Read Play Blog #15 – My Zombie Survivor Team

October 16, 2015 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Features, Gaming, Read Play Blog

Read Play Blog 2

Read Play Blog is a meme about video games and books, posted every 16th of the month. Bloggers are encouraged to answer a discussion question, and recommend a video game that is similar to a book they liked. Hosted by Happy Indulgence Books & Read Me Away.

Read Play Blog is back for another month of gaming! I missed doing this feature last month, so I’m glad to be back to talk gaming with you all. I LOVE zombies and zombie games so we thought this would be a great theme for Halloween this month!

Some exciting gaming news, I’m going to PAX Australia in a few weeks time! We go every year to geek out, I’ll definitely report back with photos and a recap. It looks like they’re doing an interesting Day Z preview and a Deus Ex launch so I’ll let you guys know how I go!

This month’s question is:

Surprise zombie apocalypse! Which three game characters are on your survival team?

1. Pyro from Team Fortress 2

With his flamethrower he would be perfect for combating zombies at close range! He even wears a gas mask and asbestos suit, so he’ll be able to deflect any close range zombie bites.

2. Michonne from The Walking Dead

Okay I’m totally cheating now but come on, you can’t have a zombie survival team without Michonne! With her samurai sword and her badass fearless attitude, she’d be a perfect addition to the team. Also Michonne is getting her own Telltale game as well so it’s not TOO much of a stretch!

3. Soap MacTavish from Call of Duty Modern Warfare

What better person to lead a zombie survival team than with an actual soldier? Soap is armed to the teeth with fancy gadgets to help him navigate every terrain from the tropics, to underwater, to snowy territory. He’s badass and will lead his team to do whatever he needs to do for survival.

Recommendation: Fallout 4

Sadly I’m not playing any games at the moment, but this will change soon when Fallout 4 and Starcraft Legacy of the Void comes out on November 10! I upgraded my computer to the latest parts, because Ebay had a 15% off last month. I’m so excited, just in time for the new games when they come out!

Is anyone else going to be playing Starcraft II or Fallout 4? Let me know below!

Next Month’s Question: When do you game and when do you read? 

Post your answer, recommendation & currently playing on the 16th or anytime during the month and link up!

Our full list of Read Play Blog topics is up here. Is there a Read Play Blog topic you would like to write about? Suggestions are welcome below!

Link up your answers below! Feel free to use our header, as long as you link back to one of our posts.

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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15 responses to “Read Play Blog #15 – My Zombie Survivor Team

  1. northernplunder

    I like how there is either two ways to think about fire + zombies. I always consider a zombie on fire to be a bad thing, theres no trauma to the brain to activily end them and I certainly don't want to worry about being burnt and bitten :') Nice team though!
    I can't wait for Fallout 4 but with uni I dont think realistically I can purchase it and get to enjoy it properly. I might buy it for over Christmas though…
    My recent post Read, Play, Blog: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team

  2. inlibrisveritas

    This is fun one! You have some awesome choices. Soap is definitely a great one, and Michonne is a must. I thought about this one for a long time, hence why I'm a day late posting it. I wanted to try for all female characters who didn't feature in a zombie game, which made it a bit tougher but I really like my choices.

    • Thanks Michelle, I'm looking forward to your one! Man when I posted this up I thought of Starcraft or Warcraft characters I would use that would have been creative too. Ah wells. Will check yours out!

  3. rotanrm

    Michonne is a 100% must have!! I kinda gave up with the Telltales Walking dead for a while as midway through season 2 was too intense. Might go back to play it since Michonne is having her own game. Also I'll probably have Tess from Last of us as she saved me so many times when playing the game. Have not been playing many games (or reading!!!) thanks to uni bit will be replaying episode 4 of Life is Strange to prep for the final episode!
    My recent post Book Review: Stray (Spark #2) by Rachael Craw

  4. KathLDK

    What am awesome idea for a meme! I love it. I will have to think hard about what games would be like which books I read, since I'm mostly into lit fic…

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