Indulgence Insider #57 – Hello Internet. We Meet Again.

July 24, 2016 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Books, Features, Indulgence Insider


Indulgence Insider is our version of Stacking the Shelves, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged and the Sunday Post, bringing you this week’s haul, bookish news and discussion posts from around the blogosphere!

Here I am, talking to you all from my new house! We’ve still got a lot of unpacking to do and I’m still too scared to go through my multitude of boxes, but it feels great finally having a place to call our own. Getting our internet connected didn’t take too long either. I don’t know what I would’ve done without Jenna and Aila and 3g internet on the phone! 

Not gonna lie, I’ve also been hopelessly addicted to Pokemon Go. Seriously, I’ve been playing everyday and I have been spending hours after work catching them. So while I’ve been catching them all, I’ve been reading a lot less. I’ve only read a grand total of 4 books this month!!!

I hope you enjoyed our blog party last week! We had lots of fun with planning out our posts and everything. Let us know what your favourite post was (my personal favourite was when I hijacked Jenna’s post cos she was so surprised :D)!

Current giveaways: 


Book Haul

So packing up my thousands of books caused me lots of grief, I kept on running out of boxes and had to run out and get more. There were lots of tears, I tell you. I have book unpacking anxiety now, so I’m not sure when I’ll get around to setting up that majestic library of my dreams. Lucky I got more books from publishers to keep me occupied!

Review Copies

July 2016 book haul

And I Darken by Kiersten White
Black by Fleur Ferris
Special by Georgia Blain
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
The Crown’s Game by Evelyn Skye
The Book That Made Me edited by Judith Ridge
The Loneliness of Distant Beings by Kate Ling
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (Movie Edition)
Promising Azra by Helen Thurloe
The Boundless Sublime by Lili Wilkinson
Ship Kings 4: The ocean of the Dead by Andrew McGahan
Nerve by Jeanne Ryan
Den of Wolves by Juliet Marillier

See, no unpacking necessary!

Thanks to Penguin Random House, Allen & Unwin, Simon & Schuster, Pan Macmillan Australia, HarperCollins and Walker Books.

Library Books

library books July 2016

One would question why I would still need to go to the library but I didn’t choose the book worm life, the book worm life chose me.


OzYAY on Air – 7 Aug

It’s always lots of fun talking about the latest Aussie YA reads for OzYay on Air! Our next reads are When Michael Met Mina (which I’ve already read and is excellent) and The Beauty is in the Walking. Tune in on 7 Aug 7-8pm AEST on your local ABC radio station, the ABC radio app or at!


Listen to the last OzYay podcast on Becoming Kirrali Lewis & One Would Think the Deep:

All OzYay segments are available here.

Bookish News


How was your bookish week?

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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45 responses to “Indulgence Insider #57 – Hello Internet. We Meet Again.

  1. Hahahha don't worry I didn't blog at all during this month, well rarely anyways, all thanks to Pokemon Go. AND I AM MOVING IN 2 DAYS AND I SWEAR IF THE APARTMENT WAS GIVEN TO SOMEONE ELSE I WILL FREAK AND CRY (though I'm hoping that this is just all in my mind. It probably is)

    Glad you finally have internet! Catch all the pokemon Jeann!
    My recent post Review: Nevernight

  2. Cyn @ Bookmunchies

    Ah yay, so exciting, new home!! I just recently moved-ish back home (since I'm mostly done my grad studies now) and my poor parents had to help me move alllll my crap and books and I wasn't even around to help unpack because I left for Indonesia haha.

    I can't wait to see your bookshelves!!! Also, life is definitely so hard without internet haha.
    Congrats on the new home and enjoy all your books!
    My recent post RRSReview: My Lady Jane by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows

    • Thank you, I\’m not surprised about those unopened boxes! Sometimes you don\’t want to throw things away because of the memories but they do clutter up the house.

  3. Jane Whittingham

    Oh Pokemon Go! The library where I work is a gym, so we've been getting groups of young people trying to look casual as they lean against the side of the building exercising their pokemon. 😉

  4. OMG how exciting is it that Aila is going to die in Gemina!! I'll definitely be looking closely for that and take multiple pictures of it for Twitter 😀

  5. MsArdychan

    I am a new follower via Bloglovin. What a wonderful blog! I am eagerly wanting to read And I Darken, and The crown's Game. Congratulations on moving. I know it can be stressful, but also it is fun to have a new start in a new home. Have a wonderful week.

    • Thanks for following, I appreciate it! I\’ve just picked up Crown\’s Game and it seems promising so far. Thank you, I\’m still a bit unsettled about it I think.

  6. Braine-Talk Supe

    My kid is addicted to Pokemon Go too so I complete understand where you're coming from. Enjoy your new books!

  7. Michelle

    Congrats on the new house! Book packing is always dreadful, but I LOVE getting to put my new shelves in order — I've always found it to be fairly therapeutic. Glad you managed to find so many new books to tide you over while everything is in boxes!

    • Thanks Michelle, it'd be exciting putting the new shelves together once I decide where they go. I'm glad as well, no need to sit on the bus with nothing to read hehe.

