Indulgence Designs #2: Series Finales of Early 2016

February 8, 2016 by Aila J. | Features, Indulgence Designs


Welcome to another addition of Indulgence Designs! This time, I’ve decided to feature a couple of series that are ending in 2016. I may add some more for the latter half of this year, but for now these are the most upcoming ones. I also experimented a little with the designs – how do you guys think of this more minimal approach? I left things quite simplistic and symbolic rather than having it based on the cover and a tad messy like usual. Without further ado, I present to you the books that I would probably trade my firstborn to read.

Some rules:

  • All quotes belong to their respective author and publisher.
  • I used some elements from Free Pik to embellish these designs. I do not own them.
  • For personal use only.
  • Happy reading!

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater



Who doesn’t want to read about the Raven boys and Blue as we head to the finish of this magical series? We can finally read Stiefvater’s words after months of its release date being pushed back!

I for one am biting my nails in anticipation.


You can check out Jeann’s review for The Raven Boys here and Jenna’s review of the first book, The Dream Thieves, and Blue Lily, Lily Blue.

The Mirror King by Jodi Meadows



The next conclusion I can’t wait for is The Mirror King (oh look another king!) – especially with how its predecessor ended.

This duology has fantasmic characters, and let’s not forget about the stunning covers. While waiting, you should totally check out the novellas being released from Tobiah’s point of view.

My review of the first book, The Orphan Queen, can be found here.

The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkoski



Last, but certainly not the least, is The Winner’s Kiss, in which I will probably cry ugly tears while reading due to feels overload. I just want Kestrel and Arin to be safe, okay? And together. That would be nice. But alas, like it says in the graphic, “war has begun.” *ugly sobs*

Reviews for the first two books can be found by Jeann (1 & 2), Jenna (1 & 2), and me (1 & 2).



I thought this was witty because the title is The Winner’s Kiss so the trophy = winner and the lips = kiss. Get it??? Haha I can be really lame sometimes. 😛 I left a link to the full image just in case one of you guys appreciate my joke and are willing to embellish your phone background with emojis.

If you guys end up using one of these, I’d love to know! Are there any other series that are ending this year that you can’t wait for? Yay or nay to a more simplistic design? Would you like to join me in a prayer circle for all these characters that must be protected?


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Aila is a young adult reader who loves to transport herself to new dimensions through reading. She's currently an undergraduate student at university in the US. Let's talk about our obsessions on Twitter @aila_1woaa!


59 responses to “Indulgence Designs #2: Series Finales of Early 2016

  1. OH MY GOODNESS. OH MY GOODNESS. These are all so gorgeous. <3 The Raven King one is my favorite though. Speaking of, I really do need to get caught up with that series, I've only read The Raven Boys but I loved it. <3 Ooh, and I'm dying to read The Winner's Kiss!
    My recent post Mini reviews: { Feminism }

  2. These are amazing Aila! I'm eagerly awaiting The Winner's Kiss too! Another one would be the next book in the Bone Season series and Furthermore by Mafi. Oh Mafi, how I love thee! Thanks for sharing poppet and can't wait for the next indulgence designs! <3
    My recent post First and Then… Perfection

    • YESSS OMIGOSH I can't believe the next book in the Bone Season series comes out NEXT YEAR? *dies from old age while waiting* If I could travel forward in time, I would definitely head to that book first.

      Furthermore seems like so much fun! I still need to pick up one of Mafi's books hehe.

  3. Rachel Lightwood

    Aila, I swear you're a genius! These designs are gorgeous! I haven't read any of these series yet but I want to just so I can use these.

  4. These are SO pretty! I love the minimalist look, and I really need to catch up on The Raven Cycle (I keep saying this, but I MUST, before I get spoiled somehow) and read The Orphan Queen. And The Winner's Kiss… I don't know what to even say, because I NEED it to be good. If all these books turn out to be as lovely as your designs, we'll be in good shape 😀
    My recent post How Book Boyfriends Win Valentine’s Day

    • Aw, thanks so much Shannon! <3 Glad you think so.

