Has it really been 9 months since I’ve joined Happy Indulgence? During these nine months I’ve had so much fun blogging and chatting daily with Jeann and Aila. I’ve gotten to meet the both of them in person and have found out some interesting things about them, which I’ll share with you today.
Jeann and I at the Sydney Writer’s Festival (Photo taken by Jeann)
1. Jeann has met and taken photos with Orlando Bloom. A proper photo where he’s got HIS ARM AROUND HER… almost like the picture of the two of us above. I am so insanely jealous but happy for her and I hope she has it printed and framed somewhere in her house.
2. Jeann is a morning person and is always up much earlier than a normal person should be up (says the girl who is a total night owl). She sometimes sends us messages at 6am… which I never respond to until 8am when I’m actually awake.
3. She is allergic and intolerant to a lot of foods, which can cause a bit of trouble when choosing what to eat. I don’t know how she deals with it, to be honest, because I can’t imagine going without a lot of the foods that I usually eat.
4. Jeann loves to take photos and selfies 😀 When we were at the Sydney Writer’s Festival with Aentee @ Read at Midnight, I was in selfie hell HAHA. We were taking selfies at every street corner!
5. Jeann loves Happy Indulgence so much that she has a lot of cloud merchandise at home. I believe she has a few cloud pillows, a cloud light and cloud stationery, among other things. Now, I’m always on the look out for more cloud items to tell her about.
6. Jeann is a Jeannius and graduated from university at 18! WHAAAAA?!
7. In case you couldn’t tell, Jeann is really into her games. She goes to the PAX convention each year in Melbourne. And just the other day, she actually drove back to a certain spot after work to catch Pikachu on Pokemon Go. That is dedication. At least much more dedication that I have. She also spent three hours catching Pokemon after work today.
Aila and I at the Dali Museum in St Petersburg, FL
1. Aila is even crazier than Jeann and regularly gets up at 5am. There are even times when she’s gotten up at 3am. That girl is absolutely nuts and I feel tired just thinking about being awake at those times (unless I’m just getting into bed). She also gets up early every month to tune into OzYAY, where Jeann talks about Aussie YA books on radio.
2. She has a pretty poor sense of direction. We wouldn’t have been able to make our way back to the car after lunch in Florida if this Australian hadn’t remembered where we parked XD
3. Her dad has written and published a novel! It’s in Chinese though so we can’t read it T_T
4. I don’t know how she does it but Aila always has lots of posts scheduled in advance. There’s even a post scheduled for December already. I’m always scrambling to get my posts up every week so I have no idea where she finds the time to do it along with all of her schoolwork!
5. Thanks to me, Aila now has a Tim Tam (chocolate biscuit with a chocolate filling, covered in chocolate) obsession. I gave her three deluxe size packets when I met up with her in Florida and I think she finished them before the month was over haha. I will be sending her some more when I’m in the States later this year.
6. She likes ice cream flavours that make her tongue and mouth blue. I wish I’d taken a photo when it happened because it was super funny.
7. Aila secretly loves reading historical romances or even romances in general. They’re total guilty pleasures for her and she sneakily marks them as read in Goodreads and hides them from her feed. BUSTED.
To celebrate our 4 year blogoversary, I’m going to be giving away a brand new paperback copy of The Next Together by Lauren James, which was the first book I ever reviewed here on Happy Indulgence.
Entry conditions:
- This giveaway is open internationally and ends on 31 July 2016
- Winner will be contacted by email and must respond within 48 hours, otherwise a new winner will be drawn
- I will be checking all entries so no cheating!
- I will personally ship out the prize so you must be able to provide me with a shipping address. Please make sure you have parental permission to give out your address, if you’re under 18.
Jenna doesn’t know it, but I totally hijacked her post so I could add things I’ve learnt about her bwahaha! I mean, it would only be fair right? – Jeann
1. She sleeps at ungodly hours, I would wake up in the morning at 6am and see conversations between her and Aila that go until 1 am at night! I don’t know how she does it!
