Aussie YA Secret Santa Blog Hop 2015

December 1, 2015 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Blog Tours


Today I am co-hosting the Aussie YA Bloggers Secret Santa Blog Hop  with Thoughts by J! Part of the fun is getting to know our fellow Aussie Bloggers & Readers and we also want to know whether you’ve been a good or naughty blogger this year.


1. What are your top 5 favourite books this year?

THIS IS TOO HARD *hides*. I think it would have to be:

2. How did you go with your Goodreads challenge?

Not too bad actually! My GR challenge is 120 books this year, and I’ve read 111 books so far. Just have to read 9 books before the year end!

3. How many times did you post a week on average? Do you think you’ll post more/less in the future?

I posted about 3-4 times a week on average. I had a slump for a while but that’s back on track now with my co-bloggers with me! I now post about twice a week obviously.

4. What is your favourite blogging moment/achievement of 2015?

I got co-bloggers last month and it is the best thing I’ve ever done for the blog and for Happy Indulgence! It’s been amazing getting to know Aila and Jenna and working with them, and chatting and fangirling over books every day!

My favourite achievement is probably when I got a one-on-one interview with Cassandra Clare and Holly Black! So many nerves but they were both lovely to talk to. I may or may not have said some awkward things which I shall not repeat here.

5. Did you read mostly review or non-review books this year?

Despite my new years resolution to read more books for myself, I think I mainly still read review books this year. This will now change though, I’ve decided to read more books for me! Which leads me to…

6. What are your blogging goals for 2016?

I definitely want to focus on reading for enjoyment, rather than stressing myself out to read every single ARC on my shelf. I want to read more books that I own, rather than hoarding new ones. I also have a new and exciting change coming up for Happy Indulgence which I’m excited to share!

7. What books are you looking forward to in 2016?

There are so many new and exciting books coming out next year! Here’s a few of them:

Based on the answers above, have you been a good or naughty blogger this year?

ANSWER: Hopefully I’ve been a good blogger…reviewing my blogging resolutions for 2015 it looks like I’ve kept half of them…maybe? (I’m still a book hoarder *hides*)

Leave 3 clues to help your santee guess who you are!

1. I just realised that our names sound similar
2. You’ve been to my city a few times and we still need to meet up!
3. You recently interviewed a famous author

Examples of clues you can leave:

  • Your santee’s latest blog post
  • Describe your santee’s theme
  • A recent comment you left your santee

#LoveOzYA? Join the Australian YA Bloggers on Goodreads and Facebook to join in the fun!

Follow the Aussie YA Bloggers Secret Santa blog hop below to meet other Aussie bloggers!

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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23 responses to “Aussie YA Secret Santa Blog Hop 2015

  1. We have two shared favourite books of the year 😀 QoS and Simon <3 They were SO GOOD and everyone needs to read them.

    You will definitely finish your Goodreads challenge, Jeannie. I BELIEVE IN YOU!

    Interviewing Cassie Clare and Holly Black was AMAZING! I am so happy that you got to do that <3

    I read mostly review books this year, too. But I've decided to stop worrying about it so much and just read what I feel like reading. Which I've been doing lately, and it's been great!

    Oh, I'm excited to see what plans you have for Happy Indulgence!!

    Of course you're a good blogger, Jeann <3
    My recent post Why You Need to Read The Marvels by Brian Selznick

    • YESSSS how freaking beautiful were they? I want to re-read Simon vs to experience all the feels again, it's so underrated unfortunately! THANK YOU CHIARA. Gotta keep going! Maybe I will fill it with some graphic novels 😛 It was such an amazing opportunity!

      I'm so glad you've found that balance Chiara! If we keep on going that way, we're going to enjoy it less if we're pressuring ourselves. Thank you so much *blows kisses*

  2. LEEEEL, I already saw on Twitter who your Santee is 😉

    Woop woop to another wonderful year Jeann! I'm so impressed with your posting average, and I can't believe you've almost read 120 books!! WHAT?! It puts my GR challenge to shame heh.

    • Hehehe yesss too bad she didn't need the help of my clues! Lol you're always in awe of my reading prowess Joy but omg, other bloggers are up to 200 (like Jenna *coughs*)

  3. YAY. I can't wait for the new and exciting change!! CANNOT WAIT. Co-blogging with you and Aila is my favourite moment too!! *tears* It has been so much fun and so awesome. Every day is actually full of fun and excitement.

  4. Lisa @ Lost in Lit

    Secret Santas are so fun!! Great job on your reading challenge. Despite my New Years resolution last year,I read mostly ARCs too. Hoping I'll do better with that next year!! haha 🙂

    • Thanks Lisa, I think at this point I'd be happy even if I don't meet the full 120 books! I hope so too Lisa, let's read more books off our shelf 🙂

  5. aentee @ read at midnight

    I am so certain I know who your secret Santa is hehe! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season and EEEP too many awesome things coming up for 2016 releases!!

  6. Regina Karis

    Aaah. I've got so many books I haven't read yet but I just can't stop hoarding them! I think it's great that you've decided to read more for yourself–that's always key to maintaining your love of reading and avoiding that dreaded reading pressure/slump.

    Thanks for hosting this blog hop (and organising the whole event), Jeann! 🙂
    My recent post #AusYASecretSanta 2015 Blog Hop

    • I'm exactly the same Reg! you just hear of so many amazing books while blogging that you want them all! No problems Regina, we also have Joy to thank for organising the event too! Thanks for participating!

  7. Secret Santas are so fun! And aww <3 I love fangirling with you guys too! Easily the best parts of my day. 😀

    Love your goals for 2016 – definitely something that I would do. I love how you put Uprooted as top reads for this year! Wasn't it divineee?

    • Lol the clues are the funnest part because you always think they sound like you! Yeah, I think that will be part of my focus in the new year 🙂

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