      Oh yeah, I definitely need a reread of The Raven Cycle before starting The Raven King… it's been so long since I've read Blue Lily, Lily Blue!

      AHH The Winner's Kiss is going to be amazing, I can already tell. :'))

  5. I love the designs in this one!

    I'm getting to that point in waiting for The Raven King where I get vaguely anxious every time I think about it. This kind of thing doesn't generally happen until the day before the release… but this series is pretty special!
    My recent post Review: Passenger

    • NOOO @ book banning! If you had to pick, these would be very excellent ones to read! 😉

      The hues all match the covers of the final books!

  6. aentee @ read at midnight

    These are beautiful Aila, I especially love the one you made of The Mirror King, such beautiful colours!

    Also, this reminds me I need to continue reading ALL of these series XD

    • Thanks so much Aentee <33 I tried to match the colors with the original book cover, so of course The Mirror King has nice picks, hehe.

      WHATTTT you haven't caught up yet?! OH EM GEE they're all so good :'D


    And I am so excited for all of these books to come out. Especially The Winner's Kiss because that cliffhanger was torturous. *cries* Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! <3

    • ME TOO. (My metaphorical firstborn haha) I feel like it's going to be so painful yet so good at the same time. :')) Can't wait to see what Rutkoski has in store for us!

    • Thanks so much Lauren! <3 Those seem to be the popular ones… I would have to agree with you. 🙂 There's more room for symbolism with simpler designs!

    • Thank you Bec! <3 I'M EXCITED AND TERRIFIED TOO. I feel like reading them will be half tears and half laughing and smiling but sniffling at the same time. :'D I CAN'T WAIT!!

    • Thanks so much Lis! <3 I tried to match the colors to the original covers of the book, so naturally they would fit well hehe. 😉 I wouldn't kill for the books, but I wouldn't mind sacrificing my firstborn's soul maybe…

  8. lessca8sings

    These are all amazing Aila! (Ok, I admit, I don't like 'The Winner's Kiss' as well as the others-sorry.) But I do think that the simpler style is gorgeous! I just now set 'The Raven King' piece as my wallpaper.
    The Raven Cycle is the only series out of these that I've read, but I do want to read Rutkoski's series at some point. Even so, I would totally join a prayer circle with you. I CAN'T WATCH MY BABIES DIE. The torture that is the reading life *sigh* It's still worth it though. And in dire times, I can always reread.
    My recent post Thursday Quotables (the fifth)

    • Thanks so much! And haha it's no prob – that one seems to be the least popular! 😛 Ahhhh that means so much girl <3
      That's true! Rereads literally save lives 😀 YESSS LET US PRAY FOR THESE PRECIOUS BBYS. I just want them to be safe!! You really should read The Winner's Kiss though – it's awesome!

    • Thanks girl! <3

      OMG, you must catch up so you can read the epic finale of The Raven King! They even pushed back the release date by half a year.

    • THANK YOU GIRL <3 Yayy I'm so glad you like the one for The Winner's Kiss – I really can't wait for that conclusion! I think you'll really enjoy Kestrel's wits in the trilogy. 🙂

    • WHAT YOU HAVENT?! You really should! They're allll aMAzing… you really need to pick one up soon! <3 Thanks so much – hopefully I've convinced you to start them! WE CAN FANGIRL TOGETHAAA.

    • Aww man Joan, thanks so much! <3 I'm definitely thinking of making more – next time maybe for series starters this year? Hehe. AHH WE SHALL SEE THEIR FATES. I will protect them with all my being!!

    • THANK YOU SO MUCH. <3 You definitely should catch up to the Raven Boys. That series is just fantastic – each book is unique onto itself!

  9. I absolutely love the minimalist design Aila, it's just so pretty paired with the watercolours! The Raven King makes me want to read the rest of the series now and I love the watercolours you used in the Mirror King!

  10. *sobs* Please give me these books now. PLEASE. I need to find out how it ends for my babies! Everybody needs to get married and Gansey needs to not die.

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