2. Jenna absolutely LOVES her bakery and sweet treats. Due to my food intolerances, I’m always jealous of the delicious things she’s eating!
3. It was so much fun meeting Jenna in person because she has this really hilarious sarcastic humour about her. There’s no one like Jenna who will tell it like it is, but somehow make it totally funny at the same time.
4. She has an obsession with Hello Happy Art bookmarks and has hundreds of them hiding in her home! It’s always exciting seeing what bookmarks she’s recently ordered.
5. Due to being an awesome researcher in the world of psychology, she presents her research at conferences all over the world! She recently came back from presenting in Florida and has recently won an award for the best presentation!
6. She’s the fastest reader out of all of us and approximately reads 20 books a month! I remember reading one of her wrap up posts and apparently 13 books a month is slow for her lol. Because of all of our varied reading paces, this is why we don’t get to buddy read all that much, although we did squeeze in The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl recently.
7. Jenna is absolutely relentless when it comes to recommending her favourite books. She will find every opportunity to bring up All the Light We Cannot See or The Infernal Devices, which you will know if you follow her blog, Reading With Jenna. She’s constantly trying to get Aila and I to buddy read The Infernal Devices too, and even made Aila buy it when they went book shopping together!
I hope you don’t mind Jenna :D! I LOVE YOU GIRLS <3
Latest posts by Jenna (see all)
- Love on the Brain Review: Deja Vu? - September 1, 2022
- The No-Show Review: Definitely Not What It Seems - July 28, 2022
- Something Wilder Review: A Wild, Adventure-Filled Story - June 30, 2022
Happy Blogoversary!
Hi Jeann I love to take pictures and selfies too. My bff is a reserved person and I'm a loud personality so we are very dofferent and she's always telling me that there's literally no reason to immortalize every moment in a picture but I just have to lol. Congratulations guys and thanks for the giveaway!
Oh and Aila your profile is set to private on goodreads so I couldn't follow you.
20 books a month! My gosh! I feel so lazy compared to that! I've read maybe 20-25 books this YEAR so far! I hate mornings. I try my best but I can't seem to get up before 6 unless I absolutely need to. And I will of course need my coffee first:) I can't believe she graduated from college (or well, university for that matter) at 18!
Haha I have absolutely no social life so I'm just always reading. But ever since Pokemon Go came out, I've been reading a lot less and playing a lot more Pokemon, especially on my commutes. I can feel myself slipping into a reading slump T_T. And ugghhhh, I can't even think about waking up before 8. In fact, I woke up at 8:30 today and I'm still ridiculously tired and sleepy 😀
Well I go to bed strictly between 10-10:30 every night (except weekends), but when I sleep late (8:00 per se), I am tired because I over-slept. I have no social life, but I've been choosing to watch TV instead of read… oops.
HAHA I thought the same thing when I saw Jeann write about me being up at 1am. Like 1am is an early bedtime for me 😀 I'm probably usually still awake when Aila gets up! (discounting the fact that we live in different timezones). She definitely needs to get checked out though. 3am is just crazy!!!
I can't imagine eating out with food intolerances! I'm so used to looking at a menu and not having to worry about what I can't eat. I'd be so devastated if I could no longer do that!
OH MY GOD YOU GIRLS ARE JUST TOO CUTE FOR WORDS. And why are all of you so smart???? Jenna's a psychology wizard, Jeann is a Jeannius (GRADUATING UNI AT 18 WHATTT I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL AT 18 OMG) and Aila the scheduling mastermind.
Rock on, girlies.
My recent post 8 Easy Ways To Spice Up Your Bullet Journal
Aila is a scheduling mastermind AND also scored super highly on her standardised tests! So really, I'm the average one of the group 😀
That is some early times to rise, I love my sleep and if it wasn't for work I would probably sleep very late!
Pokemon Go launched in the UK yesterday and already it has become so addictive, they are so cute though!
