueenofhearts crowns game  fakingit

Thank you HarperTeen and Random House for these eARCs.

Reading Update 

I challenged myself to read 130 books this year, which is 8 books up from last year! I achieved this number (with graphic novels) in 2014. While it’s going to be a pretty hectic year, I’ve increased my GR challenge each year so I’ll see how I go!

5thwave  rewakened  crazyrichasians chinarich

  • Currently reading The 5th Wave ahead of the movie which I’m not convinced on. The pacing is kind of weird and jumps around a bit and sometimes you have to read between the lines and put two and two together.
  • I read Reawakened which integrated Egyptian mythology into a contemporary setting. While I liked how it was actually set in Egypt, I didn’t like the superficial perfect Mary Sue nor the cheesy romance. 2 stars.
  • I also binged Crazy Rich Asians and China Rich Girlfriend which I gave 5 and 4 stars! They were absolutely hilarious where super rich Asians try and outdo each other with how rich they are. It’s oesentatious, witty and filled with food and fashion!


My favourite pics I’ve posted from the past few weeks:

bookamongtheclouds theauslibrary (Custom) P1090977 (Custom)  e&pview

Follow @happyindulgence, @ailareads & @readingwithjenna to check out our book photos!

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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66 responses to “Indulgence Insider #45 – Welcome to 2016!

    • Thanks Alise! I know, I've been reading your review nodding at everything you said about it! I just feel like it's another one of those overhyped books.

  1. danielleisbusyreading

    Will be so interested to see what you think of Crown's Game and Ruined! I hope they're fantastic.
    I plan to read the Grisha trilogy soon since I loved Six of Crows so much. Trying not to get my expectations too high. 😛

    • I know, I've heard heaps of varying things so far about the Harper releases. So do I Danielle! I read the first one and kind of stopped after that 😛

  2. Charnell

    Good luck with the house hunt! I am still just trying to get a deposit together, which feels like it may take years! >.< You've got so many amazing new books, I have no idea where you will even get started with those. I WANT THOSE EDITIONS OF THE HUNGER GAMES!!! THEY'RE GORGEOUS!!!!

    • Thank you Charnell, I definitely know those feels! Good luck on that one. I've read most of them, just wanted to add them to my collection! They are so completely pretty omg. Hopefully I can pick up the first.

    • It really is Pili! I didn't think it was going to, but alas it was good practice and at least we liked some of the houses that are out.

  3. Happy Belated New Year, Jeann! *hug* <3

    I think it's amazing that you still had an Angus & Robertson. Ours closed down YEARS AGO. I am always super conflicted about bookstores closing down, because on the one hand I am happy because I get to buy a lot of books at a really great price. But on the other hand, yet ANOTHER bookstore is closing down. They're getting more and more rare. I hope at least some manage to stay afloat 🙁

    I wasn't the biggest fan of The Fifth Wave, to be honest. Especially since everyone had said how amazing it was. I'm interested to see how it is on the big screen!

    Thanks for linking me here, lovely <3
    My recent post Review: Night Study by Maria V. Snyder

    • Thank you so much Chiara *hugs back*. I know, I didn't even know it was still there! But alas, no more 🙁 We just have QBD and Dymocks and those pop up stores now *sighs*. Yeah, I just finished The 5th Wave and I felt the same as you did. No problems lovely! See you this weekend.

  4. Nice haul! I hope you like The Crown's Game. That's a book I'd like to read myself. The Winner's Curse! I love that book so much. Ah man, you didn't like Reawakend? I've been thinking about reading it… The Statistical Probability of Love at First sight is such a cute book.

    The catfishing incident was terrible. I just don't even understand people anymore. We are our own worst enemies.
    My recent post The Komizar: Raging Inner Conflict

    • I know~!! I'm pretty sure if she emailed people as an author like normal people do, she would have had more luck! I absolutely LOVED The Winner's Curse too! Reawakened had some interesting elements, but it was so cheesy and I couldn't connect to the characters.

  5. Liza @ Reading with ABC

    I haven't seen the new HG covers and they're gorgeous! Winner's Curse and Angelfall are both amazing, i hope you love them both. I have Ruined and and This Savage Song as well.

    Have a great weekend Jeann 🙂

    • Thanks Liza, they're Aussie exclusives so we are super lucky! I absolutely LOVE both of those books, just needed to add them to my collection. Have a fabulous week lovely!

  6. Grace @ RebelMommyBB

    Sorry about your camera! Great haul and love that planner. I was thinking of getting something like that next year. Love the IG photos. Have a great week!!

    • Thanks Laura, it\’s definitely a great reminder to do things that we enjoy and to take a step back when things get too much! Happy reading to you too.

    • I know, it was the last one here in the city! Yeah, yet another bookstore to close which is sad. I hope you pick it up, it\’s so much fun!

  7. I hope house hunting will be much easier for you this year, Jeann! It just sounds so stressful.
    Your planner is gorgeous and those limited edition copies of THG are amazing!
    I hope you have a lovely week ahead and happy reading. 😀
    My recent post The Weekly Recap (173)

    • Thanks Nick, yeah every Saturday is pretty much taken up with it and then when you find one you like, it\’s a matter of getting in first and with a good price too…but it will be worth it. Thanks lovely, have a great week too!