  8. Josephine

    Congrats at moving in to your new home! Good luck with all the book unpacking, I feel your anxiety, but it'll all be worth it. I've been obsessed with Pokemon GO too, in fact, just past night I went out until 10 with my boyfriend and by best friend and her boyfriend to go out Pokemon hunting – we had some pizza and then went for a stroll – it was so cold, but in the name of Pokemon we went, haha!
    Ah! I wish Rainbow Rowell and David Levithan were coming to Perth too…*sob*
    I'm so excited to see more news regarding Everything, Everything. That's exciting!
    My recent post BRUNCH YOCALLY

    • Thank you Josie, it will definitely be worth it once I get new shelves and decide where they go too hehe. Awww that sounds so sweet with the Pokemon hunting! It's definitely letting us get out and about a lot more easier. I hope you have a lovely week Josie!

  9. downrightdystopian

    I want to check out the Crown's Game so badly! I'm actually a little nervous though because I have actually seen quite a few negative reviews about it lately. However, it just sounds so dang amazing! I also really want to check out Nerve. However, I may just go see the movie first since it's coming out so soon. Happy reading!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
    My recent post Meet Flo! | SBPT

  10. I'm glad you survived the move Jeann. I think I'm about to move and I usually try to cull my books when I do so. I've had this apartment for about 4yrs so accumulated quite a few books. Again.

    More importantly I'm glad you were able to get the internet hooked up quickly!

    I'm avoiding Pokemon Go cos I really don't need yet another addiction! 😉
    My recent post Weekly check-in

  11. dkwon100

    Omg I'm so jealous, so many awesome books, I hope you enjoy them all 🙂 New house for the win! I've been obsessed with Pokemon Go too, I've been spending hours in the city xD Pretty good exercise though!
    My recent post Get to Know Alise

    • Thanks Alyssa, it was a bit frustrating last week when I couldn\’t find anything but I\’ve unpacked a lot now since the weekend. Glad to hear you enjoyed Den of Wolves! I haven\’t read the series yet. You too!

  12. Ooh, When Michael Met Mina is going to be an awesome discussion and so relevant at the moment as well. Congratulations again on the new house, it's amazing how house proud you become when you stop renting and move into a house that's yours. Sadly with the economy nowadays, it's something that a lot of young people might never experience. Ooh, Black and And I Darken are brilliant reads, looking forward to seeing what you think of them when you finish unpacking. On the plus side though, not you can rearrange your shelves 😉
    My recent post Sexy Sexy Nevernight

  13. fullybookedreviews

    Aaah, so many lovelies to enjoy! I really loved I'll Meet you There, as well as And I Darken. Looking forward to seeing what you think!

  14. I feel ya. Our house is pretty much all packed up except for a few essential things and we are gearing to move into our new place on Monday. >.< I called this past week to schedule internet to be turned on the day after we move in. LoL I'm hoping we know where we are putting the desk and have a path cleared for the guy by then. I just couldn't deal with not having internet for longer than that. I hope the unpacking is going smoothly.
    My recent post Sunday Wrap-Up #47

  15. sjhigbee

    Ha ha! My son came to stay this week and introduced us to the world of Pokemon Go, pointing out everyone who was playing as we drove down the main street… My goodness – I thought I had more books than I needed… it's always a comfort to find a fellow addict and I know EXACTLY what you mean about the library. We have enough books at home to read till the next the next decade, but that doesn't prevent us from trooping off there every week to get more. Have a great week and best of luck capturing more of the little virtual beasties:).

  16. Bec

    YAY FOR FINALLY GETTING INTERNET!! That's half the struggle of moving haha. The other half is unpacking, especially books. Hopefully you get it all settled soon 🙂

    Also SO MANY AMAZING BOOKS I WANT TO READ! Like Crown's Game, Outrun the Moon, Vanishing Throne. I hope you enjoy them all 😀
    My recent post Get to Know Alise

  17. Heheh it's been so much fun being addicted to it and seeing it on social media! It is pretty exciting I guess I just need to take it easy with the unpacking. It's just stressful when I can't find a chopping board etc. when I need one.

    • Right! I'm kinda frustrated with it at the moment though because all I'm getting are ekans and zubats haha. Oh yeah, I definitely understand that!!! Hopefully it'll all be done soon and you can just relax and enjoy yourself 🙂

  18. Wahoo for moving into your new home and having internet again! I am sure you will be settled in in no time! LOL on the library comment. We have to support our local library ..its the bookworm thing to do. Um..pokemon no.

  19. signourney

    Ah it feels great when you are finally able to move into your new home. I put of unboxing a lot of things for years after we moved though. So I get your unboxing anxiety with the books. But just imagine how pretty they'll look in your new home.

    Enjoy your new house! <3
    My recent post (Biweekly) Sunday Post #40

    • I know, it's been so exciting but also stressful at the same time – couldn't find a chopping board when I needed one today lol. Yeah, I'm really keen to get set up with the new shelves, but still in the planning phase at the moment. Thank you!

  20. Yay for the new house! We're in the middle of buying our house and it's very exciting, so congratulations on the move! 🙂 I'm not looking forward to unpacking all my books either hehe.

    I can see a few books in your haul that I haven't heard of before, so I'm going to check them out now.
    My recent post June Book Haul!

    • Yippee, thank you Natalie that is so exciting! Good luck with everything especially the moving process! It's definitely a rewarding experience.

    • It is definitely exciting Christy! Yeah, lots of books lol. It's pretty funny seeing people playing especially when they're all congregated in crowds lol.

    • Yeah, it is definitely stressful, there were so many tears when I was packing up because it felt like it was endless. Now I'm unpacking but at least I can take my time with it and to find a place for everything again.

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