Great post ladies!
My recent post REVIEW – An Android Awakes by Mike French and Karl Brown
Pokemon Go is so much fun! I'm not as obsessed with it as Jeann is but I enjoy building up my collection and looking at my Pokedex slowly filling up 😀
OMG! I loved learning all these things about Aila and Jeann! Me and Jeann have our love for Pokemon in common and me and Aila wake up at ungodly hours… I've been up at 4am this whole week!!
Happy blogoversary!! 😀
My recent post The Mirror Queen | What’s Next? #7
OMG that's crazy. What?! How do you even? Why? OMG. GO BACK TO BED.
guys how do you survive? you're awake far too early. please just go back to sleep. for me. please
(i go to sleep between 2 and 4am most days)
My recent post Video Game Review: Gone Home
My exact thoughts!
You're both amazing bloggers <3
My recent post International Giveaway: Little Wants
They are! And they're the sweetest and most supportive people too!
Early birds?? Wow, I'm the same as you Jenna – not even fully awake until at least 9 am on most days – I somehow sleepwalk and stumble to get to school/work on time before then!
And it's so cool that you've met up with both Jeann and Aila – that's coblogging goals, right? 😀
And Jenna, I can't believe that you like the Infernal Devices too, woo!
I love how you guys are doing this blogoversary week event – it's such a great opportunity to get to know you all better! ^_^
My recent post When I First Saw You | The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee
Yeah! I can't imagine voluntarily getting up before 8am on any given day. And if I have to, I pretty much use up all my willpower for the day to get out of bed. I really don't understand how morning people do it 😀
I feel so lucky to have been able to meet Aila and Jeann. It was pure coincidence that my work conference took me to a place that was an hour from where Aila lived. Otherwise it would have never happened! What's even more awesome is that I'll probably be at that same conference next year so we'll be able to have another meet up!
I loved reading all the fun facts that you've picked up about us hehe, a great variety in there and I totally laughed at the "omg can you believe she did that for a pikachu" moment. I had the best time hijacking this post Jenna, SURPRISE! 😀
Okay to be honest if it wasn't far away and I had access to a car, I'd probably go back for Pikachu too. But Pikachu only 😀 I've had so much fun hearing about your Pokemon Go adventures on social media though!
This is the sweetest post ever! You girls have such gorgeous chemistry and you really bring it to your blog – it definitely makes you stand out. Happy blogversary (again). I cannot wait to see what you get up to in the next year!
My recent post {Liza Reviews} The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
Thanks Rachel! It's been so much fun blogging with Jeann and Aila for the past 9 months. Jeann has really welcomed us with open arms and it's been a great adventure!
Aaahw I love this post! 😀 So sweet!
And WAHH Pokemon is taking over the world again. XD
My recent post {Liza Reviews} The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
HAHA I've only been playing when I've actually been outdoors. There's no forcing myself to go out when I should be at home reading, am I right? XD
Your amazing Instagram bookish pictures! Thank you for the giveaway!
My recent post Blog Tour ARC Review+Giveaway: "Crystal Crowned" (Air Awakens #5) by Elise Kova
Thank you <3
I'm I fairly new follower to your blog and it was fun learning more about each of you in this post. 🙂
My recent post My Life of Writing
Thanks for following! I'm so glad you liked the post and the facts that I put together.
This is such an awesome post!
Happy partayyyy!!!!
My recent post Supe Shots feat. Jennifer Estep, Anne Calhoun, Julie Ann Walker
Glad you enjoyed it! I loved dishing the dirt and Jeann and Aila 😀
Haaappy Blogiversary guys! <3
My recent post Review: No Falling Allowed by Melissa West
Thank you! We've loved celebrating with everyone!
This awesome blog of course! And giveaways! Love me some giveaways!
Hehe we have a whole bunch of giveaways this week.