  8. Agh, I wanna go to that Lifeline booksale SO BADLY. XD And my parents are even heading up that way…but too early for it. *wails* One year I will get there…one year. XD

    OH oh thank you for sharing my post!

    And so many delicious and beautiful looking books. I LOVE those camo Hunger Games books…I've never actually seen them in person but I think if I saw them in a store I WOULD NEED THEM. They're so cool!! Aaaand I really hope you like This Savage Song and the Crown's Game! I'M LOOING FORWARD TO THEM SO MUCH. ;D

    • You should one day Cait! I hope I get to meet you one day, then we can rule together 😀 Yesss I found them at big w too! I\’m going to buy the first book too so I can have the full set. I hope they\’re good too! I\’ve heard many 2016 releases are disappointing.

  9. Book Blather

    Just read the cat fishing post you linked to – that woman sounds insane! Anyway, I LOVE the camouflage covers on SC's novels, really cute! I'm sorry your local bookshop is shutting down though. Winner's Curse is on my TBR pile too this year, I'm quite excited to try it. RE ARCs you have so many! Yey! I'd love to hear how you get on with Savage Song, that's been on my wish list for a while. 🙂

    • I know, I got contacted from her as well, who would do such a thing?! That\’s okay, we have a few other bookshops in the city but it\’s always sad to see another one go. I hope you enjoy Winner\’s Curse, it\’s amazing!

  10. kynndra

    Wow! What a huge haul. I don't use planners but if I did I would definitely choose a beauty like that one 😮

    I see a few books that use never heard of but look really good so thank you for that! Have a good week <33

  11. Ooo, I love closing-out sales (yay good prices!), but hate them too (don't leave! lol). I need to get the paperback of Ruin and Rising! And I have several of the Harper titles you have – I do love how great Harper's covers have been, better and better, no? I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend, Jeann. 🙂

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
    My recent post Review: The Rogue by Katharine Ashe

    • I know, there\’s another book store going under! It\’s pretty sad but as long as some of them are still around. I know, they\’re so gorgeous but sadly sometimes they oversell the book! No problems Alyssa, happy reading!

  12. Those Hunger Games covers are so funky. I just bought myself a set of the foil editions, but it was a toss up between those and the foils and I can't resist anything shiny. Bit like a troll. I desperately need a new planner too, I usually buy from Typo, which have similar types of designs.

    I absolutely loved The 5th Wave. I read it back when it was an unknown book on Netgalley at the time and it completely blew me away. I love those dystopian / post apocalyptic type books and can't wait to see the movie! Keep with it, it does pick up dramatically. Have a fabulous week of reading <3
    My recent post Clancy of the Undertow

    • I know, I love them, they look like classics and are completely gorgeous! The foil covers are sooo pretty too, but I don\’t like how they\’re a differently sized book. Typo are gorgeous as well! Oh man, I\’m really struggling with the 5th Wave. I hope you enjoy the movie Kelly!

  13. Good luck with the house hunting. I hope something amazing comes up! And damn, I kinda wish I had waited before buying the THG box set that I did (they're just the original black covers). Those camouflage covers are beautiful and even prettier than the white ones with the metallic sprayed pages! Hahaha I actually laughed out loud at seeing our bookstagram links XD Hopefully I can keep up with it!

    • Thanks Jenna, fingers crossed, I\’m hoping so too. I already have the black cover box sets as well but I think they\’re super ugly! LOL gotta promote and keep you motivated (no pressure ;))

    • I know, I love them! I need to pick up THG so it\’s matching too. She can definitely speed read, I definitely can\’t keep up lol! I hope you enjoy The Winner\’s curse, it\’s so amazing <3

  14. Yay for sales!! Those new Hunger Games covers make them look like they're classics – so pretty! Omgosh, Wonder is such a beautiful book, I hope you love it Jeann! It definitely made me have lots of feels <3

  15. THAT PLANNER THO. And omg those camouflage covers are out of this world?? Seriously the most beautiful versions I've seen yet for THG!
    Okay so I don't follow X-Men that much (more like at all LOL) BUT THAT TRAILER GAVE ME CHILLS HOLY SHIT. :000 I still havne't watched Days of Future Past, so I'll have to catch up to that one first (I think) haha.

    • I know, we\’re so lucky to get those camouflage covers! Going to pick up THG in the same edition so I can have the full set. WOW YESSS how good is it!! I watched it multiple times and I\’m glad you like it hehe. DAYS OF FUTURE PAST WAS AMAZING. MY FAVOURITE MOVIE OF THAT YEAR.

  16. Happy 2016 to you too Jeann! And so many amazing books! I absolutely adored Wonder (so genuine and well-written), so I can't wait to see your thoughts on that. xD And I can't blame you for needing The Winner's Curse in hardcover. 😉 Also Ruined and The Crown's Game are some of my most anticipated reads, so I'm crossing my fingers you enjoy them! Thanks for sharing Jeann, and fabulous recap! <3

    • Thank you Zoe, I\’ve heard fantastic things about Wonder and no doubt it will be a touching experience! I\’m hoping both of them are good as well! <3 Have a great week.

    • Thanks Brittany! They are just so gorgeous, those original ones I have too and they\’re soo ugly lol. Yesss so gorgeous, I love Typo and Kikki K!

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