Jeann, you and Aila definitely need to read The Infernal Devices! I love that trilogy more than TMI. And Aila, if you want to hop on over and schedule some posts for me, that'd be great because I'm so behind! I'm thankful to not have any allergies or food intolerance because I LOVE TO EAT. My nephew, however, has tons and we have to make sure that he's safely eating at all times. He had a very bad reaction at school last year, and I'm glad that the staff acted quickly. I also read fast, and it's rare that I read less than 15 books a month. Well, unless I'm having some problems really focusing, but I always seem to be reading no matter what. It keeps me sane. Happy blogoversary again ladies!
My recent post Waiting on Wednesday #38 – American Street
Fast readers unite! Hehe I've been trying to get Jeann and Aila to read TID for soooo long! When I went book shopping with Aila, I literally grabbed what she already had in her hands, put it back on the shelf and forced her to buy Clockwork Angel. And she did so I'm waiting for her to read it now. I even bribed them with TID bookmarks… but I'm still waiting 😀
I loved getting the dish on each of you! Such fun. psst Jeann I read 20 + books a month too! Happy Blogoversary ladies! *throws confetti* I look forward to celebrating many more with you!
My recent post Rise: The Complete Newsflesh Collection by Mira Grant
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I was worried that my facts weren't funny enough so I'm glad they didn't disappoint 😀
Haha! OMG I love this so much, ladies.
Jeann, I need to see this photo with Orlando Bloom. And what???? How did you graduate at 18? That is insanely cool and I'm a little intimidated by you now. I love that you went back to that one place to get your Pikachu. 🙂
I'm going to have to remember to include a 3rd person if/when I visit Aila, because I have no sense of direction myself. And omg, why are you ashamed of your historical romances? Embrace it, girl, and come join me as fangirl over my bodice rippers! And holy shit! December? TEACH me your ways!
Seriously, this is so cute! I'm dying, Jenna!
My recent post Waiting on Wednesday (170): Bookstores & Beasts
When I first saw that picture of Jeann with Orlando Bloom, I like blew up! I was literally screaming while running around my house. It was soooo awesome! Hopefully she's shown you by now because it was AMAZING! And when you visit Aila, you should bring me 😉
Oh, I love reading these sides of you, ladies. I don't know which to comment on first. Lol.
1. I hate selfies, too.
2. Legolas! You lucky duck.
3. Wow. How many grades did you skip, Jeann? :O
4. I can't navigate to save my life. So, there goes Amazing Race for the both of us, Alia.
5.ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE is a brilliant piece of literature everyone should read.
Happy Anniversary again, ladies. <3
My recent post Photo Vomit [29]: #BookPorn
YES. Everyone should read All the Light We Cannot See! People call me out for my obsession with it but it's a MASTERPIECE! I also want to know how many grades Jeann skipped. She's definitely a superwoman! Hehe I'd like to see Aila be on the Amazing Race! It'd be so much fun to watch!
TOTALLY BUSTED. :'D Going on the Kindle app is always a trial in public because I'm secretly covering the phone screen like "DON'T LOOK AT THE ABS ON THE COVERS OF THESE BOOKS."
Honestly this list is the best and I'm so lucky to have you two wonderful people in my life <3
HAHAHA show off them abs to the world! That's so funny. But I do that sometimes with the books I read on public transport like "DONT JUDGE ME"
Hahaha way to go, Jeann! I love that she hijacked your post 😀 but it's a really cute post nonetheless! I know Jeann better, so I've loved learning more about Jenna and Aila. Happy blogoversary, ladies!
My recent post #FFREADATHON: Which Throne of Glass Character Are You & Sentimental Post Because Feels
It was such an unexpected surprise! I had no idea she'd done that until I saw the published post! It definitely put a smile on my face for the rest of the night though 😀
I love that Jeann is the selfie-queen! I am getting better at taking good selfies, so I completely understand 🙂 Happy blogoversary xoxo
My recent post Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts #73 – Don’t Tempt Me
Haha you should have been me dragging her down the street so that we could keep moving 😀